Julep October 2014 (Spoilers)

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Even though my box said it was paid for and that I have one remaining, and instead they're charging me for a renewal, I think I'm going to stay. I knew it was a glitch that would be righted eventually. I've been enjoying the customizable boxes so far and the November and holiday polishes look like ones I'll want. Plus I'll have enough Jules for a free box by the time the renewal runs out. The only Juleps I want at this point are new releases, so I might as well stay subbed as long as they're releasing colors I like.

It's not a GREAT value subscription, but the ability to curate my own box into items that I definitely want is worth it to me. I think that's why I can't get excited about non-personalized subs... I don't like paying for a collection of mystery things that I might consider garbage.

There's now a pending transaction on my account.  Argh.  I don't need this right now.  Going to call the credit card company this afternoon while I'm waiting around for the AC repair guy.

So are you paying for October? Or are they applying your credit?
I am going to pay for October because I want it-so they are giong to be refunding me 39.98 apparently. That means they're only charging me 19.99 + tax for October when I think I should actually be paying 24.99, but I'm happy to be on monthly (and get October!)

Hey ladies I did not purchase the October box but somehow I am able to see the secret store. Is it already open and for all??

Hey ladies I did not purchase the October box but somehow I am able to see the secret store. Is it already open and for all??
It's open for me as well. But I originally picked a box and then skipped. After the Mystery Box debacle I'm hesitant to buy anything at all.

I've also been able to see the secret store for a few days now.  I'm tempted by the 9.99 Fall Surprise but there's not even a value listed so yeah, I dont know about that one 

I am going to pay for October because I want it-so they are giong to be refunding me 39.98 apparently. That means they're only charging me 19.99 + tax for October when I think I should actually be paying 24.99, but I'm happy to be on monthly (and get October!)
I called and they are also having me pay for October but they refunded me for the next two months and put me on a monthly subscription so I can use my Jules next month. They were actually super helpful and I got the feeling they've been taking a lot of calls like mine.

I still haven't called but I checked my Julep account this morning and now my order history says my total is $0 again... Still haven't been charged anything and no shipping email either.

Wow, just got my October box in the mail! Mine was Classic with a Twist (Face Mask, DeAnn, and Logan), no add-ons or substitutions. Everything was there, no breakage or spills. The extra is candy corn. Fitting for October, but one of my least favorite things to eat...ever.

New code: 20PLUS for $10 off $20 or more order (all the usual exclusions)

Yay! Just used the 20PLUS code to get the cuticle softener from the secret store, Monaco/Goldie/Octavia (Out of the Blue set) and an add of Joelle for less than $18!!!! Wohoooo! Glad I skipped October and got this deal instead. 4 polishes and a cuticle softener that I have been needing anyways. 

Instead of getting a box this month, I used a code and got  some great polishes for cheap. I had a really bad day but my package was said to have been delivered. I get home and the office at my apartment complex closed early, so my package is held hostage until tomorrow.  :angry:  I know its not that big of a deal, but ya know when you have your heart set on something? Well I was hoping my terrible day would get a little better with an at home mani/pedi with some fresh paint. Oh well, tomorrow it is!

Has anyone gotten shipping notifications? I know they've been sort of late recently, but I haven't seen anything. Also, this might be a dumb question, but what are the rules on using the $10 off $20 code?

Has anyone gotten shipping notifications? I know they've been sort of late recently, but I haven't seen anything. Also, this might be a dumb question, but what are the rules on using the $10 off $20 code?
Yep, mine actually just got delivered today! It's being held my apt complex's packaging place so I'll pick it up tomorrow.  Hope you get yours soon!

After my cancellation drama, and being charged (at least a pending charge), I got a shipment notification anyway.  I have no idea what's going on now.  They definitely canceled my subscription even though they billed me for a 3-month renewal (which would have meant two months after this one).  But everything maven-related is gone from my account now (can't see past boxes, stopped being able to access the secret store back when it was open).  So I don't know if they're going to refund me for two months or three months or what.  I'll check my cc statement when I get home from work, I suppose.  The charge from Julep was pending for a long time (longer than charges are usually pending).

I got my dark arts box yesterday & cleopatra is already on my nails-- Luv it!!! I also got dana as an add on-- it looks super cool... Now, I just need to buy a black light & throw a party.

Ok so I never called and was never charged and my box shipped today. Seems like every time someone with the 3 month deal called they got screwed over so I didn't want to bother. I will definitely cancel that account once my box comes because Julep is losing my interest fast these days. In all reality, if it wasn't for the crazy $16 deal I probably would've skipped all the months I got with it.

I got the Dark Arts box today even though I canceled (was a bit too late).  I can't see any Maven stuff when I log in so I think I am done, though I will have to harass them about refunding the two months I won't be getting.  Would've liked to stay but, yeah, my car died yesterday (engine conked out for good while I was in the middle of an intersection) and so I need to deal with car payments now.  Will have to cancel most subscriptions, though thankfully I have a huge stash of almost everything to work through and some Birchbox points to get things I don't have.

Wow, just got my October box in the mail! Mine was Classic with a Twist (Face Mask, DeAnn, and Logan), no add-ons or substitutions. Everything was there, no breakage or spills. The extra is candy corn. Fitting for October, but one of my least favorite things to eat...ever.

New code: 20PLUS for $10 off $20 or more order (all the usual exclusions)
That was the same extra last year.


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