Let's Get Fit Together!

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I hung a calender up in my room. I am going to have a goal of hitting the gym 3x a week. I want to be back in my 4's! I'm on 10's... >.> According to my doctor I need to lose 5 inches or so and about 20 pounds to be in the healthier range for my height. If only I could grow vertical.... +_+ Divadoll, you story inspires me!
That's awesome! Ido suggest that you do some exercise everyday rather than just 3x. It takes 3500 calories either reduction in caloric intake or thru exercise to lose 1lb. I find it too hard to cut too many calories from my diet or have to keep track of when I have to go to work out. 1/2 of exercise a day is easier on the body. Lactic acid doesn't build up and make you all sore and stiff. Keep us posted on your progress. As for me, I went shopping at Value Village to get some smaller jeans! I don't really want to spend a lot because they aren't going to stay in my closet for too long.
Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

what kind of juice?
My usual juice is beet, pineapple, pear, lime, carrot, kale or some sort of lettuce or leafy green, and cucumber

You don't find that the beets make it taste kinda muddy?  

I've made juice with beets before (washed and peeled) and it tasted kinda muddy so I've never made that again.

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You don't find that the beets make it taste kinda muddy?  

I've made juice with beets before (washed and peeled) and it tasted kinda muddy so I've never made that again.
it does make it taste earthy but its really good for the condition that i have so i drink it anyway. i'm used to it now. and i only use 1 baby beet.

Oh good.  I thought it was just us that thought it was muddy.  I served it to my family once and noone wanted it because of it.  I thought I did something wrong.  Those infomercials that add beets to the juice...those people are all yumming over it when I thought it tasted like soil. 

I used regular beets tho and not baby ones.  We like eating beets tho...roasted with some butter (yum).

Going to the gym today! And committing to doing some form of physical activuty every day of September.

Yay!  That's awesome!

I'm currently between 14 and 12.  12 is still a bit small.  I'm waiting to be a full 12 to get a few pieces of clothing to get to me thru to size 10.  I want to be an 8 again. 

Despite all the restaurant food this weekend, I've still lost 2lbs. I went shopping for some better fitting clothes and also some clothing that I want to fit in the next couple of weeks as they are a little small.  I only bought 2 items that are a little small and they were from a vintage store.  They were 1/2 off so they were $5ea.  I'm going to continue shopping vintage until I get to my goal weight.  No sense in paying full price for clothing that'll hopefully only last me a few more months :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have been doing pretty good with the exercise. I did a Latin Heat class @ LA Fitness on Friday, I did intervals for 2 miles on Saturday, I walked on Sunday and I did a BodyWorks plus Abs class @ the gym again yesterday. That one was hardcore and I am sore today. I am not sure if I should go ahead and do intervals again today or do nothing, because of the sore-ness. Anyway, I like that I am getting into workout mode again. I feel instatly better after a workout, I like it! I also went shopping this weekend for some slacks and dress pants for work, and was able to get a size 6 which are snug so they should fit even after I lose 5 lbs.

Unfortunately for your poor achy body, you have to work thru the pain to get the lactic acid out of your muscles that is causing the stiff and soreness :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Resting today, will only mean you'll still be sore tomorrow.

Originally Posted by yanelib27 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have been doing pretty good with the exercise. I did a Latin Heat class @ LA Fitness on Friday, I did intervals for 2 miles on Saturday, I walked on Sunday and I did a BodyWorks plus Abs class @ the gym again yesterday. That one was hardcore and I am sore today. I am not sure if I should go ahead and do intervals again today or do nothing, because of the sore-ness. Anyway, I like that I am getting into workout mode again. I feel instatly better after a workout, I like it! I also went shopping this weekend for some slacks and dress pants for work, and was able to get a size 6 which are snug so they should fit even after I lose 5 lbs.
Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Unfortunately for your poor achy body, you have to work thru the pain to get the lactic acid out of your muscles that is causing the stiff and soreness :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Resting today, will only mean you'll still be sore tomorrow.

Quote: Originally Posted by yanelib27 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have been doing pretty good with the exercise. I did a Latin Heat class @ LA Fitness on Friday, I did intervals for 2 miles on Saturday, I walked on Sunday and I did a BodyWorks plus Abs class @ the gym again yesterday. That one was hardcore and I am sore today. I am not sure if I should go ahead and do intervals again today or do nothing, because of the sore-ness. Anyway, I like that I am getting into workout mode again. I feel instatly better after a workout, I like it! I also went shopping this weekend for some slacks and dress pants for work, and was able to get a size 6 which are snug so they should fit even after I lose 5 lbs.
Boo! O well, thats all the motivation I need to get on the treadmill. Thanks!
I was SORE from squats for the first few days then it went away and I'm not sore anymore.  I do get the occasional stiffness when I'd been laying on the bed watching TV that I have to get up and walk a bit.  

If you take a day off, its so much easier to take another day off and another.  Many days I think to myself, I have skipped days and its just so much harder to get my ass going again the day after.

Went to the gym today. My leg is starting to feel better but its still holding me back. I think its going to take a while to heal. But in the mean time I'll just go to the gym and do what I can. Better than nothing at all.

made it into the gym today fore trhe first time in a while. Felt good to do a quick bike ride and swim. My boyfriend is very distracted by the DNC which is giving me a lot of time to fill which might be a good thing, lol. 

Went to the gym today. My leg is starting to feel better but its still holding me back. I think its going to take a while to heal. But in the mean time I'll just go to the gym and do what I can. Better than nothing at all.
I That is so awesome! There's lots you can do that doesn't involve putting pressure on you leg.
I've been soooo busy with starting the school year, so I haven't been able to hit the gym as much as I wish. A few times a week I take an hour walk in the evening and at least once I have been doing a group session at the gym for around 45 minutes. I don't know if I can continue at this pace though with student teaching and work! I'm hoping that I will lose at least 15 pounds by mid-October. I have been sticking to a strict 1200ish calorie diet and avoiding too many carbs. I eat too much rice/bread on a daily basis so I have just been incorporating more vegetables and fruits instead of heavy carbs and sugar. Since I started in May, I've lost 20 pounds. Slow and steady!

I've been soooo busy with starting the school year, so I haven't been able to hit the gym as much as I wish. A few times a week I take an hour walk in the evening and at least once I have been doing a group session at the gym for around 45 minutes. I don't know if I can continue at this pace though with student teaching and work! I'm hoping that I will lose at least 15 pounds by mid-October. I have been sticking to a strict 1200ish calorie diet and avoiding too many carbs. I eat too much rice/bread on a daily basis so I have just been incorporating more vegetables and fruits instead of heavy carbs and sugar. Since I started in May, I've lost 20 pounds. Slow and steady!
Wow! 15lbs in 6wks is a tall order. That means you'll have to cut 1250 calories from your diet a day to lose 2.5lbs a week either by exercise or food intake. It probably is do-able but you don't want to end up stalling your metabolism by going into starvation mode. Then you just won't lose any weight despite your efforts.
Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That is so awesome! There's lots you can do that doesn't involve putting pressure on you leg.
I usually do the ARC trainer and the bike. I did the treadmill yesterday and I could feel my leg muscle giving me some grief but it wasn't terrible. Takes a while for a torn muscle to heal.

We bought a new treadmill recently (got a really good deal!) so I'll be using that. It's fancy, and if I spend another $100 I can get a little doodad that plugs into it to have more fancy things (more audio workouts, maps, etc).

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

We bought a new treadmill recently (got a really good deal!) so I'll be using that. It's fancy, and if I spend another $100 I can get a little doodad that plugs into it to have more fancy things (more audio workouts, maps, etc).
Good, let us know if you actually use it!
 I had one for 2 years or so and used it only a handful of times.


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