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Haha.. yeah. My boyfriend has used it a million times already.. I've only used it once so far but we only got it this weekend.

I've been using the treadmill we got at the end of May.  From June to now, I have lost 25lbs.  You should really use it.  Its probably one of the best exercise machines.  It can work all parts of your body.  I'm on it every day.  

You don't need too many gadgets, they are just a waste of $$.  Maps? of what?  You aren't walking anywhere!

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

We bought a new treadmill recently (got a really good deal!) so I'll be using that. It's fancy, and if I spend another $100 I can get a little doodad that plugs into it to have more fancy things (more audio workouts, maps, etc).
Originally Posted by yanelib27 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Good, let us know if you actually use it!
 I had one for 2 years or so and used it only a handful of times.
The maps make the incline go up/down as if  you were walking somewhere real.. yeah $100 is a waste for that.

Originally Posted by amberlamps /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The maps make the incline go up/down as if  you were walking somewhere real.. yeah $100 is a waste for that.
lol I agree just go to the park or hiking somewhere, the fall is usually nice weather for outdoor stuff, even in TX where I am we get decent enough weather from Nov to March -ish

I just make it go up and down myself. Mine also has program for rolling hills which randomly goes up and down at 2minute intervals. Usually I just keep going up until I'm tired then I go flat. Then I start going up again.

Does anyone have any workout DVD's they really like?  I go to Zumba once a week, then do the DVD's at home.  I also just got one of the Dancing with the Stars cardio DVD's and holy crap I thought I was going to have a heart attack during the jive!  I have one by Julianne Hough that I don't care for at all.  I'm always looking to see what other people like.  I tend to enjoy the dance based ones most.

Does anyone do any exercises with a kettle bell?? I really need to work on my upper body strength and I was thinking about getting one with an instructional dvd.

I was looking at some at the store today.  I'm afraid I'd hit the TV or someone.  You can probably check out youtube and see if it looks interesting.

Originally Posted by Hezzie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Does anyone do any exercises with a kettle bell?? I really need to work on my upper body strength and I was thinking about getting one with an instructional dvd.
Originally Posted by Hezzie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Does anyone do any exercises with a kettle bell?? I really need to work on my upper body strength and I was thinking about getting one with an instructional dvd.
I do, I don't have a dvd or anything though.  Mine came with a little booklet of different exercises to do.  They really do give you a whole body workout.  BTW, Target has had all their kettlebells 50% off. 

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I was looking at some at the store today.  I'm afraid I'd hit the TV or someone.  You can probably check out youtube and see if it looks interesting.
I was thinking the same thing lol I'll have to keep pretty clear of the TV.


Originally Posted by Lisa N /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I do, I don't have a dvd or anything though.  Mine came with a little booklet of different exercises to do.  They really do give you a whole body workout.  BTW, Target has had all their kettlebells 50% off. 

Awesome. I'll be right near a Target today, I'll have to check it out. Thanks!

I went to Target and kettle bells weren't 50% off but I did get a new yoga dvd. I can't wait to try it.

It's been 10 months since I started taking steps to get in better shape and more recently started a gluten-free lifestyle. This was me in November of 2011 compared to today. I went from a size 11 to a size 4/5 and now weigh 109lbs!!! My cardiologist check up is next month and I couldn't be more excited to see if he gives me a thumbs up 

It's been 10 months since I started taking steps to get in better shape and more recently started a gluten-free lifestyle. This was me in November of 2011 compared to today. I went from a size 11 to a size 4/5 and now weigh 109lbs!!! My cardiologist check up is next month and I couldn't be more excited to see if he gives me a thumbs up  :laughing:
Holy crap! You are my inspiration! I have officially dropped 30lbs from June. I want to be a size 8 from size 13-14 in another 7 months *fingers crossed*.
Went to zumba tonight, one hour class and I had a blast! I will probably go to the gym again tomorrow, Wed, and Thursday, take a break Friday and go to Pilates class on Saturday. 

Originally Posted by NoInsanity /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Have you gone to bodyrock.tv? They have great short workout videos for free online
No I haven't but I will have to check it out. I did my new yoga dvd yesterday, it was hard! But I loved it.

Originally Posted by Fairest of all /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It's been 10 months since I started taking steps to get in better shape and more recently started a gluten-free lifestyle. This was me in November of 2011 compared to today. I went from a size 11 to a size 4/5 and now weigh 109lbs!!! My cardiologist check up is next month and I couldn't be more excited to see if he gives me a thumbs up 

Woop woop! Congrats!

Originally Posted by Fairest of all /img/forum/go_quote.gif

It's been 10 months since I started taking steps to get in better shape and more recently started a gluten-free lifestyle. This was me in November of 2011 compared to today. I went from a size 11 to a size 4/5 and now weigh 109lbs!!! My cardiologist check up is next month and I couldn't be more excited to see if he gives me a thumbs up 

You look amazing! That is wonderful and you are an inspiration!

Originally Posted by divadoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Holy crap! You are my inspiration! I have officially dropped 30lbs from June. I want to be a size 8 from size 13-14 in another 7 months *fingers crossed*.
Originally Posted by Hezzie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Woop woop! Congrats!
Originally Posted by NoInsanity /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You look amazing! That is wonderful and you are an inspiration!
Thanks everyone!!! 

Diva: That sounds like a totally reasonable goal and I'm sure you'll be able to do it!!! 

I used to run 5 miles a day until I dislocated my left knee early last year - I haven't run regularly since then because I still get stabbing pains in my knee when I try. Sometimes I can't even walk properly. I'm in physical therapy and my PT has given me the all clear to get back to running with a program she's set up for me, and now that the weather has cooled down to tolerable, I can't wait to start!

I don't really have any weight loss goals since I already have a pretty athletic build (5'5, 125 lbs, 18% body fat, and I'm about a size 2 - I could go up or down a size depending on the store), but I'd like to tone up just a bit more, and I want abs!! I always have that little stubborn layer of fat that won't budge and since I'm headed off to holiday in 3 months, I REALLY just want to zap it so I won't be so self conscious over it all the time.

I never watch what I eat but because of my stomach being terrible, all that I really can eat regularly is pretty much fruit, veg, dairy, and fish, which are all healthy.


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