Let's Talk: Trouble Spots

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May 10, 2007
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What would you say is not your best looking feature? or your impefections? Do you solve your problems with MU?

My non-best looking feature would have to be my totally not hot mustache.
I hate it when I don't wear MU. Concealer, bronzer, or something has to be on my top lip if nothing else to hide the "stache". lol It's not like it's a full blown mustache or anything, but it's just very very dark on my top lip. I've used lightening creams after lightening creams and all they did was irritate the heck out of me!

I use Studio Finish Concealer by MAC to hide my trouble spot. It works pretty good. Just when my face starts to sweat it starts looking kinda orangish above my lip. Not cute.

My disgusting under eye bags!!!

OMG, I hate them sooo much. I'm still tryina figure out how to get rid of them.

Tried to disguise them with makeup once, but it was a bust...

They are the bane! of my existence...


I have acne marks that never go away and are hard to conceal near my cheeks. It makes blush look really shitty and hard to blend.

My eyebrows!! Theyre hard to fill and I can never get them to look the same two days in a row no matter what I do.

Why not wax your stache?

I would say my acne, no matter how hard I try it never goes away. Its either my period, weather or my mood that causes it all the time! Its like, I'll be super clear one day and the next....OMG! anyways, i guess foundation helps it to cover well, only thing is that I can't wear too much blush because then its sooooo visible.

Undereye circles. I also absolutely hate my nose, but I don't normally wear enough makeup to alter its appearance - I don't have the time for contouring in the mornings!

My biggest problem is the large pores on my nose. I usually wear more foundation on my nose than on other places on my face because otherwise you can totally see the pores!

Also, I'm so pale that if I ever have any sort of pimple or slight discoloration of any sort, it's incredibly visible. That's definitely the downside of being so pale! lol. That and people teasing you...but that's another story. lol!

I have a couple small scars (hyperpigmentation) from pimples I had decided to pop in the past. Luckily it's nothing I can't solve with a little concealer.

Originally Posted by MindySue /img/forum/go_quote.gif I have acne marks that never go away and are hard to conceal near my cheeks. It makes blush look really shitty and hard to blend.
My eyebrows!! Theyre hard to fill and I can never get them to look the same two days in a row no matter what I do.

Why not wax your stache?

When you wax facial hair or any hair, the hair grows back darker and thicker than before.
Originally Posted by PhantomGoddess /img/forum/go_quote.gif When you wax facial hair or any hair, the hair grows back darker and thicker than before. That's actually a myth. When hair is waxed it grows back thinner and finer every time you wax it. I worked in a salon with estheticians and I know this from experience as well.....so wax away!!
My problem is my mole. I HATE it. In the past I had a chance to get it removed and I chickened out. Now if I get the chance again...it goes!!!

I think my best features are my eyes (they are big so I have plenty of room for eyeshadow LOL) and lips (I have big puffy lips so I don't need plumper or liner or anything). My worst features are definitely my skin (I have large pores, discolorations, acne scars, and stupid keratosis pilaris even on my face!) and my face shape (I have big fat cheeks and a round face and you really can't see my cheekbones).

I love your cheeks Thais! I wouldn't have ever thought you would hate them!

As for me, I have an overbite too, but it doesn't bother me, I can't do anything about it anyway. The thing that does bother me is that I have light brown hairs on my face that are noticable if you come super close to me, but it bothers me anyway. They are about a fourth of an inch long and I bleach them every two weeks. It's so embarassing to me that my husband doesn't even know I do it, only my sis, and it doesn't help that I'm pale.

My problems are very dark circles which I have always had and after years of overplucking, there are areas on my eyebrows which will not grow back.

Originally Posted by BeneBaby /img/forum/go_quote.gif That's actually a myth. When hair is waxed it grows back thinner and finer every time you wax it. I worked in a salon with estheticians and I know this from experience as well.....so wax away!!
My problem is my mole. I HATE it. In the past I had a chance to get it removed and I chickened out. Now if I get the chance again...it goes!!!

I must have gotten shaving and waxing mixed up. I can say that I have never waxed before in my life, but I have shaved places that should not have been shaved and that hair grew back thicker and darker.
Thanks for keeping me straight Manders!!

only one feature!! my nose..its hugee!!

everyone has teased me all my life but i dont get bothered now.. i just say i am still beautiful than you so shutup!! lol! helps everytime!!

my fiance lovesssss my nose..eww :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> he is crazy!! anywz..that i would like to change..and i think contouring can do that.. (dont want plastic surgery :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> )

i am just too lazy to start contouring!!=))

Acne, which I can't completely control. I don't even cover it up unless I really have to. When I don't, it heals faster.

I have acne scars (the ice-pick kind) on my nose at the sides, and one big one right on the end of my nose! I don't think that will ever go away, I also have chickenpox scars on my forehead, and milia under my eyes which is impossible to get rid of! I'm also super pale so any irritation, pimple etc shows up big time like StereoXgirl said.

I'm also really unphotogenic in that I have a really wonky nose so I always looked bruised or something haha!

But I also believe that it's the whole package that makes someone attractive, and that other people really don't tend to notice the minor things that we all stress over so much. Well I hope so anyway lol

facial hair is my trouble (mustache and chin hair - yuck). i tweeze daily and use one of those little facial razors to keep it under control. it's a pain in the butt to keep up with, but i would never stop! the thought of being a hairy old lady scares me! lmao~


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