Poor lady? sorry I don't agree with this.. especially considering the time period (within a year.. I am unsure how long she was subscribed before she decided to cancel).some poor lady at MSA mentioned that she did this and they called her a thief in every email correspondence she had with them. what the what?
If they really want to crack down on this, then they should also check for duplicate addresses and duplicate credit cards.
I understand that they do not want people to use coupons and such, but if there is a loophole, then there is a loophole. If they really think it is stealing, then they need tighter security to prevent that and really vet any new customers to prevent this type of behavior. I think they need to chill and relax.
Oh I unsubscribed but then I decide I wanted to start again so I just went ahead and started with a new email so I could get the discount again? Sounds like she KNEW it was supposed to be a one time thing.
It also sounds like they have a way to check (whatever it may be..). If this is how they have to stop the loop hole.. then so be it.
I don't think it is unreasonable for them to do this.. otherwise what is stopping people from creating a new email every other month and using a coupon code to get the discount over and over?