Mary Kay Skin Care. Rave or Rants?? forums

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Sep 11, 2007
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hey there ladies..... anyone here use Mary Kay Products...for their skin care? Do put in some reviews. Thnx! Because my skin care set going to finish soon. so im thinking to Use...



Mary Kay

Hope you guys can help me out. thanx...

I have oily skin/acne-prone/cannot use other cosmetics except MMU. Uneven skin. : (

I live in a humid place. its like sumer through out the whole year.

I do Look in my profile for a picture of MK's skin care stuff I use

The timewise skin face wash doesn't work for me now Iv been using Mary Kay face wash for like 9 years now the old formula worked awesome for me and their mask got rid of my pimples

Now I cannot use the new formula but it works awesome for others

I was given a huge set of Mary Kay products because I did some fashion work for a Mary Kay high level seller. No problems with the products, but small sizes and the cost!! I will use them until they are done but no sale from me. They do have an effective mattifier though for oily skin. It's a small tube for $15. I really liked that...

I've used the Microderm abrasion product. Can't think what it's called. my daughter was selling it so I got it half price. It worked really well but I wouldn't have paid the full price for it because I tried an Olay product that worked the same and cost less than half the price.

I think it was Regenerist. It's a 2 step system but works great. My skin was super soft afterwards.

I've used some of their products several years ago. It's not bad, but I didn't think it was anything spectacular.

What did u use and how long ago is several years?

Originally Posted by kaville /img/forum/go_quote.gif I've used some of their products several years ago. It's not bad, but I didn't think it was anything spectacular.
I LOVE Mary Kay´s Timewise Microdermabasion set (the after-lotion is mediocre, but the scrub is great).

I also tried L´Oreals set, but IMO it´s not even comparable. The granules are much softer, so the results aren´t that great.

Originally Posted by Ricci /img/forum/go_quote.gif What did u use and how long ago is several years? Well...I used a face wash (like a lotion, it didn't foam) and a moisturizer and an eye cream. I can't remember what they were called. It was something like 6 or 7 years ago. It wasn't bad, I just moved out of the city where I was living at the time and didn't make an effort to find a new consultant when I relocated.
Dang! thier stuff has quite improved since then lol

Originally Posted by kaville /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well...I used a face wash (like a lotion, it didn't foam) and a moisturizer and an eye cream. I can't remember what they were called. It was something like 6 or 7 years ago. It wasn't bad, I just moved out of the city where I was living at the time and didn't make an effort to find a new consultant when I relocated.
Originally Posted by Ricci /img/forum/go_quote.gif Dang! thier stuff has quite improved since then lol LOL! You forget, hun, I'm 42 years old! I've used alot of products over the years!
My advice is give MK a try. There are some HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! changes coming in the cosmetics line Dec 2007 and Spring 2008.New Lipsticks, new magnetic compacts. The line is changing from silver to black on all packaging. New highly pigmented eye & cheek colors (the texture and staying power is fantastic), mineral powder and foundations and other things I can't mention yet.

MK is sponcering the Country Music Awards on ABC in Nov. I'm hoping they will start showing some of the new line then. It is definatly no longer your grandmas makeup.

Kaville I been using Mk for almost 1o yrs.. Your only 5 yrs older then me

Originally Posted by kaville /img/forum/go_quote.gif LOL! You forget, hun, I'm 42 years old! I've used alot of products over the years!
Ladies, I have never used MK products, but a friend on mine once told me that MK use hormones in their skincare. Is it true?

No they don't use hormones in anything, and I have been with them going on 21 yrs. There is a brand I just saw on the Home Shopping Network that does though.

Originally Posted by jeansguyokc /img/forum/go_quote.gif No they don't use hormones in anything, and I have been with them going on 21 yrs. There is a brand I just saw on the Home Shopping Network that does though. Thank you for the info!
Girls, I actually became a part of Mary Kay because I liked the products so much. Their Miracle Set and Microdermabrasion Set are what made me fall in love with the products. It's for both Oily and Dry skin, and for skin in between. No hormones are used, and actually it allows your skin to shed more often so that you have a smoother silkier look and feel.

Isnt MK great I love their stuff But I will never become a MK consultant again

I know the beauty consultant world isn't for everyone, but their products really are great. Love 'em!!


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