Mothers & our love for make-up forums

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I pick the last one, she didn't even wear makeup herself

na my mom wears very little makeup nothing beyond a line of pencil eyeliner! she taught me that when i asked her when i was 12 or so and from there i went by myself bravely exploring anything i could land my hands on lol

and now i bought an urban decay shadow she went and got a palette she sometimes wears (wow!!) cause she liked it so much

and she makes me do her liquid eyeliner and shades whenever she can lol

i wish she couldve taught me though i am a fanatic of trying things and probably had more than enough days of wearing a weird face of makeup
not my fault lol no one taught me! i got it now though.

my mother wore MU, but she didnt love it. she just wore it to look decent, as she put it. i do remember watching her putting on her MU though, and i did inherit the funny faces she makes when putting on mascara with her mouth open for some reason lol.

but no, i wouldnt credit her with my love for MU. i was never into MU until very recently when i decided i need to learn some tricks because i never really knew how to put it on properly, and i got hooked. and it makes me feel pretty which is always a plus

My mother never wore make up.Can only remember her wearing Vaseline on her lips.

I didn`t start wearing makeup until I was 18. Wish I had started earlier, because you can look so much better with makeup and then I guess my selfesteeme would have been better through my teens.

But then again I was more of a tomboy when I was young.Played football and climbing trees, so I guess if my mum would have worn mu, I still wouldn`t have gotten the interest before.

I hope I don`t have a bad influ on my daughter though, because I have never seen a child more into makeup and girlie things than her.She is 3.

My friend had to buy her a doll head for applying mu and style hair. She plays with it every day.She loves to play with my hair too. Odd, because I was never like that.
I picked not at all.

My mum never hardly used makeup when I was growing up and she still doesn't now, except maybe if she's going out for a meal or for the evening she use to wear foundation, always the same colour lipstick, mascara and an eyeshadow that barely showed up, even now she doesn't bother though sometimes i'll stick some on her but she always tells me dont put to much i dont want to look like im wearing loads of make up

The only time I have ever seen my mum in a full face of make up is when I do it for her, as long as she isnt going anywhere she will sit there and let me practise on her for soem reason she just hates to wear makeup, so I dont know where I get my love for it from but I remember it did start from a young age

I think im a bit of a bad influence on my cousin though, shes 4 years old and sits down and watches my every move when im applying my makeup, doing my hair etc she knows what most products are for, and can even tell me what some of my brushes are used for, I can never remember being that clever about makeup when I was 4.

Hello all-

Oh yeah I can trace my love right to my mommma...She was a Makeup Artist and was trained by Joe Blasco in the 70's...Which she always tells me,lol...She always wore makeup and when I was a bout 9, she worked in one of those glamour photography places and she did my makeup...ooh I still have pictures...No drugstore brands for her, it was always Chanel, Dior, and her skincare was La Prairie...She is so good at makeup and I always used to ask her to do mine...For my freshman year picture, I was horribly sunburnt and you can't tell because she was able to neutralize the redness...She was always very honest with how she felt I looked in certain colors and would help me pick out others...Heehee, my mom is soo cool....

I have a really young Mom and she wore a lot of makeup. I especially remember her Wet'N'Wild Eyeliner, she would light it on fire and draw it into her inner rims. She loves that smoky look. She wore Maybelline Great Lash in Bright Blue and Coty Loose Powder.

The person I credit most for my love of makeup is my Grandma. She always gave me her GWP's and I loved them soo much. I couldn't wait to grow up and buy my own.

My mom was pretty cool about letting me play with her make up while she was there. I think she always wanted to do it with her mother and never could.

my mom didnt really influence me that much. My mom usually fills in her eyebrows, puts on some blush and a bit of lipstick. She puts very little makeup on so it looks pretty natural.

Not at all for me.

My mom is a total girlie chick mama, she just so stylish and always take care of her appearances including skincare and makeup. She has a bunch of makeup goodies and purchased many expensive skin care product. But, it never influenced me to wear makeup. Not at all.

She never allowed me to wear makeup though because I was young and need no makeup, the only thing GREAT advices she gave me is to stay out of the sun and always drink plenty of water every day.

no way did i learn from my mom. she wears like red/pink blush and lipstick. i tried teaching her about mac. but she doesn't wear anything. she cracked me up one time though. we were at mac in sf and she was trying to try the e/s out with a q-tip, but she put it on really weird. i was like OH MY GOD! cause it looked funny and son_risa was there

my mom never, ever wore makeup. not even today. there's no liner, no lipstick, no nothing, unless i do it for her, which is rare because she never goes out or anything.

char, your mom hasn't seen your collection?! mine is right on top of my vanity and sometimes i see my mom kinda move the things around to look and it actually makes me kinda happy.

As far back as I can remember my mom never wore mu, except for some YLBB l/s and mascara. And she stopped wearing mascara about 8 yrs ago. So I don't really know where I get it from.
But she's being a very supportive mom and arguments about my spending money are rarer and rarer. But I guess it's hard for her to understand why I need so many e/s and l/g.

My mom always wore makeup. She consulted with one of my aunts and uncles to find out how old she was when they let her wear makeup (that cousin is really girly girl). So they told her 9th grade and my mom bought me a blush and some lipstick from Estee Lauder (it is kind of funny now, like ok, now you are old enough, I will let you wear this). That was all she let me wear. I did wear powder and concealer later, but I bought it (that Shine Free Maybelline, hey I couldnt afford anything
). My mom has a ton of makeup. She puts her lipsticks in these plastic containers and actually writes red, pink, berry, brown, etc on the containers (she has that many). She wears MU even if she doesnt leave the house. I have given her some of mine that didnt suit me b/c she is darker than me and has black hair. (My dad was pale). I think she thinks I am strange now b/c I keep buying all this stuff, laying it all out when I review it, (she doesnt know why I am laying stuff all over though, she doesnt get on the net much anyhow). She gave me some MU at Christmas, even brushes b/c I buy brushes now thanks to MUT (my mom uses the sponge thing that comes with eyeshadow, and blush brush and gripes when they dont come with one, lol. They show up dark on her though, and she doesnt use primer or anything. She has way more MU than me, but she laughs b/c I have a lot, she said something about it being a phase.

my mom is more into hair and nails than makeup. i remember this lone covergirl shadow my mom had that i used to rub my finger across and rub on my lids once i got down the street. lmao. my mom was into skin care though and wouldn't let my sister or me where makeup until we were 18 and by then we weren't interested because we had great skin. i don't think either of us started thinking about makeup until our 30's. thanks mom!

My mom always let me play with her make-up when I was growing up. She wouldn't let me go places with it (that's for big girls) but she always put make-up on me, or let me play with the make-up she didn't want anymore. Really, I've been "playing" with make-up for 29 years (I'm going on 32). I let my daughter play with make-up as well...and her favorite place to go is the MAC store with me (or Ulta/Sephora). While I let her wear make-up, I always make sure that she takes it all off before bed, naps, whatever. I'll have her take it off before we go anywhere, as well. Gotta have something to look forward to when she grows up!

Even now, when she comes over, she let's me do her make-up...she even lets me do outrageous's great fun and I love it!!

Makeup was forbidden for me growing up, and then once i did "grow up" it became forbidden again because i have too much of it

Definitely my mother had an influence on me, but it was less direct,actually,than that of my two older sisters--and I passed that passion on to my younger sister. I remember when I was growing up, trying on her makeup;then one of my older sisters got a stash of her own and it was she who I began to "borrow" from more--and who taught me how to apply,etc. One of my sisters died when I was twelve, and for about 4 years, I actually never touched makeup, I noticed my mother stopped wearing it also for a time. It was my sister who'd first put mu on me, and it reminded me too much of that collaboration and of her--When I was in highschool though my mother started encouraging me towear it--a lot of mothers I knew encouraged their daughters NOT to wear it!--and to get contacts instead of glasses, and she set about trying to help me feelbetter about my appearance,in such a devoted way...I love her so much; now I like to think that I'm repaying her when I tell her about or purchase her brands of makeup she's never yet heard of, to try out; or go out makeup shopping with her...and it's a bond I still share with my sisters too.

My mom began to let me wear makeup to special events when I was 11. Once I hit 13, she exposed me to wearing makeup every day. It is an ingrained habit.
My mom is 74. She said that when she was being raised in the South that young girls were primed for adulthood by wearing girdles, heels and makeup when they hit 13.


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