Natural looking Makeup for Guys forums

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Jan 29, 2008
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I came across this while looking for something else. Do you think this will ever catch on? Do you like it?

products used

MAC Select Cover Up NC 30

Bare Minerals Mineral Veil

Bare Minerals Glee

Burt's Bees Pomegranate Replenishing Lip Balm

umm... didnt look like much of a change till the before and after pics...

I think nah thanks, makeup for guys has its place but not like that lol.

I picture my big hairy husband sitting on the sofa in his hard hat wearing Like Venus dazzleglass. Hell no!!!

I can't go for that.

I like men that look rugged and masculine. Take care of your skin by all means, but makeup is a huge turn off on men IMO

ETA - I cant see the picture, so I'm just going on a general feeling - Ie - Zac Efron. I understand that makeup needs to be worn by tv staff and movie stars, but I myself prefer my men 'au naturale' hehe

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif I like men that look rugged and masculine. Take care of your skin by all means, but makeup is a huge turn off on men IMO

hey I´m all for it, I guess I´m the exception lol. I´m sure a lot of men feel that it´s not masculine to feel the need to look pretty. But what if guys are really bothered by their skin flaws, they should be able to make themselves feel better. I think the girl in the video did a great job at making it look very natural and undetectable. And kudos to the guy for letting someone film it!

My fiancé has the most perfect skin, poreless and even toned, no dark circles etc. No fair! But he´s very critical about his own appearance, so if he had any flaws I think he´d be the type to go for man makeup. I´ll ask him about this next time we talk

i dont think it will catch on, most of the guys i know are pretty lazy and would not want to be spending time doing there makeup or something.

I sure hope it doesn't catch on!! Be hard to crossdress when everyone is wearing the same thing! lol

It could possibly catch on... There's a movement now that's shaking up what's "normal" in society. Not to scare you Karren, but quite soon there could be tons more CDs, drag queens and metros wearing makeup. I already see signs of it in Houston.

Originally Posted by pinksugar /img/forum/go_quote.gif I like men that look rugged and masculine. Take care of your skin by all means... Agreed

I am not a fan of it. It wouldn't surprise me if it caught on, since many males(the younger crowd) already wear nail polish and eyeliner.

during highschool a few of my male friends were known to wear cover-up/concealer to cover their acne scars. It wasn't noticeable, and if I didn't know better, I'd say they weren't wearing anything. I know I will reach for skin correctors if I touch NOTHING else during the day, so I think it's okay of men want to do the same. Eyeliner and lipstick for the regular man however? I dont think so. It's not my cup of tea.

I'm not sure if it will catch on, but i have nothing against it. Surely i cannot forbid a man to use correctors when i myself feel the need to cover my flaws. Maybe it would also inspire them to take more care of their skin.

Besides, men used to wear makeup just as much as women in the past, considering fashions come and go it's possible it comes back.

each to their own i think!! we wear it to make ourselves feel better, so why shouldn't a guy??

i help lots of men with makeup, gay, straight, CD etc!! i think its great to see changes in the MU world!!

I sure hope not I Agree with PinkSugar I like masculine & manly Makeup is in no way manly lol

Well, it certainly is nice to see that some people here are open-minded.. unlike some. Live and let live. If a guy wants to wear concealer, what's it to you? I think the guys that do use makeup don't do it to look 'pretty' but to even out the skin tone or cover up blemishes.

If women can use makeup to make themselves feel more confident, then why can't a guy do the same? Are we really that afraid?

Also - if you had bothered to even see the video you'd notice that the makeup was intended to look natural. Didn't even come close to looking like a drag queen.

You guys need to open up your minds and wake up a little -- it's the 21st century.

Originally Posted by alka1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well, it certainly is nice to see that some people here are open-minded.. unlike some. Live and let live. If a guy wants to wear concealer, what's it to you? I think the guys that do use makeup don't do it to look 'pretty' but to even out the skin tone or cover up blemishes.
If women can use makeup to make themselves feel more confident, then why can't a guy do the same? Are we really that afraid?

Also - if you had bothered to even see the video you'd notice that the makeup was intended to look natural. Didn't even come close to looking like a drag queen.

You guys need to open up your minds and wake up a little -- it's the 21st century.

I don't need to open my mind maybe you need to open yours. I have a right to decided if I want to be with a man that's wearing makeup. Just like a man has a right to decided if he wants to wear makeup. At no time did I say that a man should not be allowed to wear makeup. I said that I would not want to be with a man wearing makeup. And this part may break your heart, I have the right to make that decision. Since you feel that you have the right to give everyone else advice then I have a little advice for you. Maybe you should stop giving advice because you are not good at it.
i dont have a problem if a guy had to cover up blemishes (or i have a few guy - mates who use fake tan or a hint of tan moisturiser) and i'm all for the scruffy rocker with the eyeliner (not too into the nail varnish though) but if a guy started to take more time than me to get ready thats when i'd start to be scared!!! hehe


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