NEW GAME! TV Jingles forums

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Feb 22, 2006
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Okay, let's try this one on for size... Post a TV jingle, or even a catch phrase from the TV ad, and the next person states what product/company it's for, and then posts their own jingle... Got it? I'll start...

"Plop-plop, fizz-fizz! Oh what a relief it is!"

Yeah, it's Wendy's from back in the day... Angry old lady wondering where the meat patty really is *lol*

Nair, right? "The less you wear, the more you need NAIR!"

"Made for a woman, strong enough for Danica Patrick"

Secret deodorant?

Fun, new game, Aquilah! I don't really watch commercials anymore now that we have tivo so my jingles will all be from back in the day. lol

"How many licks does it take?"

NP Lisa, same here really... Unless it's cartoons LMAO!!!

Tootsie Roll Pops!!!!!!!!

"I'm lovin' it!"

Almond Joy /Mounds candy bars

Kiss a little longer with ___________

Originally Posted by makeupfreak72 almond joy?
the world looks mighty good to me, cause________is all i see...

the world looks mighty good to me, 'Cause Tootsie Rolls are all I see.
Kiss a little longer with ___________

Big Red!!!

"Duke!" (Okay, there's probably something else I could've used, but this should work too)

if i dont know it am i still alowed to keep posting? i really dont know this one so who ever wants to answer it and i'll continue with...

..._______the san francisco treat.


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