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Jun 21, 2007
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So my boyfriend got a speeding ticket today and we saw it coming!!! We were on the carpool lane doing 70 and the speed limit was 65. Everyone else was going about the same speed. We see this highway patrol car a couple cars away. He starts weaving from the carpool lane to the lane next to it for whatever reason. We thought, okay, that's weird...he's trying to get somebody!!! So we stayed right behind him, still doing about 70. This guy keeps weaving from the carpool lane to the lane next to it. WTH??? Anyway, we think, maybe he thinks we're going too slow...I know...dumb thought, but we have been pulled over for NOT passing up a cop car. The cop thought it was suspicious that we wouldn't pass him up and he thought we didn't want him to see our license plate. Anyway, so we think, okay maybe he wants to check our plate or him pull us over for going too slow (everyone behind us is passing us up btw). So we start to speed up a little until we're RIGHT NEXT to him...The very second we did that...Cop slows down, gets right behind us, and pulls us over!!!

When the cop gets to the car, he asks for license and registration...says, "Pulled ya over for speeding", turns around, and writes the ticket! This guy was READY to give the ticket! No, how ya doin ma' good morning...nada! This cop was just waiting for us to pass him up. As far as I'm concerned it was entrapment...a trick!!!

We were going 72 at the most!!! And the whole reason why we passed him up (by a few feet) was only because we thought he was going to get us for going too slow!!! So we tell him that he couldn't have been going the speed limit himself because we were right next to each other until he slowed down and got behind us!!! He says "we're exempt...we have to do whatever we need to to keep everybody safe. We need to send a message to everybody that it's probably not a good idea to pass up a cop. Did you see how everyone was passing you up? If I let you do that, people are going to think it's okay." WTH??? Ok first of all I don't get the part about them being "exempt". Why would you be going past the speed limit if you weren't in a high-speed chase AND if you weren't trying to trick/entrap citizens? And, if he really wanted to "set an example" he should be going the speed limit himself. I don't think it's right to "set an example" to everyone at the expense of one guy who was basically not doing anything wrong as everyone else is going the same speed! So unfair!

Anyway, technically yes, we were speeding, but he knew we were not "putting people at risk" by going 5 above the speed limit. I mean, come on!!! Guess he was a letter-of-the-law-type-cop.

Phew! Sorry for the long rant...

Has anyone else had this experience?

Did you try to contest the ticket?

that totally blows! how frustrating. In australia, sometimes cops and parking attendants have a quota they have to reach for speeding tickets or parking offences - maybe he had to have a certain number of tickets and you just made up the total
it sucks

Well, I personally know because I used to work there, but if he wanted to, he had the right to. Depending on the time of the day, at least here, they will let you go 15 over. But if it is rush hour, or you are within a school zone, if you go 1 mile over, they will get you. And as far as I know, for Mississipi, officers have no quota to make.

In addition to that, he dosent have to greet you.

But in conclusion, no I would not contest that ticket. JMO

Wow, that really sucks! I'm sorry that cop was a jerk!

I wouldn't contest the ticket, though. Because, technically, you guys were going over the speed limit and that's what the ticket was for.

Well honestly can say they have never stopped us for speeding. But living in the south my husband gets stopped alot for what we like to call DWMAT.

Translated: driving while Mexican and Tattooed.

LOL. So sad but so true. To the officers credit there has been a crackdown on gang activity and given most of the gangs are latino and tattooed up they tend to stop people based on appearance.

I would personally pay the ticket and be done with it. Given that you are willing to admit to going 7 over most likely it was closer to 10 at top acceleration during attempted pass.

Sorry you have to pay though. It blows saying buy-bye to money!

it sux when you are the one in trouble for being in the wrong place at the wrong time ! sorry to hear that happened..

Aww thanks for the sweet comments ladies...

Originally Posted by AngelaGM /img/forum/go_quote.gif You were speeding, so just take responsibility and pay the ticket. I wouldn't mind paying the ticket, as long as I feel the cop was really just doing his job. Hell, I've paid a $150-ticket just for not stopping fully at a residential stop sign. But IMO he really wasn't. He was out to fill a quota...he successfully tricked us, AND there were points in his explanation that I think was just flat out not right, and may even be illegal. If he wanted to get technical, his reasoning for pulling us over and the fact that he told us they were "exempt" (from speeding when he wasn't in a high-speed chase) was just not right. And to think my bf is in the police academy! He was just shaking his head like, uh-uh, when I become a cop I'm going to do my job, not fill a quota. Cops cannot break the law in order to see if someone's going to commit a crime/offense. Funny, because we were actually just studying that learning domain last week! Anyway, that's just entrapment IMO!!!

Originally Posted by LilRayofSun /img/forum/go_quote.gif Well honestly can say they have never stopped us for speeding. But living in the south my husband gets stopped alot for what we like to call DWMAT.
Translated: driving while Mexican and Tattooed.

LOL. So sad but so true. To the officers credit there has been a crackdown on gang activity and given most of the gangs are latino and tattooed up they tend to stop people based on appearance.

I would personally pay the ticket and be done with it. Given that you are willing to admit to going 7 over most likely it was closer to 10 at top acceleration during attempted pass.

Sorry you have to pay though. It blows saying buy-bye to money!

Oh if that happened to my boyfriend--who's also Mexican btw--I'd be so mad!!! That's just wrong that people get stopped based on appearance. I mean, yeah, I understand that some people may fit the physical "profile" they're looking for, but appearance does not equal probable cause!!!

That really sucks!! And yeah.. Had a simular one..

It was snowing real hard and I was in my VW, front wheel drive, snow tires... Going to work... Entering a 15 mph school zone being followed by a police car and maybe a dozen other cars behing him.. So I slow to 15 ok maybe 17.. And we creep through the school zone and at the end I speed up.. About a quarter mile down the road the police car turns on his lights so I pull over..

"You were speeding through a school zone, 20 in a 15".

What? I was not...

"Yes you were and it was snowing hard...... What if a child had jumped out in front of you??".

Well I have new snow tires on and I wasn't speeding and you were doing the same speed I was.... And why would I'd be stupid enough to speed with you behind me anyway?? What would have done if a kid jumped out in front of you??"

WRONG question to ask!!! Lol So he goes to write me up a ticket but he's all out.. So he radios in and has another officer bring him some tickets but because its snowing it takes like half an hour!!

So I'm going to fight it but the stupid court date is the week my wife and I are in Spain on vacation!! And there's no way I'm canceling the trip to see my wifes parents in Spain, so I just send in the $45... To this day my wife reminds me that I got a ticket speeding through a school zone!! Grrrrrrrrr


that sucks and i'm sorry. i got a ticket for $150 a few weeks ago for standing (with my car) at a bus stop. the cop was SUCH a ***** and i was flipping out even though i knew it was my fault. there's no law saying they have to greet us or be nice, but oh, my god, i wanted to run her over with my car.

LMAO Karren!
At least your cop was really just trying to keep the kids safe. I would understand that.

Originally Posted by Jennifer /img/forum/go_quote.gif that sucks and i'm sorry. i got a ticket for $150 a few weeks ago for standing (with my car) at a bus stop. the cop was SUCH a ***** and i was flipping out even though i knew it was my fault. there's no law saying they have to greet us or be nice, but oh, my god, i wanted to run her over with my car. Haha...I know how that feels. Yeah there's no law that says they have to be nice, so half the time they really are just *****. When they break the law just to get someone, that's a whole different story!
Yeah that seriously sucks. I had that happen a few months ago while driving from school to work. The cop didn't pull me over until about 3 miles down the freeway when I got off at my exit. He told me that a few exits back I had been going 78 and he asked- didn't you see me get on the freeway there?

I jsut thought it was weird that he didn't pull me over then. There were cars in front of me and even though I didn't check my speed at the time I know I wasn't going 78, yes maybe around 70 but not almost 80, there was traffic, lol. But whatever, I paid the dumb ticket and did traffic school.

I think it's dumb how cops think they can be above the law and they're the ones putting people in danger by speeding and weaving through lanes like that, especially when they aren't chasing anyone down.

Sorry to hear that hun. I say contest the damn ticket!!! Not because you were NOT speeding because you were...but because the cop was obvioulsy breaking the law to get you! They can't do that! I've had cops give me tickets when they were hiding behind the bushes, checking my speed, and even though that's pretty shady, it's legal, and those cops aren't breaking any laws. But weaving through lanes!!! Speeding on the lane next to the carpool lane! This cop wanted to make you think you were not going fast enough because the farthest left lane which is the carpool lane is supposed to be the fastest. I honestly think the cop won't show up in court anyway. Half the time they don't because they're too busy. Unless you really really f***ed up, which in my opinion you didn't.

I was just on the freeway this morning and this guy on the motorcycle was literally going from the farthest right lane all the way to the carpool lane and back and forth!!! I was about to piss my pants. Let me tell cop ever got him. *sigh* Where the hell are cops when you actually need 'em?

just recently my co-worker got a speeding ticket, she took it to court AND the cop that gave her the ticket never showed up, so she got off. heh

Originally Posted by la_chinita /img/forum/go_quote.gif Aww thanks for the sweet comments ladies...

Oh if that happened to my boyfriend--who's also Mexican btw--I'd be so mad!!! That's just wrong that people get stopped based on appearance. I mean, yeah, I understand that some people may fit the physical "profile" they're looking for, but appearance does not equal probable cause!!!

Well of course they claim he resembled a wanted person etc. LAME. I think the most maddening was when he was walkingin a plaza with his brother who is heavily tattooed and the Police stopped them to ask them what gang they were in and where were they tattooed etc.

I was furious. I called that precinct and asked them why they never stopped me in the plaza for being 'heavily tattooed' to ask me what gang I am in.


Yeah they didn't say too much after that :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Yea that would suck. I hate cops who do that kind of stuff. I hate cops who abuse their power by speeding to get someone else to speed just to pull you over. I would just pay the ticket and be done with it.

i havent got a speeding ticket in over 8 years, not saying that i dont speed at times, i think cops are the worst when it comes to speeding, i even think there driveing is a lil reckless. they hit people and crash there cars just as much as civilians imo.. they have this above the law attitude, if i see one speeding by me i will tell him about his a** when i meet him at the red light, i have done it a couple of times..haha

That kind of sucks, but you were speeding, and you might as well just own up to it. Really, even if it is only 5 mph, it does make a difference. I have learned my lesson through deaths of my good friends who have lost their lives doing 5 mph over the limit...**** happens, so you have to be careful.When it comes down to it, even if you tried to appeal, they'd more than likely take the cop's word over your own =/

La Chinita...when they weave like that they are trying to slow down ALL of the traffic. They do that in the Bay Area all the time. All of a sudden you will see a Hwy Patrol weaving across the freeway lanes. You are supposed to slow down and stay back until he speeds off. It's like a mass warning for everyone driving. At least that's what my experience has been. And honestly if the limit was 65, he had every right to stop you.

I got pulled over in my gated community for going 28 in a 25. The ticket was $90!! So know I cruise control through my 'Hood.


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