PopSugar Special Edition Fall 2014

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My box just arrived so I finally get to judge things first hand.


2. Lipstick- I have similar colors but have never tired this brand, keeping it.

3. Cleanser- excited to try

4. Perfume- Bottle had a large chip of glass missing but nothing is leaking..it's not terrible so I will probably wear it occasionally...have to see what the hubby thinks about it

5. Scarf- undecided...I like the pattern less in person but I love the colors, will probably not keep, especially since the monthly box has one too.

6. Beanie- I love it! The color is great for my hair color, it's soft, the tags were easy to cut out without damage to the hat and I think it is very versitle. I have found at least 3 ways to wear it. I have attached a pic using it like a mini slouchly beanie, my favorite so far.


Overall I am happy even with the scarf repeat.

My box just arrived so I finally get to judge things first hand.


2. Lipstick- I have similar colors but have never tired this brand, keeping it.

3. Cleanser- excited to try

4. Perfume- Bottle had a large chip of glass missing but nothing is leaking..it's not terrible so I will probably wear it occasionally...have to see what the hubby thinks about it

5. Scarf- undecided...I like the pattern less in person but I love the colors, will probably not keep, especially since the monthly box has one too.

6. Beanie- I love it! The color is great for my hair color, it's soft, the tags were easy to cut out without damage to the hat and I think it is very versitle. I have found at least 3 ways to wear it. I have attached a pic using it like a mini slouchly beanie, my favorite so far.

Overall I am happy even with the scarf repeat.
You look beautiful!! The hat looks great too -- excited to receive it!

You look beautiful!! The hat looks great too -- excited to receive it!
Aaww...thank you! I hope you like it and the rest of the box when you receive it too. It's been fun to play with...now all I need is a cooler evening to bust it out in public!
Picked up my box tonight on the way in from the gym.  

Overall impressions after opening:

scarf: I like it.  I like the pattern more in real life, and the blue pops on mine.  It is the prefect length for me.  My husband really liked it when I showed him.  

hat:  Really cute, but like I thought it'd be, too damn big for my small little head.  I put it on and my husband called me a smurf!  This will be a Christmas present for somebody in husband's family...big heads and lots of hair, it should fit them great.  

Gummy candy: Tasty!  Husband and I scarfed them down.   Perfect thing to eat after 2 hours at the gym, LOL.  Whatever, they were good.

Face wash:  Haven't tried it, but smelled it and liked the smell.  I'll give it a whirl tonight.  

Perfume:  Ugh.  I gave it an honest shot.  I didn't even wear perfume today so it wouldn't taint the trial of this one.  It smells like pure vanilla extract.. but between the flowers and musk.. it smells exactly like the cheap gross soap Target uses in their bathrooms!  I smell like a bathroom.  I'd take a sweet stripper ass over bathroom stank. :-(  Big FAIL!  

Lipstick: LOVE!  I was curious of this color last year, bought pink instead.  I'm glad they put this in the box.  It is a great red for me.  

That's it right?  I can't remember anything else in the box, I'm tired and lazy right now. :p  

Over all, this isn't a fall box.  It is a box of randoms.  I feel I got my monies worth even if I don't like it all.  The gummies I'd pay 5/6$, the scarf is worth 20 (if I bought it at Target), hat is worth 20, perfume is trash, face wash I'd pay 40 (have on others that ended up sucking in past), lipstick is worth value cost of 25.  Would I have bought the box had I known spoilers or real hints... questionable.  Do I regret buying it.. so far no.  I got a gift exchange taken care of now, I got a great red lipstick (which I've been hunting for), I get to try a new face wash.. and I got a scarf that while I wouldn't buy on a whim myself, looks good on me and will go with several things I own, I'm sure I'll get tons of compliments from family and friends when I wear it.  

Here are a couple picks of the lipstick on... 

I'm so glad you posted the lip pics. You actually inspired me to give it a try. I'm still going to try to swap some of the items in the box, but that lipstick looks awesome.

Appreciate the pixs, you look great! I've been debating on whether to keep the lipstick or not... that helps!

I'm so glad you posted the lip pics. You actually inspired me to give it a try. I'm still going to try to swap some of the items in the box, but that lipstick looks awesome.
Thanks, and you should go for it!  That is the full on thick red in the pics, no blotting or blending.   (just in case anybody was wondering)

Picked up my box tonight on the way in from the gym.  

Overall impressions after opening:

scarf: I like it.  I like the pattern more in real life, and the blue pops on mine.  It is the prefect length for me.  My husband really liked it when I showed him.  

hat:  Really cute, but like I thought it'd be, too damn big for my small little head.  I put it on and my husband called me a smurf!  This will be a Christmas present for somebody in husband's family...big heads and lots of hair, it should fit them great.  

Gummy candy: Tasty!  Husband and I scarfed them down.   Perfect thing to eat after 2 hours at the gym, LOL.  Whatever, they were good.

Face wash:  Haven't tried it, but smelled it and liked the smell.  I'll give it a whirl tonight.  

Perfume:  Ugh.  I gave it an honest shot.  I didn't even wear perfume today so it wouldn't taint the trial of this one.  It smells like pure vanilla extract.. but between the flowers and musk.. it smells exactly like the cheap gross soap Target uses in their bathrooms!  I smell like a bathroom.  I'd take a sweet stripper ass over bathroom stank. :-(  Big FAIL!  

Lipstick: LOVE!  I was curious of this color last year, bought pink instead.  I'm glad they put this in the box.  It is a great red for me.  

That's it right?  I can't remember anything else in the box, I'm tired and lazy right now. :p  

Over all, this isn't a fall box.  It is a box of randoms.  I feel I got my monies worth even if I don't like it all.  The gummies I'd pay 5/6$, the scarf is worth 20 (if I bought it at Target), hat is worth 20, perfume is trash, face wash I'd pay 40 (have on others that ended up sucking in past), lipstick is worth value cost of 25.  Would I have bought the box had I known spoilers or real hints... questionable.  Do I regret buying it.. so far no.  I got a gift exchange taken care of now, I got a great red lipstick (which I've been hunting for), I get to try a new face wash.. and I got a scarf that while I wouldn't buy on a whim myself, looks good on me and will go with several things I own, I'm sure I'll get tons of compliments from family and friends when I wear it.  

Here are a couple picks of the lipstick on... 
Man, everyone on this board is so pretty! You look great and I'm really looking forward to trying the lipstick now too! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Here are a couple picks of the lipstick on... 
I am glad you posted these pictures too. I think it helps to show how wide the range of Radicchio really is. It looks great on you with your fairer skin tone and I am happy with it on my more medium skin tone. I think it is a beautiful fall color and I am liking the formula too.   

The gummies are seriously tasty! 

The perfume for me, has a scent that you expect to find on a candle or potpourri... I am intrigued because I smelled that scent before and can't place it (it was not a lap dance!!!), but just rather not smell like it... 

Hmm... I didn't end up getting this box and maybe that's a blessing in disguise for me even though I kind of want a few of the items?  I have a crazy scarf obsession so I think that would have been a win for me regardless, and also apparently cobalt is a fab color on me, but I don't really wear hats all that much, even in the winter.  My crazy curls are iffy about it so I tend to gravitate more towards earmuffs.  The cleanser I'm not upset about not having - I'd love to try it but I really need to clean out what I have first.  I am still super curious about the perfume and the lipstick. Scents are so hit-or-miss and also can smell totally different on so that has to be a tricky one - and I just started trying out rocking a red lip, and I think I can do it but, again, shades and skintones are hard to match.  My sweet tooth would have loved some gummies too, lol!

But maybe I'll actually get my act together and make a trades list this weekend so I can try out some of the stuff :)

Finally getting mine today, it said out for delivery yesterday but did not show, so I have to assume it will be here today. Guess I will decide what I think once I open it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got my box on Wednesday...


Scarf - It feels fairly small to me... the color is cute, the print makes it look dated. I haven't figured out yet if I should gift away or not.. I love scarves, but this style is just not me.

Beanie - It's a bit short/small for my thick curly hair.. I do want to keep it, but it looks like I'm just going to gift away since it doesn't fit me right :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Cleanser - I just used it this morning for the first time... it smells like Bubblegum to me. Lol.
Lipstick - Hmmmm.... I'm on the fence about this one because for the love of God, I CAN'T pull off reds. But this one is more orange/brown undertoned and when I tried it on.. it looked nice on me... Still on the fence but I believe I just need the perfect outfit to carry it out.
Perfume - Is it JUST ME or this shit smells like a SEXY WAFFLE CONE?????? I do get the warm/vanilla scent. But I swear to God that it smells like a sexy waffle coned behind PLASTIC. This one was a naaair for me -__-

Gummies - They were good, never met a pack of gummies I never liked, but $6?? Naaaaah.

I don't feel like I wasted $100 because I get to use 3/5 products in it.. gift 2/5 away but the perfume bothers me. I feel like this was a debbie downer for my first LE box. I'm quite disappointed... yes, I'm being a negative nancy but I expected so much more :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :( :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> :(

Wearing the scarf today, already got several compliments on it.  I'm able to wrap it around my neck three times if I tie one of the corners to the opposite, to make an infinity scarf. 

I am a nerd so I did a little compare and contrast with last year's box.  I think I can see why last year had a more luxury feel (despite being worth less)...Last year, no one item was too expensive or too cheap, whereas they clearly put all of the eggs in the hat and scarf basket this year.  So if you are the kind of person who wouldn't pay $100 for a hat EVER (or if the fact that it's either too slouchy or not slouchy enough to look right bugs you), you feel a bit cheated.  Plus there was one more item last year, which somehow seemed to magically make it seem like we were getting more than a regular monthly box. 

2014 ($340) items on the left, comparable 2013 ($296) items on the right.  I matched the hat with the ring only because they were the spoiler items for each year. ---EDIT - because of the bag price being wrong, the 2 boxes were actually almost dead on value-wise. 

Hat ($98) -> Ring ($75)

Scarf ($140) -> Bag ($42)   ----EDIT - The bag was $85, the random review I lazily googled for prices was wrong.

Cleanser ($32) -> Scrub ($75)

Lipstick ($25) -> Palette ($45)

Perfume ($38) -> Bubble bath ($36)

Gummies ($6) -> Cookies ($10)

Nothing ($0) -> Notebook ($13)

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My perfume smells like hot plastic :/ The only thing I plan on keeping is the cleanser. I actually really like the scarf but if I can recover some money by selling it,  I'm going to. 

I think the Cynthia Vincent bag of last year was valued at $85.

This time, two clothing items (not ideal), a scarf when everyone knows we'll get another in a few days, less items and overall less variety. They should have at least thrown in the white - gold pen from the inspiration board. Though the scarf is really what made it a bit disappointing to me .. even though I like it. And I'm bound to be disappointed by Sept as well .. cause it'll be another scarf as the one big item.

Okay, just got my box. This is my input.

  • Hat - I like it more than I thought I would, but it seems like it's an odd size for me. Too big to be a regular beanie and too small to work slouchy. I'll probably keep it and try it will a few different looks for fall and make it work, but it's not something I would have bought on my own.
  • Cleanser - I tried it just now. I like it. The smell is nice and it works well. I'm wondering how I would like it in the long term though. I really like that it's Paraben, sulfate and fake fragrance free.
  • Gummies - Eh, I mean they are gummies. I don't feel like I got a treat. I have gummies that taste just as good in my candy jar. Nothing special, but I'll eat them.
  • Lipstick - I'll attach a picture if I can get it to work. I actaully really like it. It seems to be a bit drying, but I didn't do anything to moisturize before like I usually do. Even though it's a deep red I feel like it's a color that will work for the majority of people. image.jpg
  • Scarf - I'm actually in love with it. I didn't think I would be but it's soft and lightweight which I like in a scarf. I love the gorgeous color. My aunt adores everything in this cobalt color though so I'm debating gifting. I'll probably keep it though. I just really don't feel like it's worth $140. It seems like a scarf I could pick up at the mall at Forever 21 for like $10. Once again, I don't feel it's a luxery. The Marchesa name is not enough to make it worth it to me.
  • Perfume - Hate it. I usually love sweet smelling perfumes and had high hopes for it. After putting it on it reminds me of something a grandma would wear mixed with those roll on perfume things I had in elementary school. I can't wear it. It will be gifted.
Over all I'm pleaed with the box. I still don't feel like it's anything that amazing, but I'm not disappointed like I expected to be from the spoilers. If I had known this would be the box I wouldn't have bought it. I really feel like it's missing a home or jewelery item. I don't feel like it's complete. I might get another LE in the future, but I don't think I will be as quick to jump to it.

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I am intrigued because I smelled that scent before and can't place it (it was not a lap dance!!!), but just rather not smell like it...
I too thought it had a familar scent and it has bugged me since I got the package today.  It finally dawned on me where....it has the exact same sickingly sweet smell as those cheap perfumes at Victoria's Secret. You know the ones they have placed all anound the counter.  At least that is what it reminds me of.

As for my overall impressions:

Joie Hat: Fits perfectly (big head I know  :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ) and is a keeper.  Super soft 70% Wool/30% Cashmere.  Color is a darker beige than I expected from the picutres and will be great with my fall/winter outerwear.  Would I pay $98 for it, absoultely not more like $25.

Perfume:  As I stated above, smells like one of those cheap colognes from VS. sickingly sweet with a hint of baby powder on top of cotton candy.  Need to find a 12 year who wants it as that is the age range I vision wearing it.  Just won't mention the stripper thing.

Candy:  Sadly I eat no sugar products so I cannot comment other than when reading the back I found that they donate part of the profits to helping children.  So without tasting, I am going to have to give them a plus for the charity.  HOWEVER....I did notice that the product production date on the bag said 03/12/2013, though expires in 2015.  Just a bit disturbed that they are sending a food product made 19 months ago.  Hey...i am a label reader :blush:

Lipstick: Wow is this a deep red!  I love lipsticks, never go a day without, sadly with my coloring this will not make the rotation.  Wish they had sent a more neutral color for the masses.  Appears to be a bit more drug store quality than what I would expect in this box.

Cleanser: Bubblegum meets the strawberry patch.  Since I am allergic to one of the ingredients I tried a very tiny bit on my hands, felt quite drying but that could be me.  This is a let down as I am out of my go to cleanser.  Again think I need to gift this one. 

Ahh the Scarf  - the "big ticket" item:  While I am not in love with it I do like it enough to gift it to my elderly mother for her upcoming birthday.  For a "fall" box I vision something a little more substantial in weight.  This, soft  but is very thin, one snag and it is a gonner.  Is it worth the $140, heck no more like $20.  Would I have bought it for mom if it were in a store, I doubt it.  The good news is I can check off one less gift to buy.

Like many others, I feel there is something missing in this box.  I keep looking to see if I missed it, sadly nothing.  Hoping PS will take note for upcoming LE's though I do not think I will bite on the next one,  Keeping fingers crossed that the September box has that missing item and fall feel we are looking for.


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