If you cut and pasted the pic of the Idol singer here, you should be able to do it on the other boards as well. Try again using a different picture (anyone that you find).
I'll try to show you what I mean by getting rid of a link so that you are not "hot linking" a picture. When you hot link it, it uses up band width and is a internet protocol "no no".
Let me explain. See this picture?
Well I cut and pasted it from the Victoria's Secret Site. The problem is that
if a user clicks on it, it will point the user back to the Victoria's Secret website. This is not good or nice because it uses up bandwidth.
In order for me to correct this and still be able to post this same pic, I need to do this:
1. I left click on the pic to select it.
2. After it is selected, I click on this box located at the top of my thread:
This box shows me the URL that the user will be directed to when she clicks on the pick.
3. Erase the URL so that there is no longer a link. To do this highlight the URL and selecting "delete." THen press the "ok" button.
4. Now, users will see the picture but they will not be able to click on it because the link will be gone.
See an example of this by clicking on Pic # 1 and then by clicking on Pic # 2 (below).
Which pic have I altered with the
button? Tell me in your next post