Pros & Cons of Cap vs. Foil (highlights) forums

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Jan 30, 2006
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What's the difference between the cap and foil method for highlights?

Is there a price difference? Am I suppose to request which method to use?

What are the pros and cons, if any between the two methods?

Which do you recommend?

I would get a foil over a cap personally. A cap is cheaper, but I dunno - I just was never thrilled with the results. In the cap method, you brush out the hair, stick a plastic cap (think snug little ol' lady rainhat w/ a tie under the chin lol) on that has holes in it. Then the hair is pulled through the holes using basically a crochet hook. I don't like it because depending on how you brush the hair before you put the cap on, it can look totally spotty after it's bleached. Sometimes too much hair is pulled through, ripping the cap and having a section that is much thicker than the rest. Plus after the hair on the cap is bleached, washed, and rinsed, it's a giant knot. Not a lot of fun to try combing through.. then attempting to get the cap off. lol Foil is better, you can get the exact thickness you want, it's more of a consistant result, and usually pain-free! lol If you can afford to pay a little more for foils.. .go that route. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

what's usually the price difference with foil and cap?

since i want the thin streaks, the foil probably does sound better!

It really depends on the salon... they range all over. Well, for example, at the salon I worked at (granted, this was years ago, so I'm sure prices have gone up) Basic cap higlights started around $50+up and foils were usually like $100+up. The length of hair is a factor too. I'd call your salon and see what they charge. Foils are great for thin streaks. You could even add a few thicker pieces in there if you wanted. It's all freehand - so they can do the very thin to the very thick and everything inbetween. With foils, the hair is sectioned... and they either use the end of a tail comb or a special higlighting comb to weave through smaller sections. (For a 'visual' example... imagine a 3" across x 1" down section of hair. They pull it taught. Then they start at one end and weave the end of the comb up & down over & over until you reach the other end. The hair is then seperated from what was on top of the comb ... and the hair under it... and a board with foil wrapped around it is placed in between the sections. The top section is placed on the board and brushed with the bleach... while the bottom section remains left down, uncolored. The foil w/ the bleached hair is folded up against the head to process. Then she'll take the foil & uncolored hair from that section, clip it up... and take another 3"x1" section under it... and repeat this until your hair is done.) Sorry if I confused you... lol hard to explain... lol But it's more precise and more time consuming than a cap --- so expect to pay more :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


Holy! Never spent that much at a salon before lol

Usually how long does it take? That way I know ahead of time so I know how much time to give space...

my hair goes past my boobs a bit

If they're quick... I'd say around an hour - hour n' a half or so. If they're a little on the slower side... maybe more. It really depends on the salon --- pricewise too.

i would go for the foil highlights. it turns out much better and you have better control in terms of where the colour goes. but it is more expensive and the longer your hair is, the more it costs.

i have medium lenght hair and it cost over $100 CAD and it was only half (you can choose half or full head highlights)...and ok, it also depends on the salon you go too.

go foils, I think the end result of chunkier pieces is much prettier, plus if you get the wrong person ..... the cap can hurt !!

i'll be hitting those asian they usually charge cheaper! but yeah, looks like i'll be spending probably about 150 at the salon (streaks and cut). Wow lol

Looks like I need to withdraw a lot of money!

Foils without a doubt. Someone in my family gets the cap done and I don't like her results. I get a partial foil, my hair is shoulder length and I pay about 60 -75 dollars. The last forever since they have to grow out and since my hair is also colored and my roots get done about every 7 weeks they look great many months later.

I think it is well worth the investment. Just make sure to vocalize or take a picture as to the look you want to achieve.


You could also just get highlights around your face to save $$ - or a partial crown... same effects to your complexion & overall "look"... but usually a lot cheaper :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My friend just had her hair highlighted the other day with papers instead of foils. She said she really liked it. I've never had my hair highlighted at all.

Janelle, have you ever heard of this method?

Yeah... it's this certain paper that they use instead of the regular foil... it's supposed to be better for your hair. Not totally sure how true that is, being that the bleaching is what does the majority of damage. Foil holds heat better though.

i've had both types done and i highly HIGHLY recommend the foils over that stupid knots your hair like crazy and on long hair it really really hurts to have it pulled through the holes. as for price--my salon i think charges like $75+ for full head foils.

My stylist has a trick to getting the cap off. She rinses and loads my hair up with conditioner and then the cap slides right off. I've had both methods done with similar results, but i hate the crochet needle they use with the cap. OUCH!

My stylist uses the crochet tool expertly with the cap so that it doesn't pull the hair too hard. She also puts lots of conditioner on the hair so that the cap slides off easily. I also like the look and it costs about $100. However, I was wondering if pulling the hair through the cap holes breaks or damages the hair strands more than foil. Could the cap method destroy the hair follicle?

100 for highlights?! here in orange county, it is booming with hair salons and the most i've ever had to pay for highlights was 60 =/

Well the price also includes a cut and blow-dry. Is it still too high?


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