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Aug 21, 2006
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I use to have a lot of acne 1-2 years ago and now its clearing up. But the problem is i have a lot of red/brown marks hyperpigmentation b/c i use to use benzoyl peroxide to help with my acne... which leads to redmarks staying longer.

How do i get rid of my red marks? I use alpha hydroxy souffle 12 percent at night and then moisturize with Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel. I am asian and my dermatologist told me asian skin takes longer than other skin for hyperpigmentation to clear. Argggh, she me it will take 6 months but that was in September and it has been 6+ months already and i still have the same marks.

Anyone know what i can do? I had a chemical peel 3 months ago which costs me like 185 dollars but that doesnt seem to have helped my skin at all.

I'd never heard about benzoyl peroxide causing the red marks to stay longer! That's good to know.

Microdermabrasion and glycolic products have helped my red marks to fade over the past 4 months. I'm not sure about the hyper-pigmentation, though.

all i have are suggestions because i don't really know but i would be sure to use sunscreen everyday (this is like my mantra) to avoid irritating your skin further. i also wonder about the AH. do you think this could be irritating your skin too? AH is very harsh on my skin and it really reacts bad to it. peeling red yuck! did your derm recommend that you use it?



Retin A will help your marks heal quicker than anything.

It requires a prescription so you need to talk to your doctor.

A family doctor can write a prescription - no need to see a dermatologist.

I've heard lactic acid is really good for hyper pigmentation/red marks. You can get lactic peels for

Philosophy also has lactic acid peel pads, Microdelivery mini peel pads. You can find it online or at Sephora

Forget about glycolic acid. It burns Asian skin, trust me. Instead try to use either botanicals like creams with like light lighteners, including like arbutin, and vitamin e. Aveeno has great Soy cleansers. Retinol makes skin red and it peels. I've used everything too for the hyperpigmentation brown spots after pimples. The peel pads can work but make sure you have no irritation prior to applying them. Microdermabrasion kits try those. Dont do any more peels. See a good Derm.

would honey/aspirin mask or lemon juice be effective? Using it currently the honey aspirin mask.

Even aspirin is harsh right now for you. I say try like a light scrub. The honey might be too moisturizing. The aspirin can scrape and make it red.

Try Lumedia skin cream. But it is expensive 90.00. Try if you can there is Peter Thomas Roth holistic lightners and DDF has one. not harsh.

sunscreen is definitely important. i also found out coconut oil helped with my acne scars. but don't do more peels, they're really too harsh for your skin. try to use gentle products, i heard retin A can help, but i never tried it myself.

In morning I use Gentle purpose cleanser to cleanse and put fruit of the earth aloe vera gel and just leave the home. I don't use any sunscreen at all. At night, i use the same cleansser and then use Alpha Hydroxy Souffle, wait 10 minutes to absorb the moisturize with Aloe Vera Gel because the souffle says to use a moisturizer afterwards.

I am Asian and have a lot of redmarks/brownmarks/ hyperpigmentation. I have had these marks seems like forever. A pimple i had like 7 months ago left a mark there and it never seems to disapppear. I also had a chemical peel 4 months ago but that didn't seem to help it at all.

Any advice on what to do? I started having acne about 2.5 years ago but it has calmed down a lot. I still occassionally get a pimple every so often but it ALWAYS leaves a mark. Anyone have any advice on what I can do? I am using souffle for a good time periiod already and it doesn't seem to help.

What sunscreen would you advise me to use since I don't use any? I just stick to purpose cleanser then aloe vera gel every morning. If i use Sunscreen, would i take out the aloe vera off of my morning regimen?

Thanks for any help.

bump anyone?

bump anyone? These marks are real annoying. Thx.

bump. Anyone?

Start using a good sunscreen. Not wearing sunscreen can make the redmarks last longer because exposure to the sun keeps the marks pigmented. I use Neutrogena's Dry Touch with SPF 55 which is pretty good.

I use purpose cleanser, then Alpha hydroxy souffle 12 percent and then aloe vera gel every night. I also had a chemical peel but it didn't do much help and cost me close to 200. i am asian. Does anyone know what i can do to get rid of these red marks/brown marks? I also use the aspirin mask everyday with honey.

Any laser treatments or medications you know that can get rid of thse marks? Had them for over 2 years already .

i've had my hyperpigmentation for years and i am asian too.(haha we have alot in common) I've used and done soo many products and treatments.. However, its still there. I hate it

I am still looking for the way to remove!

Please help us Ladies!!!

Wow you use a lot of products at night. Umm I have no idea about this sort of thing. I would say just visit a dermatologist and see what he/she can tell you.

Sorry I couldn't be more help.

Maybe try pure vitamin e oil. My Dermatologist recommended it for scars and I don't see why it wouldn't work on your red marks. It wouldn't hurt to try. would have it, but you can find it at any drugstore, CVS, Walgreens, etc. I've never tried Bio Oil, but that's supposed to be really good too. It gets rave reviews. hth

Doesn't my fruit of the earth aloe vera gel has vitamin e? It has tocopheryl acetate. Also, my AHA souffle 12 percent has vitamin E in it. So I should just get a product taht says vitamin e oil ?

bump anyone?


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