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Nov 9, 2006
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i just got into going to the gym for treadmills.... before this i use to do A LOT of martial arts... but now... i just run on the treadmill..

i do want to lose a lot of weight but i heard that if you run a lot, your legs will have lots of muscles... and around the tigh area will sort of be um... big... i dont want that.. help?

At first, when you start building muscles, they may be a little bigger, but then the fat will melt off and you will have lean, awesome legs! Try not to lift too many weights (lower body) if you're concerned about not bulking up.

Originally Posted by shyiskrazy2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif At first, when you start building muscles, they may be a little bigger, but then the fat will melt off and you will have lean, awesome legs! Try not to lift too many weights (lower body) if you're concerned about not bulking up. i dont want to build muscles.. my legs are already pretty muscular.. im just worried about them getting bigger... eeks..

I would like you to take a look at this woman here. She is Tawainese, and may have a similar lower body profile to you, or she may not. But the point is that she does not naturally have skinny calves, but even while she worked out (running AND lifting heavy weights), her legs never got bigger or looked more masculine. And good Gods, look at how the rest of her body has changed!

Maggie's Transformation 2004

And to get the rest of her diet, workout, lifestyle regimen, look here Caustic Musings

Originally Posted by Nox /img/forum/go_quote.gif Angel,
I would like you to take a look at this woman here. She is Tawainese, and may have a similar lower body profile to you, or she may not. But the point is that she does not naturally have skinny calves, but even while she worked out (running AND lifting heavy weights), her legs never got bigger or looked more masculine. And good Gods, look at how the rest of her body has changed!

Maggie's Transformation 2004

And to get the rest of her diet, workout, lifestyle regimen, look here Caustic Musings

thanks so much for the link! yea... but the ;ast few pictures... are just a little too masculine for me.. just the last few..


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