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Originally Posted by Marisol I can see why they are angry. I really don't want to see Britney on TV either.
Ha Ha Marisol! I fully agree!
Blah, who wants to see her on Will and Grace? Tim McGraw was quoted as saying he wanted to be Will's love interest on an episode, now THAT I would watch, lol.

Originally Posted by Amethyst That guy just drops his seed every few months - huh
Ha ha ha! That just cracks me up SO true!

That would be sooo stupid on her part! He keeps saying they're going to wait awhile for another! Plus he's a total loser and gives me the creeps.

Originally Posted by Nicolet OOPS...she did it again?

He just needs to keep his penis away from her.

hahah you make me laugh
but I agree with you in time use condoms

Sorry to offend anybody, but my goodness these people are always mad or campaigning about something. It seems that every week I hear something new theyre campaigning or disagree about. Almost all these things are the most ridiculous things Ive ever heard to complain about. Its not even worth the thought, much less the effort of a protest gathering. Now its Britneys turn! lol
They must be sooo freaking bored its unbelievable! Give it a rest already!!!

*sigh* Don't these people have anything better to do? Geesh!

But, I totally agree with you, Marisol! LOL

Britney probably just wants to get her face on TV again, regardless of the show or storyline.

Originally Posted by tiff I agree its totally wrong, but there's probably more to it than we know

Yeah, it's hard to judge anything from a few paparazzi pics so take it with a pinch of salt. It's still strange to me tho - why not pass the baby to the bodyguard (who is nattering on his phone) instead of placing the baby's head directly in front of the steering wheel which it could smash against if she is bumped, god forbid?? Or better still, put the baby in his seat and then drive away from the scary paps?
I don't know - seems like there's no excuse to me

I just dont see what one has to do with the other. I just think the baby should have been belted down in its own seat. How are the Pap taking pics a reason to put the baby at risk like that.

Let me tell you, I've seen first hand the damage an air bag can do. That baby wouldn't stand a chance! It would die on impact. That's why children have to be in the backseat. It's the law!!!

She should be arrested for doing that. That's child endangerment at it's best. Whatever the reason! ESPECIALLY with someone else in the car!

No excuse!

Just my opinion.

Originally Posted by Ley It's still strange to me tho - why not pass the baby to the bodyguard (who is nattering on his phone) instead of placing the baby's head directly in front of the steering wheel which it could smash against if she is bumped, god forbid?? Exactly, paparazzi or not, that baby should not be there. That pic is really scary!

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