Two new babies in the house!! forums

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Jul 21, 2005
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OMG! You have to see the two new baby turtles that we just got today!! They are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!

They are called Eastern Painted turtles and one is the size of a quarter, the other is a little bigger, the size of a silver dollar...sooooo tiny!

The first 4 pics are of one turtle (the smaller one) and the second 4 pics are the larger turtle...

Originally Posted by MACGoddess OMG! You have to see the two new baby turtles that we just got today!! They are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
They are called Eastern Painted turtles and one is the size of a quarter, the other is a little bigger, the size of a silver dollar...sooooo tiny!

The first 4 pics are of one turtle (the smaller one) and the second 4 pics are the larger turtle...

They are soooooooooo cute! Are they difficult to take care of?
Bluebird, they can be a little hairraising to take care of... They need very specific things like UVB lights and specific water temps, food, etc. They are definitely an "adult's" pet, and NOT for children at all... But I love them!! I have a turtle I got about a year ago and she has to MOST personality ever!! They are interesting pets...

Kellianne these types of turtles will get to be different sizes depending on whether they are girls or boys. The girls can get to be 6-8" (the length of their shell) and the boys can get to be 4-6". Unfortunately I won't be able to tell which sex they are for at LEAST a year, probably more. The turtle I got a year ago we still do not know if she is a girl or boy, we flip flop by calling her a girl sometimes and sometimes a boy...

And finally Tony!! Different species of turtles eat different things, but I will feed these little guys Reptomin Baby turtle pellets every day until they are 6 mos old, with some veggies like Romaine, carrots, green leaf lettuce, etc. Once they are older than 6 mos. they get fed every other day adult turtle pellets and veggies. For treats they get pieces of fruit and freeze dried mealworms and brine shrimp! YUMMY!

and nope, I haven't named them... I usually will watch them to see how they act and what their personality is before I try to name them... Hopefully they'll have a name in the next couple of days!

aw, they are soo cute. I am not a big turtle fan (I like furry animals better cause it´s more fun to pet soft fur than a hard shell *lol*) but yours are adorable. oh well, I am an animal lover...forget the anti-turtle comment, I love all animals!!!!

awwe thos r adorable, i remember i went 2 get a turtle (slightly larger) about 2 years ago but they arn't sold in ont or mayb even canada idea y

Awww they look so cute!:icon_love :icon_love Looking forward to finding out what you name them, it's great you're waiting and watching their personality first.

Lol they are SO CUTE right now (as opposed to like 5 minutes ago when they were only moderately cute...

They are sleeping in the water with their teeny tiny eyes closed!! AWWW!! I am going nuts for these little monsters!!

omg i absofreakinlutely love turtles we used to have 11 box turtles when I was little but we had to give them away when We moved... tear jerker

Originally Posted by Mambz098 omg i absofreakinlutely love turtles we used to have 11 box turtles when I was little but we had to give them away when We moved... tear jerker ELEVEN!? OMG!! I think three turtles is my limit... I might go crazy if I had that many pets...
And to all your furry animal lovers, I was the SAME way before I got my turtle Rhys last year, and then BOOM! Guess what? Apparently I love turtles too. Like you guys said, you can't really "cuddle" them the same way you can with a cat or dog (hence I HAVE a cat and dog!) but they are SOOO much fun to watch their personality and the silly things they do! :icon_love Rob and I have resigned ourselves to being animal freaks...


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