Vaseline: anti aging? forums

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i usually put vaseline on my face every night before going to bed. especially on those days when i feel so dry.

its really good and i wake up feeling good.

after cleansing my skin, i apply it all over my face..and wait for a while before hitting the pillows..

my mom and grandma both use vaseline on their faces, and have done for YEARS! theyve tried to convince me to do it so I tried it for a little while and my face was a greasy break out nightmare....I think it works fore some people but I dont know how I feel about smearing petrolium by products on my face. I prefer more natural skin care products, but do use vaseline as a body moisturizer in a pinch when I run out of my regular stuff. It works but no better than anything else imho.

dunno if this has been said lol dont have time to go thru the 39 pages lol! but marylin monroe apparntly slathered it all over her face everynight and for makeup she used to layer vaseline and powder everyday!

I have actually heard about this.

I think that's pretty neat. She did seem to have beautiful skin..

Originally Posted by Lesley-Anne /img/forum/go_quote.gif dunno if this has been said lol dont have time to go thru the 39 pages lol! but marylin monroe apparntly slathered it all over her face everynight and for makeup she used to layer vaseline and powder everyday!
I don´t understand which ingredient in vaseline should have any anti-aging properties? All it can do it moisturize...and skin aging does not happen to due dryness of the skin. It´s a mix of sun exposure, loss of collagen etc. Of course you can get some wrinkles from major dryness, but most people care enough for their skin to prevent that.

I can't believe people would believe this. Petroleum jelly is a horrible thing for your face. =/ If anything, it actually sucks moisture. Something must be up.

Being aware of your skin type would be a consideration when deciding when to use it and how often.

For dry, sensitive skin it is a great remedy as a quick spot treatment to get rid of those dry, scaly skin patches. (Especially in the winter.) Vaseline is also one of the only things that works for me in preventing eczema. (More severe dry, scaly patches of skin).

A&D ointment is also a good all purpose treatment for dry skin as well. It keeps the skin very soft. Just a very light layer once in awhile a night works well to keep your skin wonderfully soft.

I have used umpteen different oils and butters, various combinations thereof, for my daugther's eczema, to make lip balms and glosses, lotions and so on. From almond, avocado, borage, coconut, emu, evening primrose oil...shea butter, walnut oil... I could work my way through the alphabet here with the different things I have tried. Different brand lotions too- from aubrey to weleda. Mostly organic stuff. And now I am back to using Vaseline for everything. I was almost disappointed to find that after having spent so much money on natural, organic oils, Vaseline just works better on her eczema. It works on my face too.

Have you tried calamine lotion ? It works nicely. Or you could try Uriage Cu Zn (copper zinc) cream, both are my staples.

Originally Posted by katrosier /img/forum/go_quote.gif My cousin who is 16 and her mom use vaseline on their faces every night. They have been doing this for years and they both have great skin. Now my question is .. if you're a teen or even older and you smother your face in vaseline every night ..wouldn't you break out in zits? Also her mom ( my aunt) is 40 something and doesnt have a single wrinkle , at first I thought she was just lucky but her sisters who are younger have wrinkles . Are my cousin and aunt just lucky? or is Vaseline a solution for all skin problems? Vaseline might be a single factor..there will also be some other factors..for ex; wrikles can form if you use hot water for your bath all the time, if your face was exposed to hot sun's rays most of the time, like that..

Thank-You very much...It works for meee...
my skin is oily n sensitive...I recently tried the ocm method n unfortunately it didnt work for me n i ended up having new pimples all over my chin area...So i tried vaseline the one i had at home was white petroleum jelly..

i applied it very lightly all over my face,no smothering jus a light touch all over my face...n i applied a lil more on all the affected areas...thats all..this was before goin to bed...In the morning i apply a light clay mask n wash off with warm water...reapply vaseline on affected areas only...throughout the day I applied it again and again mayb 6-7 times,it takes away pain n irritation almost instantly,the gunk came out v easily...second day most of my irritation was gone,pain is gone..redness has reduced a bit...n when i applied it on new bumps they seem to have vanished the nex day !!!

M loving this...It has smoothened my skin...Vaseline definitely protects n heals the skin no doubt...very little of it is more than enough...yay.!!

works for me works for me....i definitely will recommend it to people oily pimple prone skin...(esp with redness n painful swelling) it works...

Well, I guess their skin is not sensitive to vaseline, and another reason could be the skin is now used to that over the long haul.

Ummmmm.........petroleum jelly. PETROLEUM.

From What is Petroleum Jelly?

"It can also trap infectious agents under the skin"

"Unfortunately, petroleum jelly should not be used around the nose, as it can cause a condition called lipid pneumonia, a lung infection caused by the inhalation of fats. It may also interfere with the nose's ability to naturally scrub air as you inhale, which could also contribute to lung infections"

" "Is it true that petroleum causes cancer?" Many petroleum compounds (and there are thousands of different compounds found in or made from petroleum,) are known to be carcinogenic, so it's a qualified 'yes.'"

And please look up "Petrolatum and Petroleum Jelly Health Concerns" (sorry I can't post the link yet)

I think I'll pass on the Vaseline............

Omg so I put Vaseline all over my face last night and when I woke up my skin felt so smooth! A minute after I put it on I couldn't even feel it and while I was sleeping it didn't feel heavy or smothering or goupy or anything and their was no transference of it Tony pillow! I have really oily skin in the mornings usually but today my skin was perfect. And I didn't break out at all which I'm very prone to doing. If anything, I feel as though the blemishes I have were reduced in appearance. Thank you so much for this suggestion!

Originally Posted by bathory313 /img/forum/go_quote.gif Ummmmm.........petroleum jelly. PETROLEUM.
From What is Petroleum Jelly?

"It can also trap infectious agents under the skin"

"Unfortunately, petroleum jelly should not be used around the nose, as it can cause a condition called lipid pneumonia, a lung infection caused by the inhalation of fats. It may also interfere with the nose's ability to naturally scrub air as you inhale, which could also contribute to lung infections"

" "Is it true that petroleum causes cancer?" Many petroleum compounds (and there are thousands of different compounds found in or made from petroleum,) are known to be carcinogenic, so it's a qualified 'yes.'"

And please look up "Petrolatum and Petroleum Jelly Health Concerns" (sorry I can't post the link yet)

I think I'll pass on the Vaseline............

Yes, i was shocked when i learned what it is, i switched to shea butter after that, but the fact remains it's moisturising and so cheap people on a tight budget may have to resort to it.
I wouldn't use vaseline on my face. I am oily/acne prone. I have used it on my legs and feet. I use it in the winter on my feet, slather on, put socks and go to sleep....wake up w pretty feet ))))

hmmm it's possible. i use it around my eyes at night but wouldn't put it on my face in case it got in my hair lol.

I'm 25 now and lately I've been thinking about starting a nightly routine of anti wrinkle / anti aging cream. Is it too soon or better to start now than when I actually have wrinkles? Also, what's the best product to use?

Im to scared to even try, I would probally be one big zit by morning. If anyone with acne tries it I would like to know how it goes.


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