What do you do with all your magazines?

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I will take them to the local hospital's and leave them at the front desk so they can put them in the waiting rooms. They always seem to appreciate that.

i keep them for a while then when i clean i throw most of them,

i can't keep them ,,,,, make my room sooo messy:laughing:

If there's an article or feature that I like, I will tear those pages out, and then throw the rest of the mag away.
i always, always keep them....who knows when i will be interested in an article that i wasnt interested in a month ago? it's kind of bad, actually haha..running out of space

i read through them then tear out any pages I like, or jot down any products i like the look of in my notebook. Once I'm done I'll pop them in the recycling bin...

i clean them out every once in awhile! i only keep ones i refer back to, like allure, fitness, etc.


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