What Do You Like MOST About Yourself?

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Aug 11, 2007
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What quality (or even physical feature) do you like most about yourself?

It could be intelligence, creativity, kindness ect...

The quality of mine I like the most is my sense of humour. It's got me out of many an awkward situation (and often into some as well!

So what's your best quality?

My best quality is my kindness. I'll try and help you out in any way i can.

My best feature is my hair, right now. Its so long i feel like i can do anything with it but i can't really figure out what lol

I agree with Adrienne on the kindness, I like knowing that I've helped someone and I'm rarely nasty to anyone.

And I like my skin right now, no spots ahaha.

I really like my sense of humor and how I act a lot older then I am. I dont like doing most of them things that people my age want to do I'm 21 (going out and getting trashed all the time) lol.

And physical I really like my eyes and my legs.

I like that Im outgoing and make friends easily.. waht is that saying never met a stanger?

I like the fact that I´m a great listener. I will listen to a friend´s problem for hours if necessary and then try to give helpful advice.

I am a very loyal person. If you are special to me, I have your back till the day we die!

And I gotta say....I love my boobs.

Physically: I like my butt and my eyes :-D

Quality: I like my honesty and sense of humor.

I love how I make people laugh

and I really like the fact i look 10-15 yrs younger then I actually am

i agree with sooperficial if you special and do me right straight up , then we are always on the good. ! which for me also means i love how when people do me seriously real dirty, im done immediately, no words, no nothing, i just wont and will not deal with just anything. ya know!

so i also love seriously my whole face.. i love all my features , i just wish i gave a crap about my teeth years ago enough to take care fo them... cuz oooooo its just all wrong!

Feature: My eyes, I've always had dark brown eyes, but they've lighted up. People tell me that they look green now.
Quality: I love how fast my brain works.
quality: ability to stand up for myself

Physical: hhhhmm I'd have to say Hair its so so long past my butt!!! I wish i could like somethin about my face or body but after two babies practically in a row
Im not liking much!!!!

ooh tough one!

feature: probably eyes, maybe my dimples, people seem to like them and they're not super common I guess, lol.

quality: generous and mostly kind. LOL what can i say, we all get grumpish sometimes!


I guess I am a loyal helpful person, I always try to do the right thing and try not to wrong anyone. (not intentionally anyway)

Phyisical feature: I guess one thing I have been lucky is I am fairly slim build for a male. Considering I am transgender I like it that I can go about in female mode and not attract attention.

To pick just one, I would say it is the fact that I can speak my native language. I try my hardest to get more people to at least want to speak it, as it is almost gone.


feature : i'd say my eyes, ok i'm angry at myself now because allergic conjunctivitis means no makeup during summer, so blah ! but the rest of the year, i love them.

quality :
my curiosity i suppose. not to the point i want to know everybody's secrets, hell no, but enough i think to be open minded and tolerant.

Feature: Er, I do like my skintone color... not when it's super dark and red from the sun. But it's natural tone. And my smile - too bad my face is so chubby, haha. I liked my smile even when I had a huge gap in the middle.

Quality: Sense of Humor and being a good listener.


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