What errands do you hate the most?

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supermarkets. o.m.g.

i hate them so much so i go almost every day lol. cos then i'm only there for a few mins grabbing one or two things which i can deal with a lot better than spending an hour fighting through carts that people have abandoned in the middle of an aisle so they can wander off and look at something, kids screaming, there is always some couple eating each others faces in the middle of an aisle somewhere oblivious to the rest of the world trying to get past them, and i cant be bothered piling loads of things into the cart, then piling it all back out again at the check out, then piling it all into bags. boooooo-riiiiiingggg!!!

if you want to get me in a bad mood, just ask me to go grocery shopping.

C-A-N-N-O-T stand it. hehe

Making inquiries over the phone for anything, especially when you have to chase around for the person! Also I guess, standing in lines, like at the bank or post office.

I hate putting gas in. Sometimes I'll just drive on E for a couple of days until I force myself to pump gas in. My boyfriend always gets on my case for it.

I don't mind errands because I like watching people but my least fav is standing in line at the post office.

I actually enjoy running errands and going grocery shoping because I always do them with my husband and the reason why we do everything together is because I refuse to drive. I hate driving.

Hate going to the DMV! That place is always crowded and your in there for like 10 hours

Dusting!! Can't stand it!!
