What We Love About Ourselves!

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love how i can laugh at myself

my organizational skills

memory is pretty good

my generosity


Physicaly: Been told I have nice eyes, so I guess their nice. Been told I have a nice smile (but all I see are stained teeth), I like my pecker (been told it's very nice; but to me it's a pretty pecker.)

Otherwise: I like my sense of humor (sometimes), I like that I'm a non-judging good listener.

Hopefully I can think of other things in the future.

PS: I'm glad you gals love your boobies...LOL

I like my eyes and my teeth
..........I can get along with anyone, I'm funny & honest!!

umm .... my dimples. I'm a happi person. hmm . .. think that's it

I like my hands, my nails, I appreciate that my body is feminine and curvy, which makes me look good in a lot of clothes. I like my nose too, it's cute and has nice shape

I like myself for being honest, reliable, understanding and open minded. I am smart too and I get things fast. I also have good intuition (I sense small things)

fantasic thread!


great body proportion, great lashes, great booty!


fiercely loyal to family and friends, good at accepting people for who they are, my God given insight into situations services me well!

I like this thread!! I like my stomach. and i like that i can always be counted on, reliable.

I love my breasts, my lips and cheek bones, and my skin.

I love that I am meticulous , that I am a good worker, that I am creative and can dance (well sometimes, lol), I am sincere and honest. I treat people with respect. I also like my sense of humor and how I can be a huge goofball.

I have always been rather proud that I am intelligent and have a very logical mind. Just tonight I was eating dinner with some other young women from my church, and I was talking about my job as a software engineer (computer programmer) and mentioned that I couldn't think of another job I'd rather have, and they were shocked! lol However, I also like how I enjoy art and a few other right-brained pursuits, it is a nice break from my normal logical thinking, and it helps make me a little more well-rounded!

But honestly, in the past I think I was a little too prideful about my intelligence! I was valedictorian in my high school, and was one of the top students in the math AND computer science departments at my small college. However, grad school was a very humbling experience and it definitely did me some good -- I went to a large state school with a large computer science department, and realized there were a lot of people out there smarter than me! lol So I like how I have been more humble as of late
I think there is a fine line between self-confidence and just being prideful/arrogant...

I'm also very much an introvert -- I usually love being alone, but at the same time it's hard for me to socialize with anyone other than hubby or my closest friends. So there's a good and a bad side... But that is who I am, and I have accepted that and am happy with it now! (But it was hard being an introvert in high school!)

I would like to say I'm very caring, loving, all that good stuff... while I do think that most people would say I'm a nice person, I know I could still improve

Physically, I've always liked my hands and feet, especially with my nails polished

Bump!! lets revive this! and if one of the mods can help me edit it, i want to change it to include say your fav, things about others on the board too if you choose to!

Physical: I like my eyes and my brows.

Personality: People say I am funny. I am always there for my friends. I am spontaneous and always up for a good time.

Personality: I have a great sense of humor, a big heart, and I'm a great listener

Physical: I have great legs.

this is a tough one.

i guess i like . . .um.. i like how my body would look if it was thin. how my face would look if it didnt have dark circles double chin and freckles, how my eyebrows would look if they were darker, how my hair would look if it was longer.

and i guess i like that im easygoing honest and love animals.

I love my eyes and that im honest. But sometimes that hurts people, but id rather tell the truth then lie.


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