When you were a child, name some things that you were terrified of...

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the dark...what kid wasn't?

definitely under my bed. I used to check underneath it every night before I went to bed when I was little.

vampires. I so believed they were real and would get me sometime while I was in the complete dark.

big dogs. In fact, I'm still scared of them.

ditto on the Bloody Mary, Freddie Krueger & that movie Sandman, I think that's what it was called. Had all of those bees...

I used to be afriad of my brother when he would put those scarey mask on and umm wat elseee the dark and the bolier cause I used to live in a basement

My mom had me and my brother afraid of the "orphanage" she would pretend to call when we were being pains in the asses... lol

Originally Posted by NYAngel98 My mom had me and my brother afraid of the "orphanage" she would pretend to call when we were being pains in the asses... lol
Hahahaha!!! Hilarious!

Very clever mom!

I have OCD and when I was younger it was really bad.. especially with germs and food and things. I cannot handly the silica things in food or in purses... it groses me out and i wont even touch the packets.. I hate condiments... I don't like to touch them not now not ever.. but when I was younger I didn't even want to see them.. i was so terrified of germs when I was younger I would wash my hands all the time until they were so dried out that they would crack open and bleed. I wouldn't open a door without usind a papertowel(which i still do in public restrooms) and I couldn't wear clothing after it had been "infected" with anything I don't like...

Till this date I'm terrible scared of lizards and frogs

The dark (can't sleep with the lights off)

Shark, Vampire, Pervert , Snakes, Lizards, Cockroaches that's all I can remember lol.


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