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I`m a Flight attendant for an Norwegian company SAS Braathens (Scandinavian Airlines)

Worked there for over 8 years now and it`s perfect for me, because I have a lot of days off to play with my four year old daughter

Originally Posted by Karen_B /img/forum/go_quote.gif That sounds like it would be so interesting! Really worthwile too. It is the statistics are alarming....especially for youngs girls between the ages of 15 and 25....I've heard of cases with girls are young as 13 contracting HIV through unprotected sex.
I am a corporate recruiter for a large telecom provider and current grad school student.

wow some of u girls have really impressive jobs!!!

me im a stay at home mum but before that i was a bar tender and then i was in an admin traineeship, but then i fell preggers.

Here in australia we have a thing called centrelink and it a payment for those who are parents and who are looking for work etc etc, i get a small payment of 250-350 depending on bfs pay a fotnight.

Next yr when daughter goes to day care im gonna go back to work and looking forward to it!!!!

i like this thread im impressed at a lot of these jobs

me..i just work in a kitchen doing dishes hehe but im only going to college to major in fashion design, so hopefully one day i can impress people with my job.

im a student with one month to go studying history sociology and law, and i also work part time in a local makeup/beauty store

I'm a first grade teacher and administrator at a private school. Busy, busy,busy!

Hey i just came up with this topic because i'm stuck at work. I am currently working at my city's Police Academy (Montgomery Police Academy) as a secretary and it's a pretty cool job geting to see what goes on behind the scenes; and get this: Police are actually nice people to be around. but anyways what your job/where do you work? and do you like your job?

*Oh yeah I've been working here for about 1 1/2 yrs.

i work in a kitchen! serving old people at a nursing home. but its just a part time job until i go to college! been there 1 and a half years as well

I waitress at my parent's Italian restaurant during the weekends. (i'm off tonight though... woo hoo!)

I'm also a student.... I am 4 weeks away from my elementary ed. degree. I was supposed to be done this past semester, but my grandpa passed away, and I needed an extension.

right now i'm at home but starting from next week, i'll work in a company that provides each year the subjects and basic answers for the A levels, after the exams. i already did it last year, and it's pretty cool, the woman there is really nice.

Hi all.....

I'm actually a mining engineer.... In the energy field... Mainly in the corporate office most days but I do get out in the field and go underground once a month or so... It can be a dirty job but I love it... And wouldn't do anything else.. I does make me appreciate long bubble baths sooo much more after a long day crawling around in a coal mine.. Lol

Have a great day!!!

Love Karren

I am a psychology major in college, planning on getting my esthetician's license at the Baltimore school of Massage, and going back to school to finish my degree. I am an asst. manager of Hollister Co. and a dancer at a club in New York City. School's out for summer, and I have two more semesters before I spend 6-12 months getting licensed as an esthetician.

One day, above any career, I want to be a stay at home mother <3


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