30 Inspirations Nail Art Challenge 2014

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Aug 10, 2013
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Hi polish-loving people!
I posted my last 30 Manis Marathon (https://www.makeuptalk.com/f/topic/126767-30-manis-marathon-2013/?hl=%20challenge) mani only very recently, but we haven't had this kind of thing on here for a while. And Jay @@JC327 mentioned an interest in doing another one. I'm interested in doing another -slow- one! So I'm all for input from here from folks with experience; here is my idea:
So - What do you think of doing another moderately and reasonably s l o w - paced marathon (every 4 or 5 days, so it would take four or five months, but not be a huge personal time-commitment or nail-health pressure?) where the 30 inspirations are people's submitted manis from here? The inspirations could be manis that are one straight cream colour, or a shimmer, or a glitter, or any other sort of polish, or they could be manis with nail art of some sort too. I think there could be plenty of flexibility in taking an inspiration from complex to simple by choosing one colour from a mani, or interpreting a mani with rhinestones (which I don't have, for example) from 3D to 2D by using polish to represent them, etc. and from simple to complex by adding variations of colour, stamping, or 3D elements. I think it would be fun!
If there's interest, here's the new thread. I haven't done anything like this before, so if someone is interested in helping with collecting and putting together the inspirations into an image that would be great. I'm thinking of something where you could see all the inspiration thumbnails, but then could also see/zoom in on? the specific 'inspiration of the 4/5 days' as well.
So, the first thing would be to collect some (well, thirty) inspirations. We'll see how many are interested in submitting, and can then do one or two or more! per person. I reserve a spot! I'll see how we do on collecting the inspirations and then we can set up a start-time. Beginners are definitely most welcome, both for inspiration submission and for marathon participation! And I look forward to input and advice from everyone!
If you're planning to submit an inspiration mani, please let me know! I'll let you know how to send them. I'll post updates on this challenge here, and am thinking it would be nice to get started in two weeks (or less if possible).
Thoughts people?
The rest of the post has been edited by @bellatrix42

Welcome to the 30 Inspiration Nail Art Challenge 2014! I am so excited to get this under way. I am adding the inspiration images, FAQ, schedule, and other information to this post so that everyone can find it easily.

Side note: Does anyone know how to change spoiler titles on the new MUT? I knew how to do it before the site switch, but I can't figure it out. I am putting the various topics in this thread under spoiler tags to keep the scrolling to a minimum. 

@@Monika1 has been doing a fantastic job at getting this marathon going. Feel free to ask myself (bellatrix42) or Monika any questions you might have. Remember, anyone with any skill level is welcome to join us and even submit an inspiration at any time. We would love to have you!

For those of you interested in submitting an inspiration mani: Please don't hesitate! Your manicure doesn't have to be immaculate or fancy. An inspiration can pretty much be anything. Think colors, patterns, nail art techniques, textures, finishes, themes, or anything else you might imagine. 

We have a hashtag! To find our fab manis or post one of your own, use #30MUTmanis

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Participate?: Everyone who is a MakeupTalk member in good standing.

I'm not an experienced nail artist. Can I still do this?: Absolutely! The inspirations will be of varying levels of complexity, using various polishes and techniques. You could be inspired by the most complex dark and light blue striped/stamped/dotted/bedazzled manicure and choose one aspect that you like, for example the blue colour family. And you could post a beautiful all-one-blue mani in response. Or take the bedazzled aspect and post an all-silver glitter mani in response. Or grab a toothpick and try your hand at your very first dotticure!

Can I submit an inspiration if I am a beginner?: Yes, please! Your creative colour or design choices will be a great source for inspiration too.

Can I submit something I found online?: I'd rather you submit your own creation. We don't always know if someone who has posted something on their own site would be happy if you re-posted it.

Can I sign up for posting an inspiration mani later in this challenge?: Yes. We will be posting a sign-up sheet for people who are interested in submitting inspirations. For next month, we would like to have our volunteers for the 7th of the month; with their mani photographs submitted to @bellatrix42 by the 15th of the month; and the image with the six photographs will be up by the 20th of the month to give everyone time to plan their inspired manis. [eta: I'll keep you posted on exact dates; this might change. -M]

How often will I be expected to create a new mani?: This is a casual activity for your enjoyment. We intend to be posting five sets of six inspiration manis every thirty (30) days (month). The idea is that you will have five (5) days for each new mani, and participants will generally be posting their manis for a particular inspiration in the five days after the 'post date' for that mani. And if you're quick on your calculations, you'll notice the 30 manis will be done over a relaxed five-month span. The dates will be on a chart for reference. But if you are busy, there is no harm in posting your mani a bit later; and you are welcome to join in the challenge once it has already started.

What do you mean by inspiration mani?: Sometimes I see a mani online that inspires me to create my own version of it. In this activity, 30 people (or fewer if they submit more than one) will submit manis over a period of five months so that we can use their creations as a source of inspiration for our own manis. It will be fun for the submitter to see all of the manicures derived creatively from their manicure. I got the idea to suggest this challenge from folks in the "Nail polish you're wearing right now?" thread (www.makeuptalk.com/f/topic/13191-nail-polish-youre-wearing-right-now) when I posted a mani and @Stitchie and others commented on their interest in using it as a creative point of departure for their own nail art. Here is my nude-base mani 'inspiration' and @Stitchie's mint-blue-base mani in response to it.

/monthly_06_2014/post-102805-0-12120500-1402012574.jpg">/monthly_06_2014/post-102805-0-12120500-1402012574.jpg /monthly_06_2014/post-102805-0-83059900-1402012590.jpg">/monthly_06_2014/post-102805-0-83059900-1402012590.jpg

What if I have more questions?: Please don't hesitate to ask them right here in the thread or send a message.



Our schedule has been set. We will be doing new manis every 5 days. A new set of inspiration manis submitted by MUT members will be posted once a month, mid month.

First Set of 6 Inspirations posted - Week of June 9th


June 13th to 17th                                 Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #1

June 18th to 22nd                                Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #2

June 23rd to 27th                                Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #3

June 28th to July 2nd                          Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #4

July 3rd to 7th                                      Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #5

Second set of 6 Inspirations posted - Week of July 4th

July 8th to 12th                                    Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #6


July 13th to 17th                                Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #7

July 18th to 22nd                               Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #8

July 23rd to 27th                                 Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #9

July 28th to August 1st                       Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #10

Third set of 6 Inspirations posted - Week of July 30th

August 2nd to 6th                               Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #11

August 7th to 11th                              Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #12


August 11th to 16th                           Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #13

August 17th to 21st                           Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #14

Fourth set of 6 Inspirations posted - Week of September 20th

August 22nd to 26th                           Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #15

August 27th to 31st                            Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #16

September 1st to 5th                         Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #17

September 6th to 10th                       Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #18


September 22nd to 26th                     Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #19

September 27th to October 1st          Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #20

Fifth set of 6 Inspirations Posted - Week of October 5th

October 2nd to 6th                           Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #21

October 7th to 11th                          Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #22

October 12th to 16th                        Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #23

October 17th to 21st                        Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #24


October 22nd to 31st                      Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #25

November 1st to 5th                       Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #26

November 6th to 10th                     Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #27

November 10th to 14th                   Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #28

November 15th 19th                      Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #29

November 20th to 24th                   Post manis inspired by: Inspiration #30

Inspiration Volunteer Sign Ups


We would love you to submit an inspiration manicure for our marathon! We are looking for a total of 30 manicures. There may be room for members to submit multiple manis. To sign up, post in this thread with the set you would like to sign up for and tag @bellatrix42 or send bellatrix42 a message and your name will be edited into this post. If you do volunteer to submit a mani, please send bellatrix42 your inspiration mani picture before the deadline for your chosen set. Thank you to all of our volunteers in advance!

Inspiration mani submissions can involve any colours or textures of polish or nail art materials guided by your ideas or environment. Please submit a picture of your own mani rather than submitting someone else's photo. You may draw inspiration from a mani you have seen before.

Inspiration Set One

Please sign up by June 21st & submit photo(s) to bellatrix42 by June 29th.

1. Monika1

2. Monika1

3. pollysmom

4. pollysmom

5. lolo22

6. jesemiaud

Inspiration Set Two

Please sign up by June 21st & submit photo(s) to bellatrix42 by June 29th.

1. Monika1

2. bellatrix42

3. stitchie

4. pollysmom

5. lochnessie

6. acostakk

Inspiration Set Three

Please sign up by July 7th & submit photo(s) to bellatrix42 by July 15th.

1. Monika1

2. oneallmama

3. prettylights

4. Christa W

5. jbird1175

6. lolo22

Inspiration Set Four

Please sign up by August 17th & submit photo(s) to bellatrix42 by August 20th.

1. Monika1

2. lochnessie

3. jessismith

4. Monika1

5. Monika1

6. Monika1

Inspiration Set Five

Please sign up by September 7th & submit photo(s) to bellatrix42 by September 15th.

1. Courtnee ♥’s ...

2. Monika1

3. JC237

4. bellatrix42




Inspiration Set One


Inspiration Set Two

Inspiration Set Three


Inspiration Set Four



  • Taylor dots rt fl.jpg
    Taylor dots rt fl.jpg
    19 KB · Views: 6
  • Stitchie's creation based on inspiration.jpg
    Stitchie's creation based on inspiration.jpg
    18.5 KB · Views: 5
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I am all in! I didn't make it far through the last marathon because my nails were in horrific condition, but I have been waiting for another to start. I also offer my help with running it, and I would like to submit an inspiration mani.

I am all in! I didn't make it far through the last marathon because my nails were in horrific condition, but I have been waiting for another to start. I also offer my help with running it, and I would like to submit an inspiration mani.
Ah, that's wonderful to hear! Thank-you. I'll send you a pm within a day. I have a rehearsal today and have to get to bed!!!

I'm in! I was just thinking the other day that I wished another mani marathon would come along. I'd feel weird submitting a mani of my own but I have a lot of manis on my Pinterest board saved that are manis I would like to try some day. I'd be happy to choose a few to share here, unless you only want MUT manis?

I'm in...and I could sent in a mani or two for inspiration. I think this will be fun...I've had bare nails for a few weeks...we are moving soon and packing is wreaking havoc on my nails. This will give me the motivation to get started again.

I'm in! I was just thinking the other day that I wished another mani marathon would come along. I'd feel weird submitting a mani of my own but I have a lot of manis on my Pinterest board saved that are manis I would like to try some day. I'd be happy to choose a few to share here, unless you only want MUT manis?
That's great! I admit I was actually thinking that the submitted inspirations would be our own creations. You submit one of your manis, and we all use it as our source of creative inspiration to make our own manis; these can be very similar, simpler, more complex, etc., but will be inspired by your mani. It will be fun to see how diverse the variation on your theme will be.

I do understand that it may feel weird to submit your own mani. We'll have to brainstorm on this and I am still open to more input on it.

What do people think of if the inspiration could be either your mani or your photo or series of photos of other things in your environment (clothes, flowers, rocks, etc.)?

I'm concerned about submission of photos of other people's manis (not your own) as inspiration, especially without permission. I do know that in past challenges we've had inspirations like 'red', so a mani with exclusively your favourite red polish could be a perfect inspiration submission in my mind.

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I'm in...and I could sent in a mani or two for inspiration. I think this will be fun...I've had bare nails for a few weeks...we are moving soon and packing is wreaking havoc on my nails. This will give me the motivation to get started again.
Glad to hear it. I'll be posting some updates within a week, and look forward to getting started too!

Sure, I could do that. Although, I'd be scamming an idea off of the interwebs. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Tee, hee, I guess our own inspirations come from all over the place! Mine often come from just looking at the polish bottles, but bedsheets, flowers, rocks, great manis on here, and the Web are all great sources of ideas for me too.

I'm definitely interested! I'd like to do more nail art; I've played around with it a little bit but haven't done much so far. I have so many polishes begging to be put to good use!

I've never done a mani marathon but I've always wanted to! I'm in!
Wonderful! It's great to have you! I'm looking forward to this too.

I'm definitely interested! I'd like to do more nail art; I've played around with it a little bit but haven't done much so far. I have so many polishes begging to be put to good use!
Super! We must not disappoint our ready and willing polish stashes! It's great fun to have a reason to use those neglected yellows and glitters (in my case), or that ugly-pretty colour like overcooked broccoli in the collection. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I am all in! I didn't make it far through the last marathon because my nails were in horrific condition, but I have been waiting for another to start. I also offer my help with running it, and I would like to submit an inspiration mani.
Hi @! I sent a PM a while ago; just touching base. I look forward to hearing your thoughts! And it's great that you'll be submitting an inspiration mani. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

@@Monika1 I'm happy to help too if you need more help. I'm sure I can find some pics of old manis or other inspirations to use. Do we sign up for slots or how do you see this working?

Hi @Lolo22. Thanks for the offer of help! I'm planning on posting a 5-day rotation schedule soon (given that 1: I haven't gotten requests for a four-day one, and 2: I know we all sometimes get busy :wacko: ), and was considering a start date in a week's time, but am hoping to clarify a few things before we get started, and we might want to give a bit more time so more people will know about it (not sure yet). What I find out might influence the start date. So far we have about 6 people who have indicated they are interested in submitting inspirations. I know many people have checked out the thread, so I hope we'll have more! I had thought to collect a set of inspirations so we can consider even posting them before we get started, just like the list that @@CheshireCookie and @@Scooby Dynamite posted in their first message of the Challenge and Marathon threads, but we might end up having a more 'phased' approach on this, since people obviously need a little bit of time to put together and send the inspirations. I think your idea of signing up for the later slots is a good one!

A PM is on it's way  :drive:   as soon as I finish writing it.

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I'm concerned about submission of photos of other people's manis (not your own) as inspiration, especially without permission. I do know that in past challenges we've had inspirations like 'red', so a mani with exclusively your favourite red polish could be a perfect inspiration submission in my mind.
To clarify, while I would get inspiration from something I saw online, I would do my own interpretation of that to photograph. I would also credit where the inspiration came from. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Hi folks!

I thought I'd post an update on our progress toward a start date and provide some more details on this challenge. Right now, @ is graciously helping to put together the first six inspiration manis so everyone can see them before we get started. We want to publicize the activity a bit more before getting started, but the first six manis will be up soon.

Who can participate?: Everyone who is a MakeupTalk member in good standing.

I'm not an experienced nail artist. Can I still do this?: Absolutely! The inspirations will be of varying levels of complexity, using various polishes and techniques. You could be inspired by the most complex dark and light blue striped/stamped/dotted/bedazzled manicure and choose one aspect that you like, for example the blue colour family. And you could post a beautiful all-one-blue mani in response. Or take the bedazzled aspect and post an all-silver glitter mani in response. Or grab a toothpick and try your hand at your very first dotticure!

Can I submit an inspiration if I am a beginner?: Yes, please! Your creative colour or design choices will be a great source for inspiration too.

Can I submit something I found online?: I'd rather you submit your own creation. We don't always know if someone who has posted something on their own site would be happy if you re-posted it.

Can I sign up for posting an inspiration mani later in this challenge?: Yes. We will be posting a sign-up sheet for people who are interested in submitting inspirations. For next month, we would like to have our volunteers for the 7th of the month; with their mani photographs submitted to @ by the 15th of the month; and the image with the six photographs will be up by the 20th of the month to give everyone time to plan their inspired manis. [eta: I'll keep you posted on exact dates; this might change. -M]

How often will I be expected to create a new mani?: This is a casual activity for your enjoyment. We intend to be posting five sets of six inspiration manis every thirty (30) days (month). The idea is that you will have five (5) days for each new mani, and participants will generally be posting their manis for a particular inspiration in the five days after the 'post date' for that mani. And if you're quick on your calculations, you'll notice the 30 manis will be done over a relaxed five-month span. The dates will be on a chart for reference. But if you are busy, there is no harm in posting your mani a bit later; and you are welcome to join in the challenge once it has already started.

What do you mean by inspiration mani?: Sometimes I see a mani online that inspires me to create my own version of it. In this activity, 30 people (or fewer if they submit more than one) will submit manis over a period of five months so that we can use their creations as a source of inspiration for our own manis. It will be fun for the submitter to see all of the manicures derived creatively from their manicure. I got the idea to suggest this challenge from folks in the "Nail polish you're wearing right now?" thread (www.makeuptalk.com/f/topic/13191-nail-polish-youre-wearing-right-now) when I posted a mani and @@Stitchie and others commented on their interest in using it as a creative point of departure for their own nail art. Here is my nude-base mani 'inspiration' and @@Stitchie's mint-blue-base mani in response to it.

View attachment 2097View attachment 2099

What if I have more questions?: Please don't hesitate to ask them right here in the thread or send a message.

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