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Ugh...I have to work on Friday and don't know if I'll be able to get one then, but I definitely have my alarm set and elbows ready for the second batch on Monday!

I am not going to be able to get this sub because of my PayPal issues, I am so bummed. My hubby was willing to fool with PayPal for the subs I already have but eh has put his foot down on any more... my heart is breaking.

@@ohsailor, I can't hold up my end of our deal, but I really hope you are able to snag a spot! I can't wait to see what everyone gets this first month, and hopefully I will have a chance to try for it at a later date! :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

*casual whistle*

Don't mind me, just sitting here, refreshing this here page....

ETA : And the website appears to be down.

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The final chekcout doesn't even work for me, It wants me to add something to my cart for it to work... my information is there, but there is no "submit order" button??

I think I got in!  Payment sent via paypal at least :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

If you make it to the checkout page, you'll see some spinny gray dots.  If it doesn't load your cart there will be a 0 at the bottom.  If you check/uncheck the "ship to a different address" box it'll try to load the cart again, so you can just do that unil you get a payment button.

ETA : And again and again until that payment button works.  Best of luck everyone!

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