I am in the hospital!

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Jan 12, 2008
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We finally finished moving (mostly) and we spent our first night in our new home on Saturday evening.

I really haven't been feeling well for about a week. I figured it was the stomach flu even though I really didn't *have* stomach flu symptoms (weird, I know!) Yesterday, I spent much of the day laying down with the babies. I wasn't really quite sure what was wrong I just knew I didn't feel well-- and had a headache (not abnormal for me) and was very tired!

This morning, I woke up hurting sooo badly in my lower abdomen and it hurt so badly to walk. I decided to ask my mom to come over and take me to the hospital and watch the kidlets for me. So, she did.

They did an abdominal CT scan, abdominal x-rays, pelvic exam, etc. etc. They discovered that my small intestine is kinked off and swollen. So, no soup for me! (or water or pop or candy or FOOD!) I may have to have a tube down my nose and into my stomach to decompress my intestines. Or, and this is the most likely thing IMO, perhaps surgery to unkink my bowel.

I am in a ton of pain but am medicated now1

At any rate-- with all the downtime I have, I may actually be able to read and post here!



I hope that your unkinked and feeling better soon.

feel better soon chicken! I'm sorry to hear that you're in pain.

And what a sweet mum, looking after your kidlets for you! at least you don't have to worry about that

Awww Brandi! You poor thing, I hope you get better soon and they sort this thing out as soon as possible! Take care of yourself *hugs*

Get well soon Brandi, I am sorry you are in pain and lets hope they don't have to operate. My best wishes are with you.

wow brandi! it's a good thing you went in before it got too serious! here's hoping that they can correct your situation without surgery and for a speedy recovery!


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