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Hee - thanks!  I'm only calm this month because I've got so much crap ordered in, I'm getting packages every day.  =(  Boo, me!  But it's so fun!

Let me know if she refunds you, or says it shipped.  Oh I do so hope it shipped!!!

I got this email response: hmmm..that is odd:(  your subscription shows up in a totally weird place in paypal.  i am glad it happened though...because now i know to watch that as well.  I am so sorry...your subscription did not register correctly on our end..therefore it wasnt shipped.  we do keep a manual record and re download every montht o make sure we dont lose anyone:)  we just have to add a new search now as well:)  fortunately you were the only one it happened to:) we will reship the nov box as well as the dec box to you:)  :)crystal

Now that is strange, because I also signed up and paid on Oct 28.  I emailed to find out when my box would ship, and was told that I would e getting the December box.  Why would you get the November and I the December if we paid the same day?  Unless it's because I got a one-month and you got a yearly sub?

I hope I won't be emailing every month for a year trying to figure out where the heck my box is. :-/

Crystal has already emailed. I wanted the samples before I ran out of Smashbox Halo in case I like them, but too late! She was super nice

I bought from Crystal way back in 2009, she was my first purchase on Etsy, its crazy to see how much her business has grown. I didn't even know she was offering a sampler box now!

Originally Posted by nelliebelle1197 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Crystal has already emailed. I wanted the samples before I ran out of Smashbox Halo in case I like them, but too late! She was super nice
Did she refund you?  After she didn't respond to two emails from me, I left a message on her facebook this morning saying that Nov 30 she said the Dec boxes would go out in a few days, and asking if they had.  Still she didn't reply, but today I got an email from that she sent me a package.  This is ridiculous!  I just left another message on FB asking if that shipment was my box just going out today.  What the heck?!

I just got my tracking number from Crystal. She has really been a great help everytime I email her I get a response the same day. Hopefully I will get my box this week it's my first box I will update everyone on what I receive.

I placed my order Oct 28, expecting a November bag - which I thought was the first one.  When I found out here that I would be getting a December bag rather than November, I emailed to cancel.  Crystal replied that night, saying that the bag would ship early Dec and would be received between 12-15, so I kept the order placed.

When I saw someone post on their FB page that they'd gotten their box on Nov 30, I commented, asking if all the boxes were out.  She replied a few hours later that this was the Nov box and the Dec box would go out in a couple of days.

I'd placed several orders with them (regular full sized items) around the 8th.  I emailed Saturday - right after NellieBelle posted she was writing to ask for a refund and was replied to right away - when I'd only received one shipping email that had it stuck since the 11th, and looked at the site to find the items under the order number I sent were totally wrong, wrong number of items, different total.  I added, "By the way - I ordered the beauty box.  Did it ship yet?"   No reply. 

My order came in Monday and was fine.  I emailed again, letting her know it arrived but I was still confused about the order the site had listed, and by the way, did my box ship?  No reply.

Then yesterday I got an email that she'd sent me a package.  I posted on their site, saying "Hi. On Nov 30th you said that December's box was going out in a few days, but I haven't received mine yet. Have they all shipped?"  She replied at midnight last night, "december boxes left yesterday and today. they will always ship mid month. yes, melissa, yours shipped. i am a little behind in email. please bare with me folks...i am getting like 5 pages of emails a aday and trying to blend and ship the orders so they get to you in a timely fashion. i have been putting blending and shipping ahead of emails due to the holiday.; we also had printer, credit card machine and register problems yesterday due to a power outage..arghh just what we need during a busy holiday:) we are up and rolling though."

I'm pretty livid at this moment.

And even as I write that I'm livid at this moment, I realize what an over-reaction of something non-important this is.  But the sentence "they will always ship mid month" after I'd been promised different twice, along with the fact that I suspect she read my emails and just didn't reply to give me the chance to cancel, really grates.

Totally understandable to your points. I was also advised they would ship mid month as well. I would be really frustrated too only I just signed up early December. I am giving all my boxes a one month chance and this one will probably be one that goes too. She has been really nice and responsive to me but after taking a longer look at her site I might not be that impressed by the contents.

Originally Posted by Beeyutifull /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Totally understandable to your points. I was also advised they would ship mid month as well. I would be really frustrated too only I just signed up early December. I am giving all my boxes a one month chance and this one will probably be one that goes too. She has been really nice and responsive to me but after taking a longer look at her site I might not be that impressed by the contents.
The site is rather amateurish, but I really like TANF's mineral foundations, blushes, and eyeshadows.  I've been meaning to place an order for some more foundation and blush, need to do that before the holiday sale is over. 

I got my box today and I have to admit I was totally impressed. I know I doubted this sub but really liked it.

Yes - I got tracking Tuesday.  I'm already a bit down because I wanted to use some of the items in gift bags, but wasn't able because it didn't get here in time.  Maybe when I get it I'll find I would have wanted to keep it all, anyway.

That's the spirit! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Let me know what you think when you finally get your box. Thought I'd be the only one getting this sub. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Got my box today.  Dunno if anyone else got this that I may spoil for, but just in case I'll throw it behind a tag...

Despite being late, Crystal really put together a beautiful box.  It looked so pretty and festive when I opened it!  Not sure if you got the same things.  I got:

Peppermint lip balm - YUM!  Love peppermint!

Unscented liquid crystal deodorant - never considered trying a natural one before.  Since it's winter and not 100 degrees, worth a try!

Two little glitter nail polishes - look so Christmassy!

Three eye shadows, a primer, and an applicator in a little purple bag &

Black liquid eyeliner - these items will be a perfect extra gift for a specific friend of mine.  Happily it's someone I'll see on Christmas day, so it doesn't matter that this was late.

Also a little sample of another eye shadow.
I really do like this box.  I only signed up for the one month.  I'm getting a 6-month sub to The Natural Beauty Box for Christmas, and I cancelled all my other subs for a time because I just have too much stuff to work my way through at the second.  I would definitely consider this when I'm eventually ready to go back into acquiring-mode, and would love to hear what they send each month if you continue to get it!


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