8 a day Challenge....(WATER)

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I am so excited to come across this challenge! I know I'm a little late but thats ok. This might sound stupid but I didn't know that oily skin and acne could be symptoms of dehydration! I know drinking water helps the skin but I didn't put 2 + 2 together! I have both and hope drinking water will help because lately my skin is breaking out more than ever. I normally drink like 0 glasses of water a day but in the past couple days I've been drinking maybe 2 glasses of water a day because I started working out. But now (starting tomorrow) it will be 8 or more a day! Im gonna take a picture of my skin today but I don't think I have the courage to post it. But I will have it for myself to compare the after results! Keep up the good work everyone! :clap

Yes, if your have dehydrated skin (0 glasses of water), your skin will either be very dry or OILY....because your skin wants to produce more oil to make up for the dehydration.....I too was amazed to learn that.

Glad to have you aboard. Seem the less water you drink.....the bigger affect this challange has on a person....I too was a 0-1 glass a day girl - and BAMMMMM it made a huge difference with me.

I believe this may be your body washing/riding of toxins....which can sometimes exit through the skin....this will pass.

This is a good thing though, you may hate it now, but your body must rid them somehow, it's sucky, but it's needs to exit. Just keep drinking and soon you should start clearing up. I too had a couple breakouts, but I think that has a little to do with my period too. Maybe try a VERY mild medicated moisturizer on the breakout area until it passes.....whatever your skin will tolerate without being too harsh.....maybe something with salysilic acid - but again look for something VERY mild (alot of products out there are so harsh). Or maybe find a MILD cleanser with an antibacterial agent in it.....aloe actually has a natural antibacterial agent in it, you could try that.

I've already downed 16 oz this morning and made quota yesterday - barely again (downed my last glass around 10 pm....was up 3 times last night running to the bathroom.....it's back to water before 6 pm again.....cuz I didn't like that).

I have been making good progress. 11 glasses for yesterday and 12 glasses today. :icon_wink

My initial breakouts (which I think is due to the toxins being cleared from my body) is also clearing up. And I could almost swear my skin look dewy! I can't wait for this challenge to be up and see how much my complexion has changed! :clap

lol i have had breakouts for a while (about two years) and they are just starting to clear up, thats why i was worried i was breaking out again. but i put stuff on my face for them that dries my skin out :icon_roll thats NOT very mild!

I woke up this morning and went to go get some water, when i opened the fridge to my horror there was none! so now im drinking tap till i can go to sams and its gross lol i dont know if i will be making 8 glasses today.

Do you have any lemons to put in your water? That will help purify it a bit and disguise the taste. I hate tap water, too.

i should try that Lisa, thanks! I actually just got back from getting water im a little behind, but i will catch up!

Hi everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I checked in last. Been busy here! Anyhow, I've met my goal today and I'm still drinking consistently until 7:00 p.m. Kelly, I've been up late also because I was sucking down water after 9:00 p.m. and my bladder was still in 'pee galore' mode.

Okay, maybe it was just me and this is *really* tmi...but for a few days after I started the challenge, I was having bad GAS. Like stuff that would make the dog run away bad kinda gas. Nothing in my diet changed, except an elimination of sweets. Then yesterday I had some major BMs and today I'm back to normal, but with a much flatter lower abdomen. (!!!) I think because I wasn't getting enough water in my system, I was in a constant state of mild constipation. Now that I'm drinking lots of water, it loosened up whatever the funk was stuck and set it free.

This all reminds me of the Oprah episode where she had those doctors on and they had actual examples of a healthy colon and a diseased one (from cadavers), mainly caused from life-long habits of low fiber and water. Whoa!

Getting through my first day today and will definately finish my 8 glasses. Im almost done! I normally drink like 0-1 glasses a day so this is definately a struggle. I've had a water bottle in my hand all day to keep me sipping! I read somewhere that sipping throughout the day is better than chugging a lot at a time because your body absorbs more of it so Im trying not to do the chugging thing! I took some pictures of my skin yesterday and they were sooo horrible!! Oily and pimples and tons of acne scarring. Does anyone know if this is supposed to help with the scarring at all? Keep up the good work everyone!!

I've been offline lately, but I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. I'm glad to see that everyone is on track! I'm still doing it up with my water intake. I'm up to about 70-75 oz a day!!! Wow! Three months ago, I went days without taking a drink of water. Now I feel strange drinking anything else!

Great work everyone!:clap

hey guys.. i'm kinda late but i started today.. and boy, i must say.. it was a CHALLENGE!!! i'm used to drinking soda all day long.. hence why my skin is not anything to brag about. good luck to everyone!!!!!

I dont really have "scarring" from acne, just red spots left over. Which i have noticed them getting lighter in the past couple of days. If its really deep scarring, im pretty sure it wont help (im not completely sure) because the damage is already is done.

well well! i weigh 120 lbs so 60 oz. is what i've been shooting for anyways! haha!

i always have clear pee. like you'd really want to know. but, i'm always drinking watered down juices like crazy [i work at a child care, in the infant room and the juices have to be wated down like crazy]. but, since this water challenge, i've gotten a 20 oz bottle and try my hardest to fill it three times a day.

great job girly! 10 oz right away!

my boyfriend is a nut! but, i love him! i bought myself a 20 oz bottle for when i'm done with the 9 oz bottles. actually, i have 3 left now? they're at his house but, he stops by my work and gives them to me if i call him up for it.

i'm glad you didnt have any traces of weed in you! lol. thats crazy though! i hope you dont live with them anymore?

i'm glad that the water is taking its role for your skin! yay! for me, i havent broken out quite as simply. i havent changed my cleansing routine, so i know it must be the waters i've been drinking. i should be drinking 60 oz, but i've gone to around 40 to 50 so far every day. just 10 more oz!

still on the 8 a day track. Today is my first long day at school, 8am-4pm (with a 2hour break though *yay*). we´ll see if I can drink as much as when I stay home. don´t think so, but I´ll try

my skin has become more glowy and I look much better and even toned with makeup. still waiting for the day I can go without foundation-don´t think that´s gonna happen anytime soon though :icon_chee

aww! we have the great guys who are very supportive! haha.

my boyfriend bought me the bottled waters because, he hears that drinking tap water during pregnancy is not too good. but, we'll see if theres such a difference. haha.

Sorry I was away yesterday, so I'm checking in. I made my mark yesterday and now this morning my 3 year old decided it was morning at 3 am!!! So I am about the hit the hay again now....for a small nap.

You are all doing great. Some of the side effects are just minor side effects most of you are experiencing and as we go on, I'm sure they will subside and only get better. I'm glad everyone is experiencing good results, or most of us, if you've already been a water drinker like littlelisa, then you may not see any major change. But for those of us that didn't drink much at all.....WOW!


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