8 a day Challenge....(WATER)

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i think you can drink other things. With me, i am trying to stop drinking everything but water. (i will probably make it one other drink a day) i read somewhere on the other board (the on with the poll), that if you drink anything other then water(coffee, soda, ect.) , you should drink an extra glass of water

First I want to say....wow everyone is doing great! Weekends are hard. I've noticed today, I'm running to the bathroom less. :clap

Second I want to thank you all, for being soooo sweet, in regards to the comments and my skin. Believe me, I haven't heard comments on my skin in a long time.....been battleing some imperfections and such and well.....I too agree that it looks much more "plump". Even looking at my avatar I do not look almost 34, I look in my 20's.....I'll take that. I agree that Raquel does not look her age either....she has very young looking skin....LOVE IT! Kaori, beautiful! What more can I say!

Everything I've done to my body, brought my age right to my face and it really looked older that it was......yea come on back face!!!!

Yea water....can you believe the results everyone is having from just WATER!!!!!!

Hi quisteele! Sorry I misunderstood your question. :icon_redf The ACV or lemon juice doesn't have a negative impact on the water. It's the stuff like sodas, coffee and sweetened drinks that make the body work harder to strip away the excess in order to salvage water.

kaori - you're simply beautiful! And you look so young, too! Around here, there are teenage girls who look older than you!

It's already about 1:30 p.m. and I'm 3/4 of the way towards my goal. My skin looked so beautiful this morning! I've never seen it look so even-toned and my normal ruddy areas are less pink. So cool!

Are you trying to make me fall in love with you gristeele? :icon_love :icon_love J/K! Thanks for the compliment!:icon_chee

I have been good saturday cause I knew I´d be going out that night, I had like 6 glasses. so my "yeah I know it´s not water"-intake last night was:

4 glasses of prosecco

2 snake bites

and: 2 glasses of water in between (hey, at least I tried *lol*)

today I´ve been drinking like 4 glasses so far. my skin doesn´t look great though cause of the smoke at the club and everything. and I got 3 fever blisters on my lips right now. UGH...too bad water doesn´t help with those :icon_wink

Kelly, I'm so happy that this is working for you already! Isn't it the most wonderful thing, that something we all have access to (water) can do so much for the skin! I'm picking up speed on drinking water today. Last night I had wine as well, and I woke up really thirsty! It won't be hard to exceed today at all!

PS: Kaori! Your skin looks incredible!

Kerry, I can't wait to see how your skin is looking once the challenge is over, because I thought your skin looked great before!

I normally drink a lot of water, but not as much as I should though, but starting today and forever, I'm going to drink sooo much water that I'm not going to be able to keep still, from always running to the bathroom. It's just time for me to now take better care of myself, so why not start today. Oh, I have to run to the bathroom now.....lol......:icon_redf

Have you tried the supplement L-lysine? You can take it in a tablet form and they also make it in a lip balm now....It works wonders for cold sores. If you take it regularly, it will keep your cold sores gone! I know from experience! I actually haven't even taken the supplement in years now and just use the lip balm every now and then and NO COLD SORES....knock on wood. Just thought I'd ask, maybe you already know this....but I sure know how they hurt.

Back to this thread and the water stuff.....gosh guys, we could use our before and afters for some sort of health or medical research thing.....especially with how much of a change we've all experienced! It just seems so not real.....I'm afraid to open my eyes :icon_bigg .

I made my quota today, but almost missed my last glass, then slugged it down....along with a big supper and I was a bit bloated feeling, cuz I tried to chug 2 other glasses just before supper.....trying to get them all in man!!!!

I'm seeing some definite improvements in my skin. The overall condition is looking more radiant and less fatigued! You are so sweet Rachel! Thank you! I should take some pics tomorrow or the next day to do an update. :icon_bigg

I made my goal and exceeded it by 16 oz because I had a Glenlivet scotch after supper. So bad but so good!

almost 7am and I already chuged down 2 glasses...will take a water bottle to school too.

since school starts today I´m wondering how I´m gonna make up for lost water-drinking-time. I can´t go to the bathroom every hour, can´t disturb class :icon_chee

ok first notices:

Hyper Real hasn´t been looking all that good on me latley, it made me look strangely yellow and not as glowy as usual. not today, I found my love for Hyper Real back.

my dark undereye circles are looking pretty good today too.

still waiting for the miracle to happen though..but then again I joined the challenge late and don´t think I got up to 8 glasses/day YET :icon_wink

but I´m trying, guys

I did great during the weekend (over 100 oz every day). Considering my weight, I should be drinking around 70 oz per day. I had my water with me at all times and didnt even have to force myself to drink it, I was making small sips subconsciously. I was a little afraid of this challenge because I thought it would be tough to go from almost 0 to 100 oz but now it seems too easy.

I cant say I've noticed any special changes caused by water because my skin has gone through a lot of changes lately due to me finally starting to take care of it. But I kind of feel lighter and less hungry during the day. I am seriously hoping that the water helps me lose some weight too.

Congrats to all the others that are doing so great.

Great to hear you're doing well Charmosa! I notice that if I start drinking water as soon as I wake up, I don't feel as hungry and can eat a smaller breakfast! I have lost some weight by drinking water. Instead of filling up with food, I've learned that sometimes I am actually thirsty when I think I'm hungry. Does that make sense?

I'm checking in. I made my quotas this weekend and still going strong. Love the changes in my skin so far.....

Kim, I also noticed I gained alittle too! Yuck, but obviously it's one of those things we wait on, because it must obvioulsy water weight.....and once our system gets use to this water it will flush away some weight we do not want....he he (I can't see how I gained a couple, either, because I'm running to the bathroom all the time).

Oh well. Great to see everyone is still on the wagon!!!! WE CAN DO IT....just imagine all of our after pics. I can't wait to see the comparisons!

No I don't mind at all, and thank you! How are you doing with the challange so far?

You ladies are all doing excellent! Keep up the good work!

I'm still drinking my usual amount of water and haven't noticed any difference. I think that's because I was already in the habit of drinking strictly water and lots of it.

yeh, i think i have gained some weight too! ahhh! lol its not that bad though, only about 2 pounds! My skin is looking great! But for some reason i do have some breakouts on the left side of my face, i dont know if its something im putting on it or eating....

Hi everyone! Doing okay on water, pacing well throughout the day. I've 'gained' a pound even though I'm on a restricted diet and exercising, but my scale has a body fat % tool and even though my weight is up, my fat is lowering. And my skinny jeans fit better!

Kim, the next Glenlivet is on me, okay? :icon_smil


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