A Midsummer Night's Dream (Summer 2014 Secret Santa) Discussion

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I like mac'n'cheese but my favorite thing is risotto.  My husband makes it a lot and it is the yummiest thing to come home to.  My favorite kinds he makes are a pesto risotto and a ham and pea risotto.  Mmmmmmmmm

Today I took a bath using the Karma bath melt from my FGM, along with some of a Karma bubble bar I had, then I used my Karma shower jelly from my FGM, and my Karma solid shampoo from my FGM, and after the bath used my Karma Kream.  OMG!  I took a bath this morning and still am sparkly!  I love it. 

I'm sad there haven't been any reveals today! Since there are so few reveals left I've been trying to figure out who my fgm is and I think I have it down to 5 people so I was hoping for a reveal or two to knock the list down so I could easier stalk and maybe figure out what I'm getting! I may or may not be a crazy person .... And also secretly glad that my fgm had to ship late so my craziness could come out. It's just like how I like when my birchboxes don't come early so I can look through all of the box combos and try to figure it out myself. 

I have been catching up on the last couple pages and now my stomach is grumbling for mac and cheese.

Because this is the thread where we share things, I made an offer on a house today! I'm so nervous/excited/jittery/everything right now.
Congrats!  It is both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time!  Fingers crossed for you!

OMG that's WONDERFUL, congrats!

I didn't make mac and cheese but I did make cheesy garlic fries with a crap-ton of garlic and they were AMAZING!

Thanks ladies!

Um, YUM! I might just dream about garlic cheese fries tonight. Clearly I need to get up and get myself something delicious to eat right now.

I have been catching up on the last couple pages and now my stomach is grumbling for mac and cheese.

Because this is the thread where we share things, I made an offer on a house today! I'm so nervous/excited/jittery/everything right now.
Congrats, hope all goes well!

I have been catching up on the last couple pages and now my stomach is grumbling for mac and cheese.

Because this is the thread where we share things, I made an offer on a house today! I'm so nervous/excited/jittery/everything right now.
Congrats! That's awesome. Hope it all goes smoothly for you.

Yay, it's raining today! It's supposed to rain tomorrow, too! I'm a little bummed it's not supposed to rain this weekend as well (I wanna cocoon! It's not doable when it's more than 75!), but I'll take what I can get.

I have been catching up on the last couple pages and now my stomach is grumbling for mac and cheese.

Because this is the thread where we share things, I made an offer on a house today! I'm so nervous/excited/jittery/everything right now.
Congrats!  I hope you get it!

I have been catching up on the last couple pages and now my stomach is grumbling for mac and cheese.

Because this is the thread where we share things, I made an offer on a house today! I'm so nervous/excited/jittery/everything right now.
Fingers crossed you hear back quickly and with good news! I remember how stressful that was.  Hopefully there is a macaroni and cheese celebration in your near future :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have been catching up on the last couple pages and now my stomach is grumbling for mac and cheese.

Because this is the thread where we share things, I made an offer on a house today! I'm so nervous/excited/jittery/everything right now.
So exciting! I hope everything goes smoothly!


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