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Thankfully, so far it's been working wonders for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!! I've been using it for 6 weeks.

i've read this in a group in it's a little disgusting but it seemed to work for some people on that thread, i've tried and didn't see much of a difference, but anyway: you should put saliva on them overnight, it's supposed to help

Neutrogena oil free acne Cream cleanser is better then the wash. Ive been using it for a couple of months now & it does a good job with cleansing the face & never leaves the face feeling dry.
Hey I'm new here and I've been suffering with acne for about 6 months. Before then I had very good skin and I find it so depressing as nothing seems to work. It really gets me down to be honest. I work in a hot and steamy environment (starbucks!) and I wondered whether it was my makeup going into my pores so I'm wearing less foundation to work now. Still no difference, my skin is horrible. I also use the message board on I think I'm gonna go to the doctor next week and see if they can help me.

I think it would be a very good idea to go to your doctor. I'm speaking from experience, I have tried every cream, gel, tablet etc. and although they have helped a lot, I still keep getting hormonal pimples which drive me crazy!

So, I went to the doctor this week and she prescribed me the pill and a cream called Differin which is a topical cream to help stop and heal blackheads, whiteheads and pimples.

Good Luck with it!!! xox

ointments...pills.. helps to clear up the acne...but there is alwayz a tendency for the zits to resurface due to hormonal changes in females. so basically the key to a acne-free skin is to control it through good skin care. there is no formula which can kick off the acne forever. one thing which i have tried to control acne is drinking plenty of flushes the toxins from the body and clears the skin as well.

I was on the pill and after a year it stopped keeping my acne at bay. I don't know what happened, but my face went crazy!!!

Lol, that's soooooooooo funny!!! I actually smoked in high school and had the most perfect skin one could dream of!! As I got older, I developed adult acne which sucks!!!!! :icon_scratch:

I too tried the regimen, however I quit before I noticed results lol! But, the discussion boards are the best of help!

i've found neutrogena has good products for acne. when i was younger Clear pore wash was a great help. my favourite now is visibly clear (the one with the white texture). it's both a cleanser and a mask, even if i use once or twice a week a real mask. mine is from Decleor but every greensand-based mask works fine with me.

help me!!the big n super red pimples suddenly pop up at my jawline ONLY!WTH?i stopped using foundation. i tried BP before but seems like it hide the pmples under my skin,leaving a bump and dark spot!now i'm using ponds cold cream to remove my makeup, olay for blemish prone facial wash,loreal toner with SA in has been 3 days,hope can see some changes..

I've been on Accutane twice.. and though I am older I still break out! Some of the birth control pills helped (Ortho Tri-Cyclen, but if I missed a pill and had to take two in a day a zit popped up!). Interestingly enough, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo made my skin break out horribly. The newest findings are that food actually DOES affect acne, specifically dairy, because of all the hormones, not just added but those that occur naturally (the cow is pregnant, after all!). I found cutting out dairy and sugar helps tremendously, to the point other people have complimented my skin... seeing is believing. But I love pizza so it's not a permanent option!

Good to know! I've been using the wash, but I'll definitely have to give the cream cleanser a go!

Besides just keeping skin clean in general, I think it's soo important to free the body of toxins by drinking water and eating healthy. Also, the warm water w/ lemon juice in the morning is a great detox. Also to destress...I do this by taking a long hot bath, or listen to some good music.

I saw natural zinc tablets for Acne the other day. I was tempted. Have you noticed any visible improvements due to the zinc tablets? Also, what's Silica?

My HG'S for clearing my skin & **keeping it clear**


Px: Neostrata Toning Solution w/8% glycolic acid and 2% clindamycin

Px: Benzoyl Peroxide 5% with 2% clindamycin

Derma E Clear Skin 2 Spot Blemish Treatment

Derma E Tea Tree and E Antiseptic Crème


Pond Deep Cold Cleanser

Neutrogena fresh foaming wash

Mineral Makeup

I used to suffer from constant breakouts and my body either couldn't tolerate oral acne treatments or just didn't respond to them. After I began using the above and totally changed my skin care regime--- my skin did a total 180! I am now trying to fade acne scars with Green Cream 6%--- slowly working but I am still hoping I can find something cheaper and with faster results. Anyone?


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