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I am new to the boards but I noticed the mention of ASPRIN and thought I might add my 2 cents. I tried it the other day mixed with my Clinique Emergency Clay mask and mixed them together as a sort of "spot" treatment. It really seemed to do the trick better than any other spot treatment I have tried! (and thats saying a lot...I think I am the queen of acne reducing products)

I found that the most expensive products works much better than stuff you can by at Wal-Mart, Target, Walgreen... ect. Department stores like Younkers and Bloomingdales (sp?) have really nice skin departments that have on the clock helpers to choose and pick the best program for your skin. This seriously helped me, I hardly ever break out anymore. It's expensive, but it's worth it.


i've an acne prone skin myself, i used neutrogena soap bar for acne prone skin its very good but dries out the skin a bit, at the present i use a regular face wash but my acne has reduced a lot ..... the secret is that i've stopped using a towel for my face no matter how clean. after i wash my face i pat it dry with Miss Fay's facial tissues, and whenever i get a pimple i drink extra amount of water and 2-3 glasses of water as soon as i wake up, i also keep my pimple covered with a mud mask (u can only use it when ur at home i guess) this dries out the pimple ( i found it works better than Neutrogena's On-the-Spot)...... for going out i've found that Two-Way cakes help, loreal's two way foundation when applied wet over acne helps a pimple dry-out (or stops it from growing in size) i've also found Avon's two-way cake also helps .... these two make-up products absorb all the oils that my skin keeps producing which helps reduce pimples...

cheers :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

the proactive doesnt exactly stop working its just in that time period your acne gets bad ive talked to my docter about acne products not working!!!

also like neosporin or the cheap triple antibiotic cream works put it on the break out area after you wash your face that helps but ive been using epiclear and it works really good

My sister and I use Arbonne's Clear Advantage system. I've been slacking off on using the products, so I'm not seeing nearly the same results as she has, and she even has severe acne!!

Story of my life girlfriend- I swear by Proactiv but even Proactiv can't compete with my skin sometimes (i.e. 2 weeks before my cycle) my face looks like a warzone. I also realized that you definitely have to cut out soda and sweets because it really contributes to the pimples and the zits.

Also, a good diet with plenty of water and no carbonated drinks + Proactiv + any product salyc. acid (preferably Neutrogena) + an alteration btw. kaolin clay (perfect to sop up the oil) or cream mask (the cream mask is only if you have dry skin & acne)

Proactiv has great products on their website so def. check it out

there are great home remedies also that can easily bring awesome results just like your dept store faves:

(oily skin) 2 part egg white + 1 tsp. of lemon juice / apply to face and neck generously and rinse with tepid water after 15 minutes. Do not let it stay on your face any longer bc it gets very tight! it also minimalizes pores too

Optional addition to this recipe is 1 tsp of honey but I'm a little wary of that since my skin is oily/acne-prone.

Let us use QUALITY products ladies- your skin will thank you in 20-30 years. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

angeleyes35 - thx for sharing :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I never drink soda (well maybe 1 can in a year ... iono) but i eat a lot of sweets i agree that i don't think they are all that good for the skin.

Water makes a huge difference in healthy skin, I can't get myself to drink more than a glass a day (water has no taste .. i prefer milk, tea, etc) ;however, my mom drinks lots of water and her skin is absolutely stunning!!

I use the aspirn paste trick when I get bumps on my piercings. Never occured to me to try them on a pimple. BP seems to work a bit for me (yasmin, but switching to the new YAZ as soon as this cycle is up.) The only salicylic acid treatment that worked for me was the oil control lotion by Spa Sciences. It helped a bit but not as much as the clindamaycin topical solution that I got from my DR. It is the only thing that helps control my acne, but does nothing for the other issues (hyperpigmentation, large pores and blackheads.)

Next time I get a boily zit, I will have to try the asprin paste trick...Maybe with a little tea tree and GSE mixed in....

hi i am new here, nice to meet you all. my skin breaks out horrible in the summer and i use the buff puff pads and also if your skin is sensitive try st. ives apricott scrub for sensitive skin. i use this 2x a week and it works well. good luck:smile:

I've just started getting my skin under control finally...and I was speaking to the naturopath at the chemist who recommended I try zinc tablets as not only do they help with acne, zinc regulates female and male hormones...which is basically what the pill does...if you don't like the pill as I don't (I was on it for years and I do worry that it affects fertility although there is no absolute proof) and I found it made me have strange mood swings (I have tried over 10 different types) the zinc is very effective in helping to regulate your hormones...

I would go to your local chemist and talk to them...or better still go to a natural foods store that sells natural medicine...we have heaps in Aus...not sure about the US...they will also be able to give you other products that work wonders like Silica...

Good luck girls...I would recommend trying the natural route and give zinc a have nothing to's cheap and if it doesn't help your skin it will make your nails and hair grow much healthier and stronger...

Hey Frds,

Acne and pimples have become very common today...everyone should take proper precautions. Following a proper diet and drinking plenty of water is a must. Besides this, keeping the face clean is also essential.

I was suffering from acne since 2 years. I had tried plenty of pills and creams...but nothing worked. On my friend's suggestion I finally opted for natural products. Im using it since three months and my face has become quite clear. Its a turmeric cream which has really worked for me...So guys just follow a proper routine and use only natural products...they have no side effects..

Benzoyl peroxide worked great for me. However I stopped using it after a while because it dried out my skin way to much and just became such a hassel to do it every morning and night with a moisturizer. Finally I just sucked it up and went on accutane. Since then I have not regreted it. Although it screwed up my pores blah it did clear all my acne completely!!! Till this day I am so glad I went on it... However if your acne is not severe at all then B.P and S.A work great too.

Hey, the aspirin really does work!!! I put some on , left it for a bit & the swelling definately went down. Using the ACV as a toner with the aspirin has reduced the big ugly spots to go down more quicker!!! This site rocks!!!



What do you mean by "screwing up your pores"? Blackheads? Large pores???

Benzoyl Peroxide unfortunately didn't work for me at all. I tried several different products with BP and it always seems to work at first, but after a couple of days I get these tiny little bumps ALL OVER my face. Even on places where I didn't apply anything. It didn't look that bad but my skin was rough to the touch and looked very dull. The dermotologist said it just might be too drying for me. :scared: I do use moisturizer religiously but decided that Benzoyl Peroxide just isn't for me.

Aspirin mask works wonders for my skin, as well as Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner. I found both of them on MakeupAlley, by the way :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

hey guys!

just want to suggest that you visit this site: It's got lots of tips for acne problems and the people there are really knowledgeable. Most of the people there have used over the counter and prescription medicines too and maybe the site could help you decide what to use. My skin care regimen includes: BP in the morning, sunblock SPF 30 (we're in the tropics), and Retacnyl (tretinoin cream, .05%) for acne. It's worked great for me in reducing the number and the size of my zits and has helped even out my skintone.

I've always had trouble with acne and have gone through countless products to find some that work. There's only a few I've stayed with that have always done really well for me and kept any breakouts to a bare minimum...

**Skin Milk Cleanser and Moisturizer *I use the cleanser with a little facial scrubby thing and my face looks and feels so fresh!*

**Neutrogena pore refining cleanser *It has Alpha-hydroxy in it and just works fantastic! I've been using it daily for about 2 months and just love the results. It's not harsh at all either and I've got super sensitive skin.*

**Fruit of the earth Vitamin E facial moisturizer *Just fantastic stuff for your face, neck, or even anywhere you want light moisture.*

All have done very well for me with little to no BO problems.

Another 'Tip' I use daily is rotating the pillow. Hubby and I use a body pillow to sleep on, and every morning when I make the bed, I flip it. In case you drool, this could help cut down BO's too.

I am using Neutrogena and It's working GREAT..and also I am this soap free cleanser from Garnier ..which is also really good. My acne's are totally gone but I have really dark spots left from the acne ..I dont know how to get rid of them ..


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