Birchbox - February 2012 boxes forums

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Originally Posted by glamourdolleyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I feel like every person gets a different answer when they ask. I understand limited quantity but maybe send out the newsletter to a select group of people, count the ones that want it, send out another group and so on. I know that isn't necessarily "fair" but I would rather know I am not getting it than a "maybe, if you're lucky".

I agree, it's fairly annoying and I signed up for a second account just for this.
In the email I thought it asked you to pick either your regular Birchbox or the TV box but if you didn't select either then it is possible that you will get a TV box.

Oh haha, did you sign up for it? I did and never got an email saying it was shipped so I am assuming I didn't get one.

It did tell you in the email for TV that you would most likely get one if you don't opt in or out, maybe they had a bigger turn out than they thought. Or maybe they're just saying that just in case, who knows.

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Nothing other than I didn't get one lol 

Originally Posted by glamourdolleyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh haha, did you sign up for it? I did and never got an email saying it was shipped so I am assuming I didn't get one.

It did tell you in the email for TV that you would most likely get one if you don't opt in or out, maybe they had a bigger turn out than they thought. Or maybe they're just saying that just in case, who knows.

Lol, yeah I did sign up and never got an email saying it was shipped either. 

Let us know what they say. I have an email in too, interested to see if the information will be the same from the emails and the phone calls.

Originally Posted by Playedinloops /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I did just send an email in regards to the tv box though, hopefully it will all get straightened out.

I am just wondering if they are going to have extra free boxes throug out the yr. Like different boxes for different people for ex maybe there will be a set of the freebie boxes to come for hair care or whatever your profile says your most likely to splurge on. Just a thought.

I'm curious about the Teen Vogue box too and while I like some shimmer, I'm afraid that this box might be a little more glittery than I'd like, since it's geared towards a younger age range. I'm thirty so  I could probably be able to work it if I wanted. I have a feeling that If I go with the Teen Vogue box I'm going to be missing out on something great for the regular boxes. Of course the inverse could be true as well. It's a crap shoot really.

Originally Posted by GinaM /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just received the email for the March box asking me to select my regular box or the teen vogue box.  Just curious what everyone else is doing.  I am 42 and after last month's box of the lip tattoos and stick on eyeliner the teen vogue box scares me a little.  It is Vogue, though, and even though it's for teens it may still be high end.  Thoughts?

Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I don't know when you joined Birchbox but it could also be that you haven't hit your anniversary date yet.

My anniversary date was in November. I was expecting something, so I checked my emails really carefully. Nothing.

Originally Posted by snllama /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've heard that you dont get the anniversary box until your 13 month, so one month after you expect.
My 13th box was in November, and I was so excited when I saw this on the website:

November Box
Hi there,

Notice something a little pinker this month? This is the special (extremely pink) Birchbox that we send to our most loyal members as they begin their second year with us.

When I didn't get the pink box, but a regular box - not just regular, but the worst box ever - I emailed them asking why I did not get it. The reply was that the box was only for yearly subscribers, not monthly, because monthly members can cancel at any time. So even though I paid $10 more during my first year as a monthly subscriber, and stuck around, I am not  loyal. I also mentioned that I thought I'd at least get something - extra points, a discount, something - but that issue was not addressed in their reply.

As a longtime subscriber, albeit monthly, I really thought I *might* be invited to get the Vichy box. I thought wrong. I also thought I *might* continue to get decent quality boxes. Again, wrong. I don't expect full sizes or a box of perfection, but the sample quality has steadily gone downhill, especially compared to the earlier boxes. I don't expect full sizes or a box of perfection.

As I've said before, when I joined Birchbox, the boxes were really a treat. Cool brands, truly deluxe sizes, and fun surprises. They are different now. Kind of the opposite of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Too many variations, too many teeny samples (example; the Jouer tinted moisturizer I got early on was about twice the size as last months.) The customer service is still amazing, but that's not enough to keep me around. I wanted to look forward to my box again, but it's too late for me. I do hope a Birchbox staffer reads these boards, so that maybe they will make a change so that newer members will know the quality of the earlier boxes, and why I'll soon be a former subscriber.

Hey, at least that will open up a spot for someone on the waitlist. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Wow, I'm a monthly subscriber too and was looking forward to my 'pink box' when it hit my year. The fact that they only give it to yearly subscribers is not right in my opinion because we stuck around for a year just like them only with the option to cancel and we did not. In my opinion that makes us a little more loyal for sticking around even when the boxes weren't to our liking.

I've been getting boxes for about 5 months now..Some are great..others not as great..But every month I get enough good creams/serums/ washes/exfoliate-rs   that I don't have to buy any more at all I know they want me to..but hey..I can't afford the high end stuff..I incorporate the stuff they send me with other natural things and give the things I don't use to my nieces.... This month I got the Vichy box and it is REALLY REALLY great.!!!!! Stay with it for  a few more months  I say..I've gotten some VERY great stuff.

Oh I didn't know about that....I think you're right. I have no idea how I got that Vichy box..I don't remember  checking anything?? Maybe I did but it is great..and  am really sorry you didn't get one :eek: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />((

Originally Posted by TXSlainte /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My 13th box was in November, and I was so excited when I saw this on the website:

November Box
Hi there,

Notice something a little pinker this month? This is the special (extremely pink) Birchbox that we send to our most loyal members as they begin their second year with us.

When I didn't get the pink box, but a regular box - not just regular, but the worst box ever - I emailed them asking why I did not get it. The reply was that the box was only for yearly subscribers, not monthly, because monthly members can cancel at any time. So even though I paid $10 more during my first year as a monthly subscriber, and stuck around, I am not  loyal. I also mentioned that I thought I'd at least get something - extra points, a discount, something - but that issue was not addressed in their reply.

As a longtime subscriber, albeit monthly, I really thought I *might* be invited to get the Vichy box. I thought wrong. I also thought I *might* continue to get decent quality boxes. Again, wrong. I don't expect full sizes or a box of perfection, but the sample quality has steadily gone downhill, especially compared to the earlier boxes. I don't expect full sizes or a box of perfection.

As I've said before, when I joined Birchbox, the boxes were really a treat. Cool brands, truly deluxe sizes, and fun surprises. They are different now. Kind of the opposite of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Too many variations, too many teeny samples (example; the Jouer tinted moisturizer I got early on was about twice the size as last months.) The customer service is still amazing, but that's not enough to keep me around. I wanted to look forward to my box again, but it's too late for me. I do hope a Birchbox staffer reads these boards, so that maybe they will make a change so that newer members will know the quality of the earlier boxes, and why I'll soon be a former subscriber.

Hey, at least that will open up a spot for someone on the waitlist. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

That blows. They should make the pink box details more clear. I too thought I'd be getting one in August. Oh well. But sometimes I dont even think the pink box is the best option, it may have 5 samples, but not any I want to try out. 

Try changing your beauty profile. Maybe a refreshed profile will help get better options. I recently retook mine and I realized my first one didnt' even have all the answers filled in!

I've got to say that after my first box I feel like cancelling.  My box had a perfume sample, a travel puff with a little bit of mineral makeup, some ridiculous eyeliner tattoos - pretty much crap.  This is nothing like I expected.  Now I get an email asking it I want a Teen box??  I'm 47, have aging skin as an issue and face cream as my luxury pick.  What screams "teen" about that?  After this month I'm scared of getting tattoo face art and other such useless stuff again.  However, I'm equally afraid that my March box could suck as much as my Feb box did.  This is certainly not the way to start off with a new customer.  I also am not getting the VIchy box which I really would have appreciated.  It feels like my options are cancel or join for a year - is it correct that the yearly members are treated better?


The yearly members get a special box at the beginning of the next year. That's the only difference I've noticed, and the "special" box doesn't even seem any better than most of the others, it just happens to be pink.People were selected to get the Vichy box in January, I believe, and I certainly can't imagine expecting to get a "bonus" box during your first month... And they presented the option of the Teen Vogue box to all of their current subscribers

Originally Posted by mexigrl64 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've got to say that after my first box I feel like cancelling.  My box had a perfume sample, a travel puff with a little bit of mineral makeup, some ridiculous eyeliner tattoos - pretty much crap.  This is nothing like I expected.  Now I get an email asking it I want a Teen box??  I'm 47, have aging skin as an issue and face cream as my luxury pick.  What screams "teen" about that?  After this month I'm scared of getting tattoo face art and other such useless stuff again.  However, I'm equally afraid that my March box could suck as much as my Feb box did.  This is certainly not the way to start off with a new customer.  I also am not getting the VIchy box which I really would have appreciated.  It feels like my options are cancel or join for a year - is it correct that the yearly members are treated better?


I have been a member since February 2011 and I too thought I was getting a pretty pink box (which we have talked about this a few times already in this thread so I won't go on about that) and I wish the information on the website was a little clearer, as well as the communication I had with a BB employee that made me think I was getting one.

Also, being a member since then, I have never received a special coupon code for 3 months, 6 months, 12 months. I get emails from BB on a regular basis, however, none have contained a special something for being a loyal subscriber, nor have I ever been invited to a "special box" (which is fine because I think they have only had one?).

To mexigrl64:
There are a lot of "misses" with BB, but there are also a lot of hits. It isn't for everyone and you're not going to win them all but I feel like the hits definitely outweigh the misses. Just hang in there, you will love the good boxes!!

Originally Posted by mexigrl64 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've got to say that after my first box I feel like cancelling.  My box had a perfume sample, a travel puff with a little bit of mineral makeup, some ridiculous eyeliner tattoos - pretty much crap.  This is nothing like I expected.  Now I get an email asking it I want a Teen box??  I'm 47, have aging skin as an issue and face cream as my luxury pick.  What screams "teen" about that?  After this month I'm scared of getting tattoo face art and other such useless stuff again.  However, I'm equally afraid that my March box could suck as much as my Feb box did.  This is certainly not the way to start off with a new customer.  I also am not getting the VIchy box which I really would have appreciated.  It feels like my options are cancel or join for a year - is it correct that the yearly members are treated better?


Im a yearly subscriber and I have never gotten the 3 month, 6 month coupon code.  I have heard about it for others.  I hope others have gotten good use out of it.  I am thinking after my subscription is done I am going to end my membership. I am thinking of just sticking with the samples I get from all the stores or find a different one.  not sure yet.  

Originally Posted by glamourdolleyes /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have been a member since February 2011 and I too thought I was getting a pretty pink box (which we have talked about this a few times already in this thread so I won't go on about that) and I wish the information on the website was a little clearer, as well as the communication I had with a BB employee that made me think I was getting one.

Also, being a member since then, I have never received a special coupon code for 3 months, 6 months, 12 months. I get emails from BB on a regular basis, however, none have contained a special something for being a loyal subscriber, nor have I ever been invited to a "special box" (which is fine because I think they have only had one?).

To mexigrl64:
There are a lot of "misses" with BB, but there are also a lot of hits. It isn't for everyone and you're not going to win them all but I feel like the hits definitely outweigh the misses. Just hang in there, you will love the good boxes!!

I think the Vinchy box was selected based on the answers in your profile questions. Everything in the box is geared towards sensitive, anti-aging, and moisturizing skincare. If you have oily/combo/normal skin types there is nothing in the box you would want to use on your skin.


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