Bump it - hair tool

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Mar 8, 2005
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I read about this in a beauty blog and it looks like a great product for people that want that voluminous bump look without having to tease your hair (I know I hate doing that because I feel like it´s really damaging).

Has anyone tried it? I´m thinking about ordering it soon

Cool idea! I thought it was weird that there is a disclaimer that "Bumpits are not edible" on the instructions page.

Let us know how it works if you do get one!

LOL nanzmck. prehaps people get hungry whilst doing their hair and want a nibble..

mm nomnom bumpits

Pretty cool!

lol @ the demo video though

Oooh I like the look of that! I love that 'bump' look, that looks like a handy tool... I wonder how securely it stays in though.

i have htem... and i find they are a pain in the butt. at least for people llike me who have thin hair and want more volume. even in the normal size the hight of the bump is excessivly large and in order to have enough hair to cover the bumpit, the bump it has to be so far back on my head that it looks rather silly.

watching the vids again, it irritated me how much was just a repetition of what we'd already seen. I wonder if anything else would work just as well. I know here in oz, you can get foam insert pads, or maybe they're material? with the same idea.

Like Bec, I also wonder how secure they are...

they are pretty secure but again they are huge... and they are a really hard plastic idk i expected something a little more rubbery not so stuff and hard.

i think if you got foam or something in the color of your hair and cut it to the size you wanted it would prob work just as well

While it looks pretty cool I really don't tease my hair often and I'd be scared that it'd fall out lol

I heard about this and saw the website last week I'd like to try it too! But am a little worried with what others have said about having thin hair its harder to try putting it in I have thin hair myself so maybe this wouldn't be such a good idea?... is there anything else that anyone knows of that is similar to this but maybe more ideal?

i wanna try this i have a wedding coming up and i wanna see if this would work for me better than trying to make that bump by myself .. i have thick hair so ill probably try this.


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