Days 11-20 of 100 day No Buy Challenge forums

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@@eastofthesun -- one other option would be to think of it as spending the $10 you earned during the first 10 days.  So you won't get the $10 for this week, but you're kind of back to zero -- a restart of sorts.

I was horrible, but I'm not going to let it stop me from continuing on this journey.  For me it's about being mindful of why I want to shop.  And while I've not been perfect, I've definitely made progress.

I found another of my lost items, too!  The bag with some pre-Christmas candles from BBW was in my CAR.  Argh!

Still on the lam:  Sesha mask, passport, kitchen light bulbs.

Big oops in spoiler

I'm having a moisturizer crisis. Well, I was. I was in need of a moisturizer that didn't just sit on my skin and accumulate oil. I was noticing an increase in junk in my pores and thought perhaps my moisturizer wasn't the right one. So I snagged the PTR glycolic hydrating gel. Both Ulta and Sephora SAs suggested this, so we'll see.

I was also ready to try something with retinoids, so I picked up the Sephora bag w/ samples. The biggest oops was probably the Christmas clearance stuff at Sephora. I've been on a quest to find something to help w/ my eyes and the FAB kit had it. I didn't need it, but it was something I had been looking forward to trying. My 10% coupon for VIB was about to expire, so I bit. *crying just a little*

Said goodbye to:  a non-working wallflower plug-in, stila lip gloss, CK one mascara, dr jart pore mask (used it), and a few other things I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Cleaned a spare bedroom and have worked on getting the recycling where it needs to be -- in a bin, not sitting in my house waiting to go in the bin.  I also managed to put away pots and pans.  I have to hand wash my Calphalon and I have a bad habit of just pushing it around the counter instead of actually putting it way.

Baby steps...

Yeah, the PhD programs at Georgia Tech (where I went) pay you to be a research and/or teaching assistant.  You're actually not allowed to have another job.  (They figure if you have extra time to have a second job then you're not spending enough time in the lab and they could cut your stipend off.  I challenge the people in charge of that rule to have a 45 minute commute in a dying car, a mortgage, and pets.  I got by on credit cards and Stafford Loans, which are now coming back to bite me in the rear end.)
@@SneakyBurrito You went to Georgia Tech for your PhD? Damn girl. Go you!

One trick I learned: when stuck in the mall while on a no buy, I often buy myself a bowl of Pho. Certain malls have the Pholicious stand in the food court, which sell the Pho, a big bowl of Vietnamese rice noodle soup. It takes me forever to eat the huge bowl of Pho, so I have no time to look at shops. And it is not too expensive. The Pho is soothing for me too.
I LOVE Pho! I wish we had a Pho place here! Although I don't know if I spend more money on buying endless amounts of beauty products, eating out, or wine. I guess if I curb my spending on beauty products, then I won't feel as guilty about the others. Though I AM trying to cook more and I wanted to stop drinking unless its socially for 2015. Both of them have been fails so far. But at least I'm doing good on the no beauty buying thing, lol.

@@EdithS2 if I tried to do a no-buy til I used up my stash I'd go INSANE.  That's just impossible!  Unless you have one *signature* look and you only use those products, that would not be a good goal!  I absolutely understand why you went back to your old ways!

I'm so glad this 100-day no-buy is more about getting our heads clear and "resetting" our spending habits.  It feels like there's a greater purpose than simply not buying stuff.  For me, it's been about making my a house into a home where I love spending time.  It's about looking at *why* I buy everything I do and making a conscious decision to not buy more.  My first line of defense is "I can't buy that, because of the no-buy", but then I'm able to reason through why I wanted it in the first place.  And 90% of the time, I want to buy something because I'm stressed, or bored, or trying to avoid thinking about something else.  And then I go make myself clean stuff instead!

I admire everyone who is doing this no-buy, whatever your reason.  Using up your stash?  Awesome!  Trying to save money? Go you!  We all have our reasons, and we're doing a great job of supporting each other.  Happy Day 17!  
I agree. While I take this challenge seriously, I also realize that success is not determined by my not purchasing anything at all until May, its all about the CONSCIOUS little steps I’m making: downsizing my stash, inventorying and organizing my products, using products I’ve bought but kept saving for special occasions (that never happen), or just trying all these samples to see which ones really work. I’m always thinking of this No Buy Challenge. 

I made the decision to downsize my stash and I returned as many products as I could to Target, JCPenneys, Sallys, and WalMart. I was able to get over $200 in gift card refunds at each of the stores! But instead of looking for something to buy, I just walked out. I’m saving my gift cards for things I really need, groceries, and clothes. My skin is super sensitive and using a bunch of products on it causes it to have an immediate reaction, so there’s really no use in me purchasing and hoarding a bunch of skincare items. I need to try things, if they work, stick with it. If they don’t, return it! I have way too much beauty stuff and sometimes when I think of all the money I’ve spent on beauty products, I realize I really don’t have much to show for it. So for now on, I’m buying things that will really make a difference in my overall appearance and/or help me update my look and feel good about myself. I want a new pair of glasses, a hair steamer, an effective vitamin C serum, a good hair dryer, clothes that look good on me, etc. Surprisingly, I’m finding myself less tempted to buy beauty products because I know I don’t really need anything and because I have a bigger goal in mind. 

Remember girls, even if you mess up and buy something once or twice or three times, you’re still doing better than you would have had you not been on this challenge which forces you to be conscious of the tendency we have to just buy, buy, buy. Capitalism at its finest.

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Inventorying my progress

  1. Wear two different nail colors this week (did them tonight but I have to wash my hair tomorrow so I know they'll need to be completely redone prolly by Wednesday). [DONE - I did do my nails twice, but because I liked the color so much, I wore it twice]
  2. Wash my hair and use at least three different products from my samples stash (Beauty Protector Leave-In, deep conditioning mask, and ?). [DONE - I didn't use those three products specifically, but I did use three new products]
  3. Come up with night and face regimen and only put those products out on my bathroom counter. Otherwise I have so many products I end up just using whatever and I'm not consistent enough to know what products are or aren't making a difference. [sTILL NEED TO DO - I need to roll this over to another week]
  4. Give away 1 sample a week that I see people want when we trade. I won't tell them that I'm including extras, it'll be a surprise. And these extras won't be foils but actual products they have listed that I know I'll never use. No need for me to keep so many samples. [DONE - I am sending a member two products without getting anything back. I just want to give things away to people who I know want them and will probably use them. But I think I'm going to remove this goal since I've decided to hold off on trading, or at least change it to "Give away one surprise sample I see the person wants whenever I do decide to trade"].
  5. Find an efficient way to organize my beauty products. [sTILL NEED TO DO]
  6. Inventory my beauty products. [sTILL NEED TO DO]
  7. Meet my deadlines for my assignments (this is school related). [DONE - Well, I met all my application deadlines, but school assignments are never ending.]
  8. Email 10 more cosmetic companies for samples that I truly want. [KINDA DID - I emailed 6 companies, and so far have received products from 3. I don't know if I'll email anymore, but if I do, it'll only be to companies I really want to try.]
  9. Return beauty products I brought from Walmart almost two month ago. [DONE! I returned to numerous stores like Target and Sally's as well and I'm so proud of myself. I got over $200 back. The money all had to be placed giftcards, but that's fine. I'll use them for when I really need something from one of those stores.]
  10. Rearrange/straighten my room and closet. [sTILL TO DO]
Hey there! I'm in the same boat as you are- when I was doing my masters (well, technically still am, hahah) I got really stressed and that's around the time I started buying a lot. I also amped up my spending when my divorce started happneing, and now, a year after being told he wanted a divorce, I'm only now really decreasing my out-of-control spending. Good for you!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your divorce you've had to go through, but good for you too in attempting to control and manage an expensive habit! Retail therapy as a stress reliever really adds up and half the time, you realize you don't even ever get around to using many of those products.

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Today I redeemed 250 Ipsy points for a hand cream sample.  This was something I legitimately wanted and didn't get in my Ipsy bag when it was offered a few months ago.  As per my own set of rules I can continue with my existing subscription boxes but I can't subscribe to any new ones.  This is a decision I can live with because it isn't an additional out-of-pocket expense. 
Woah, ipsy has points now? Or have they always had them? I cancelled them a while back because their products seemed cheap and they didn't have a rewards points system to my knowledge.

Ok, update.  I was feeling a bit discouraged after completing the office.  I have not done much over the past two days because 1) The kids are home for a very long weekend (half day Friday, off Saturday/Sunday/Monday) and because my husband is also gone, I can't just work on a project for hours.  Also, 2) I have not been sleeping well.  Which makes me cranky and tired and unable to motivate myself to keep working.  

The main thing I accomplished yesterday was going grocery shopping.  Normally I can go by myself, but this time I had to bring the kids.  Who proceeded to sword fight with boxes of spaghetti whenever I turned my back.  So I was exhausted by the time we got home, but the good news is that between my meal planning and hubby not being here, I saved about $50 from what we usually spend!  And then I had to go home and convince my self that NO, I did not deserve to spend $50 on makeup!  And I didn't!  

So today's goal is to get back on track!  I'm going to have the boys help me clean their bathroom this morning, then I'll get my second kid's clothes reorganized into the built-in bunk bed drawers.  I may start on the spare room today, I may not.  Either way, I *will* get through Day 18 without any unnecessary buying!

So for now on, I’m buying things that will really make a difference in my overall appearance and/or help me update my look and feel good about myself. I want a new pair of glasses, a hair steamer, an effective vitamin C serum, a good hair dryer, clothes that look good on me, etc. 
This is very smart thinking. I will buy costly lipsticks, but neglect going to the dentist. I will buy high end mascara, but neglect eye doctor appointments (and I do have serious eye problems) and wear old glasses when I need new ones, I will buy high end cosmetics and wear shabby clothes and shoes and eat cheap junk. So my appearance is not very good considering all the money I spent. 

I am still feeling good on my no buy though! I tried dry shampoo, which I was not interested in, but which I got in a sub box, and I found it a great detangler! It is so good to experiment. 

At the beginning of the no buy I was going to try a second job, but it was unrealistic. So I quit that. My new goal is to get back into the little transcription work I used to do on the side. It is not high paying, but it is fun, and there is no stress. I can do it when I want, as much as I want, and get paid for how much I do. So I got the company's style guide printed and my goal is to study that thoroughly today, plus vacuum, straighten my room, and go to bed early after cleansing, toning and moisturizing to be ready for a new work week. Maybe I will start on the transcriptions again tomorrow. Feel motivated! 

Woah, ipsy has points now? Or have they always had them? I cancelled them a while back because their products seemed cheap and they didn't have a rewards points system to my knowledge.
They've always had points.  But, it takes FOREVER to accumulate them.  Unless you're a blogger and doing a ton of referrals.  And, usually there aren't very many items to redeem points for.  You'll see the same three things for months.

(I never got more than about 400 points before I quit Ipsy.  Never redeemed them for anything.  I am not a blogger and never once referred anyone.)

It may be too soon to tell if this is a trend, but ipsy has definitely improved their point rewards as of late.  Once I finish reviewing this month I will have earned 80 points.  Share your bag, share that you're getting your bag, share your favorite item, etc.  They have also had several 250/500 pt rewards that are items from previous bags.

Hopefully they finally figured out that their rewards program was a big PITA.

@@eastofthesun First I appreciate your honesty!  I too have totally thought about purchasing things and not telling anyone here!  Then I realize that I am only hurting myself by not being honest about why I am shopping.

I also think you should not beat yourself up over the cookies.  Do you need cookies?  No, but if it is something you enjoy as a treat or snack from time to time it is ok (in my opinion).  Now if you find yourself buying cookies daily, just to buy things or you think it is too much than re examine it.

Also don't be too hard on yourself for the roller ball either.  It was on super sale and we all know those kinds of stores merchandise varies from day to day.  I like @ idea of using it as your first $10 reward and you don't earn one this week and moving forward.

@@chocolatesauce2 has a good point that buying one thing in 18 days is way better than if you had not been mindful of your spending and purchases you could have easily accoumulated 20 things and spent hundreds of dollars.

It is ultimately your choice what you decide to do but just some things to keep in mind!  We are all doing better than we were 18 days ago and we will get better as we go forward!

Happy Sunday all!

 I'm proud that I made exchanges at Ulta today and didn't go far over. I returned $84.10 in products that didn't work for me that I received as gifts, for $85.00 of what works. I'm not counting the 90 cent difference as breaking the no buy since it is under a dollar.

  I really wanted a cut and style, but was told I could not use store credit for salon services. Since the items were gifts I had no receipt, so I just did the exchanges.

   Books A Million has seen my fat @$$ for the last time. I wanted to exchange four books I got as gifts for Christmas. Nope. No way. Was told I could try a used book store. These are brand new, never opened, one in intact shrink-wrap, books. I've never read them and have no interest in them. No receipt, no exchange. Even though they were gifts. My small town library will get them I suppose. Bookstores wonder where all their customers have gone? These BS policies about gift returns are one of many reasons shoppers stay away in droves. Amazon will get every book purchase I make in this life after this crap.

     Sorry for the rant, I'm just really cheesed off right now.

A couple of points/questions

1) Are we not using the slumber party thread? This whole thing is getting super confusing for me @__@

2) I successfully avoided temptation this weekend! I donated a whole bunch of clothes to Goodwill. I have even more clothing I barely wear but am too sentimental to get rid of still. But some of them had to go. I've been out of college and working for a couple of years now so all those jeans from high school (much less a pair from middle school!) needed to go.

BTW did y'all know that H&M will take any clothes that are in too poor quality to donate for resell and recycle/reuse the textiles? You'll get a 15% H&M coupon, but I mostly like that they'll take pretty much anything regardless of quality so I don't have to feel bad about throwing those bleach-stained clothes I accidentally messed up. Oops.

But afterward, I went to Michaels and picked up a couple of things for a pretty cool DIY project. I'll share in a couple of days because I'm sending one to my SS  :wub:  (because I still haven't mailed her thank you card/gift ORZ). I'm rather proud of my first attempt but it does have a rather "homemade" feel about it right now hahahahah

3) I just saw a review for a 50mm f/1.8 camera lens that's compatible with my canon that's like half the price of the regular canon version of it. I keep not buying camera lenses because a lot of them are very very pricey ($300-500 and higher) and uh between which hobby I'd rather drop that money on, it was makeup for a while. >.> I could make VIB/Ulta uhhh idk what it's called with the purchase of 2-3 lenses a year, cries.

4) **SKINCARE TMI** So instead of focusing on using up a lot of samples, I've closed down my skincare routine and my skin has been the happiest it's been in like 10 years (since before puberty even, maybe). I have really bad cystic acne, and this is the longest time I've gone without a cyst for at least 3-4 years now. My dermatologist was recommending acutane but I was putting it off not even because I didn't want to do it but because her office required me to have a psych clearance due to my history of depression and I was like wtf I haven't been on medication or seen a counselor in 2 years and do you know how much work it is to find one/take the time out to see one? ugh, annoying. I don't want to jinx myself but I'm tempted to go back and see if there's anything I can do about the scarring now... but mostly i needed to stop the bleeding (literally -- my skin used to bleed so much even when I didn't do anything. I tried so hard not to pick at it) first. I think it's starting to calm down so we'll see. I wouldn't be opposed to going on accutane, but it is quite expensive too ):

@ great job on donating and avoiding temptation!  We've been using the main thread for major announcements/setting our overall goals, the slumber party thread for off-topic chit-chat, and the 10-day threads for short-term goals, daily check-ins, and the occasional confession.  It can be confusing with this many threads, but I find the 10-day threads to be the most active, with only occasional posts now in the overall and slumber party threads.

BTW did y'all know that H&M will take any clothes that are in too poor quality to donate for resell and recycle/reuse the textiles? You'll get a 15% H&M coupon, but I mostly like that they'll take pretty much anything regardless of quality so I don't have to feel bad about throwing those bleach-stained clothes I accidentally messed up. Oops.
Possibly a silly question, but I have to double check. Is it just the H&M branded clothing that they take back?

And good luck with the skincare issues!

Possibly a silly question, but I have to double check. Is it just the H&M branded clothing that they take back?

And good luck with the skincare issues!
You can check out their program here:

And the FAQs say they'll take anything -- even your old towels :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And thanks! I'm waiting for my yearly benefits card to come in (you pre-tax medical benefits card) since my deductible is $250 so that'd be nice to be pre-tax before I schedule another appointment....

@ great job on donating and avoiding temptation!  We've been using the main thread for major announcements/setting our overall goals, the slumber party thread for off-topic chit-chat, and the 10-day threads for short-term goals, daily check-ins, and the occasional confession.  It can be confusing with this many threads, but I find the 10-day threads to be the most active, with only occasional posts now in the overall and slumber party threads.
okay... still confused. Sometimes I like when there're more threads, and sometimes it's more confusing, but that's okay. I haven't been on much lately so I'm even more dazed and confused, but whatever works! Keep it up ladies :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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