Do you wash your hair everyday? forums

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Jan 27, 2013
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Houston, TX

I have blonde and brittle hair, it's medium length. I've been trying to grow it longer for years but it keeps breaking :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have been reading that washing your hair everyday is not good for your hair and I happen to be addicted to washing it everyday. I used to blow-dry it everyday also but now I'm trying to break that habit.

I wonder if that's the reason why my hair is breaking.. 

I wash my hair every other sometimes every two days and braid every night.. I started about 6 months ago and it has grew 4/5 inches since!

Definitely don't recommend washing hair daily..Try to switch to every other day and use a dry shampoo, if necessary. Blow drying daily was probably also helping with your hair problems. Per usual, trim up dead ends and start deep conditioning and/or oil treatments. Also, the products you use may be making your hair more brittle, especially if they're alcohol based likes mousses and whatnot. 

No, I can't wash mine daily anymore now that I'm platinum. I used to, prior to bleaching it, but no longer can. I am very gentle with my hair since I process it every month. I never blow dry, use masks twice a week or more, and try to keep back combing to a minimum (which is hard for me to do). I also apply Moroccan oil to my hair daily.

My hair grows super fast- too fast. I wish it was slower so I didn't have to touch up my roots so often.

I shampoo my hair every other day, but I condition it every day. When I started doing that, my hair stopped being frizzy almost instantly. 

I currently have natural hair that is fine and very oily so I have to now.

However when I had big blonde floofy hair I could go 2 or 3 days without shampooing as long as I used a bit of conditioner on the ends in the shower. Avoid using heated stylers. Braid it at night. Take your multivitamin. Don't brush it when it is wet.

I wash mine once a week cuz i dont use a lot of products. I do wear almond,Olive or macadamia oil on my ends And conditioning masks most weeks

I do not. I wash it when it feels and looks like it needs to, and my hair is perfectly fine..... heck, I get a lot of people, friends mainly, that said they would kill me if I even dreamed of cutting it.... then I have one friend who told me if I ever did, she wanted it as a wig. o_O.....  I have healthy, sraight, fine, light brown hair. Very very uneven though.

I simply use shampoo and conditioner when I DO wash it though, which is like once a week. I mean, in part, I figure that back years and years ago too, people didn't have these products to "clean hair" and the like..... it isn't natural that we do. It was never expected of us when humankind started out.... they had no shampoo, but our hair grew.

Of course, I hate the feel of oily/greasy/dry hair, so yeah, I do wash it when I need to.

I wash my bangs every day and shampoo and condition the whole thing only two times a week - Sundays and Wednesdays or Thursdays - for the last three months. Before that, I used to shampoo and condition every day. I notice definite improvement in my hair and it is less frizzy and brittle now.

Thank you everyone for your advice! I'll definitely try to follow it


I would follow the advice of most of the ladies here and advise NOT to wash everyday. I have to because my hair is naturally very oily and it shows every 'second day'. but taking a vitamin will help, along with trying to cut out any heat styling tools because we all know how damaging they are. try brushing your hair before you wash it to avoid having to brush it when it's wet and if you must brush it when it's wet, opt for a wide toothed comb over a brush. try out some dry shampoo to refresh your roots in the AM rather than washing it. good luck!

I wash my hair every other day. I've always wanted to try doing it daily but I am afraid that might be too much manipulation for my hair. However I can see myself doing it at least five times a week in the summer. I also don't wash my hair daily because I always use a hair mask in place of regular conditioner that I always leave on for ten to fifteen minutes while I bathe and I am too lazy to do that everyday. I am african American with super thick kinky curly hair but damaged over processed relaxed ends I am growing out. My scalp gets really oily too. Once I am completely natural I may shampoo daily or shampoo every other day but condition daily.

I would love to go with being able to wash my hair every other day, but I am an oil and grease machine! If I don't, it gets a little too gross. 

For me, it really depends on what shampoo I am using. most of the time, I use a conditioner every day + shampoo every couple of days with some dry shampoo in between.

Never. But hair breakage is rarely about what you're applying to it topically, as in shampoos & conditioners. Try taking biotin tablets or capsules, as well as flax seed oil capsules & hyaluronic acid capsules. I started doing this a couple of months ago & have noticed quite a difference, although my hair had gotten much healthier after I stopped washing it altogether. The reason I started is because when we adopted our dog over a year ago, I started grinding up fresh flax seeds in our coffee grinder & adding a tablespoon of this to his food at every meal. His fur was thin at the time as he was found as a stray. He now has the thickest, softest fur I've ever felt on a dog. Everybody who touches him always notices this as well and asks what we feed him. His dry food, rice, chicken & ground flax seeds. That's it. You can add flax seeds to smoothies as well, but be sure to grind them finely first. Otherwise they pass through your digestive system whole, rending the oils in them useless. In addition, store your flax seeds in your freezer to keep them from going rancid. Just grind enough for a week at a time & store them in a ziplock bag in the fridge. Use a couple of heaping tablespoons in each smoothie. It's amazing stuff for the skin as well. If that's too much work, just buy the bottles of oil or the capsules. Keep those in your fridge as well. You can also massage castor oil into your scalp before you go to bed, roll it into a knot & wash it out the next morning. I then apply just a little bit more as a smoother after blow drying while my hair is still warm. It keeps my hair in really good condition. Wish I would've known to do this years ago when I was keeping my hair platinum blonde. It really destroyed my hair at the time.

I wash and condition my hair 2 times a week. I color my hair and have nice natural curls and waves so I don't rub it with a towel, I dab and squeeze it with the towel and let it air dry. I never have to even comb it. I never brush, I use a wide tooth comb when needed. I got it cut short a couple of weeks and love it. I just finger comb it. My hair is dry so sometimes I use Neil George Indian Gooseberry oil to make it shine. I just put it on my hands and pat it over my hair.

I can't imagine braiding hair and going to bed with it that way as that is putting stress on the hair. In much older times, the ladies always took their hair down at night.

I have to wash mine every day, it gets so ridiculously oily and it's so fine. However, I don't use much shampoo and I only condition my hair on the weekends. My hairdresser gave me that tip, since my hair is fine, conditioning it sparingly will give it more volume and not weigh it down. I do, however, put Biosilk Oil in it after I towel dry it, to keep it soft and help with the split ends!

I've tried washing every other day, but it just doesn't work for my oily roots. If I am not planning on doing anything for the day I might skip a day washing, but if I have to go out and look presentable I need to wash it. It will sometimes look fine in the morning without washing, but by mid morning it is greasy if I don't wash. I wash probably 5-6 days a week.

I wash 3-4 times a week with just a cowash then put in a leave in conditioner. This is the only method I've found that saves my over processed hair. I tried using a shampoo and it just made my hair feel ratty and disgusting.

In the winter I wash my hair once a week. In the summer 2 to 3 times a week. I have very thin curly hair and so far this is what works best. For a deep conditoner  once a month I use Kerastase masque oleo relax.


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