I have a fuzz on my upper lip that I bleach every now and then, but I don't feel it's that noticable. No one really comments about it to me, I don't get weird looks and pointed at. I wouldn't call it a moustache, just fuzz. I've never waxed it, and I defonitely will never shave it. Reason is because if I shave it then when it grows back it has the appearance of being coarser until the hair that has been cut sheds and new hair comes in its place. I know it's physically impossible for shaving to make hair coarser, but I hate how it looks coarser.
My older sister has very thick and dark hair on her upper lip and neck. I feel terrible for her, it's so humiliating. She will bleach it and shave it so that the little stubbles that get left behind aren't noticable. It's a constant struggle for her, and right now she can't afford any laser surgery. Laser surgery is #1 on her priority list, before she moves out of my parents home, gets a car etc. she wants this taken care of. She actually hates going into public areas because people will comment on the hair if it is noticable. The worst is when people are trying to be 'helpful'. They pull her aside and give her names and numbers for electrolosys and laser hair removel clinics etc. All they are doing is confirming in her head that she is a freak and needs to be 'fixed'.
I hate hair all over my body, but I don't mind seeing it on others. Kudos to them for having the self esteem to go to the beach with hairy legs and armpits! They don't want to go out of their way to remove their body hair, that's fine by me!
EDIT: Oops, that got much longer than I had been thinking it would be. I guess I turned it into a bit of a rant, sorry about that ;-)