Facial Hair

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I have some "fuzz" on the upper lip, but i don't wax it, because the only time i did it it hurt so much and the area got numb for quite a few days :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

in all honesty, it really is you who notices the most. If it extremely bother you, get electrolysis or lazer done, but really if it doesn't bother you then don't. like for example; my legs compared to the rest of my body are very white and I have a little bit of a varicose vein. I'm not gonna go tannign because its cancerous. So when I do go out and my legs are exposed, I use the sally hansen spray on legs. It makes me feel better. Before that i didnt do anything but just shave and body cream. Nobody has ever said anything.

I would love to get rid of my facial hair (upper lip), but I'm so scared of which method to pick that would be least painful and with minimal possible side effects.

For those of you who choose wax, do you get it professionally done or at home? If at home, which do you recommend?

Epicare seems interesting too.

i have major sideburns and i actually like them a lot! i don't think they look unfeminine or anything. i used to hate them growing up, but now i think they look unique! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

waxing your lip does hurt. but waxing your lip and even browns is fine. Do not, I repeat do not wax other hair on your face or chin. If anyone tells you too thye are wrong. It stimulates the hair growth on your chin and face and it will make it thicker and it will be annoying to remove later. i'm an aethetician. Trust me. The upper lip and brows are fine though. Those work well when they are waxed. Lazer is another option. Don't even bother with nair or neet. Yes you can have a chance of burning yourself with them or even the hair not being removed properly at all. Yes waxing hurts a bit, but the procedure is very short maybe 30 seconds. yes it will be slightly red.

I think it's really up to the individual woman if she wants to de-hair or not.

What do you recommend for chin, then? I've been shaving because I've had so much trouble with any other methods (tweezing, home wax or depilatory). Trust me, my chin hair is too thick to leave it there - it has to be removed! It's really embarrassing. The hair on my upper lip is very sparse, so I use a facial hair trimmer for that (one of those small battery-operated ones) every few weeks. But my chin hair grows EVERY DAY. I hate it!

i do full face threading, as im asian/indian we have facila hair, so i def do the whole face. i think a hair free face is just more attractive, i know it is to my husband! lol

Honestly, If it doesn't bother you than don't do it. There's no end to the things that we can do to "please" people or "look" right. If it's ok with you then that is what matters
Okay everyone, I tried to wax my face and it came out kinda patchy. Yeah, not doing that again since it's too expensive to have someone else do it.

I reccomend nair for FACES...not body..FACESSS it so gentle. and it works quite well for the dark fuzz on my upperlip... it wasnt like full on HAIR it was like darker peach fuzz that i began to get self concious about.

I really do reccomend it.

I think people with hyperpigmentation problems (ME) need to be careful because it seems like any hair removal process irritates my skin enough to cause a reaction (besides like eyebrow plucking)

i noticed the other day that there was hair between the top of my eyebrows and my hairline like on the sides (sorry i don't know what the area is called). It freaks me out and I've never noticed it before. I want to get rid of it but I don't want to make it worse. it's actually worse on one side than the other. has anyone heard of having facial hair there?

I saw a commercial for a product called Tweeze (pronounced "tweez-ee"). Has anybody tried this? It looks like it does the same thing as the Epilator, but less expensive - a facial threading machine. I'm willing to try almost anything! Shaving irritates my skin so I try to only do it every other day, but I end up with embarrassing stubble on the "off" day that makes me self-conscious. I may buy this thing anyway but it would be great to hear from someone who has already tried it and give me some feedback.

Yah i have that it's like very fine hair...it's really nothing to worry about and i dont reccomend waxing it wanna know whhy?....because if u do it'll also take off the top layer of your skin so you'll have two huge light blocks on the side of your head. when i get the tops of my eyebrows done its lighter adn a good week...it gradually gets less noticable but its alot light at first.. I dont really know if i reccomened a cream hair remover there either.. HTH :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I get the scraggly chin hairs that grow very dark and fast. I go in with the tweezers at least once a week to remove them.

Sometimes I wax the hair from the top of my brows but if you take too much off youll look angry all the time lol


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