Facial hair

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For anyone living in the Dallas area and interested in threading, I wanted to let you know that you can get your eyebrows and upper lip done for $6 too!

Threading is really cheap and prevalent in New York City. I used to go to a salon on 53rd between Lexington and Park where I paid $10 for upper lip and chin. I found myself having to go every two weeks or so. It seems to be mostly women from Russia or elsewhere in the former Soviet Union who do it here. I say 'used to' because I finally did the electrolysis with the Lucy Peters systems and the darkest hair is all gone. The system differs from other electolysis in that it guarantees the removal is permanent though I have to go back a few times to catch all the hairs that hadn't grown yet. The treatment was relatively painless and the redness was gone by the next day, so so far, so good. It's only been a few days though so knock on wood.

Originally Posted by envymi Do you ever wax??? I usually wax and in between appts if I can't wait for it to grow enough to wax, I use the bikini shaver thing. I've done laser on other parts, but the thought of a laser on my face kind of freaks me out. How did the laser feel come out on your other parts?
Originally Posted by winnipb I just started having my eyebrows threaded. It worked so good so the next time I had my whole face done. I don't get the ingrown hairs from threading. I never knew I had so much hair on my whole face. Give it a try you will like it. Bev
How much is it to get your wholel face done?
I have tried the sugar waxes on my face and it didn't remove not one hair. I have tried real wax and burnt my skin, not pretty. I have had wax done at the salon and they burn me too. My skin must be very sensitive. So my only resort has been threading. And then lady I found has shaped my eyebrows beautifully I've never loved my eyebrows until now. It's 15 for eyebrows and 10 for the upperlip. Also, one time I saw this girl at a bikini contest who had some kind of permenant hair removal. I don't really know what she had done , but there was no hair but her skin was like litle dark spots on her skin where I guess the root was, it wasnt pretty. I don't know if it was temporary, but that scared me toward permenant hair removal. She got it done like on her belly trail.


I've done Laser and electrolysis for hair removal.

Laser was a good way to get rid of dark hairs though I returned for a total of 13 times for facial hair. After that I had my full arms and underarms done as well. In the latter 2 cases laser was very effective.

Regardless the topical anesthetic I used, it was painful. Now 2+ years later I still have a small splotch of hypopigmentation on my lower cheek. since some hairs were quite light laser was ineffective.

Electrolysis has been used since then to clear the lighter hairs. One thing electro has against it is the commitment it takes.

In both methods aftercare is crucial. No makeup till the next day, gentle soap, no alcohol products no exfoliants, and heavy even moisturizer.

Additionally, I upped the amount of Vitamin E I take.

If I can answer any questions, please feel free to ask.


I hate, hate, hate the depilitory creams, I always ended up with the red burned look. I might try this sugar waxing though, sounds promising.

To help protect your skin from waxing you can lightly powder it with a little baby powder before you apply the wax. The powder helps keep the wax from sticking to your skin. Although the wax may still stick a little, it isn't as bad as not using powder.

My facialist had electrolysis hair removel done to her face and it looks like it came out really good.


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