Originally Posted by
girl_geek If you want to keep it long, you should probably have it back or up for a business job interview no matter what cut it is ... now if it's an interview for something like a makeup artist position maybe they have different "rules"
If you want to cut a lot off, I think if it's about shoulder-length or shorter you could wear it down for an interview ... my hair is shoulder-length but due to the layers and the low hairline on my forehead I can't get it back into a ponytail, so I'll have to wear it down for an interview
(And I'll need to start interviewing soon, I graduate in December!)
I'm not sure of any specific style ideas for you ... what length do you want to get it cut to? Do you want to keep it long or cut a lot off? (By the way Locks for Love requires that you cut at least 10 inches off to donate it.) That might help us come up with some more ideas for you!
I would recommend cutting at least several inches off ... I used to have hair down to my waist and the ends were kind of thin, and then I cut it to about half-way down my back and my hair looked twice as thick and healthy since I cut all those ends off! And then I did a better job of keeping it trimmed to keep it looking good ... and of course now it's short enough that I trim it every month to keep it the right length
Also I already look younger than my age and I think my shorter hair helps make me look a little older and more professional -- long hair made me look too much like a high school student or sophomore sorority girl or something!
Yes, these are Fantastic idea's, thanks! I would like to keep a bit of length as i do like having long hair. I agree having it cut will make it look strong and healthy. I am thinking of shoulder length with a fringe perhaps, still not 100% sure.
What did everyone think of the photo of Sam's hair? I am not sure what kind of cut that is??