Hard Candy Moves To Walmart!

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Aug 9, 2006
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According to WWD [via Temptalia], we can expect to see Hard Candy make a full return… but at Wal-Mart. Hard Candy is expected to be rolled out into 3,000 Wal-Marts by the end of the year. The pricing strategy aims to products priced at an average of $7.
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I'm interested in seeing what they have to offer for Walmart pricing! What are your thoughts?

For now, though, Hard Candy can be found on clearance at Sephora:


Even at Walmart prices I wouldn't buy it. There is nothing that really appeals to me about that line.

I remember saving up my allowance to get their quads at $35 a piece. So weird that they'll be at Wally World now...

Originally Posted by lolaB /img/forum/go_quote.gif I remember saving up my allowance to get their quads at $35 a piece. So weird that they'll be at Wally World now... Me too! I wanted that thing so badly!

I dont think there is an item that appeals to me but I'll be sure to browse now.

I wouldn't mind getting some stuff but I just can't remember what they have.

Hard Candy kinda always sucked to me so they should have been there ages ago. But, I mean Max Azria has a line there (though with that kid with the annoying voice)... So...

^^^^ LOL! I'm seeing a lot of higher brands at Walmart too but HC has never really appealed to me. I've got some of the quads and while they're pretty good, really not worth the 35 price tag...which is why I got 9 of them for 4 bucks each at TJ Maxx

I have one palette by HC and I think I've used it once. Not a big fan of it--not very well pigmented I don't think. Thank god I think I got it off their mega clearance sale for like 8 bucks or something. Otherwise I would have been VERY disappointed.

Is that the brand with the little plastic rings around the nail polish? I rembrr being in 8th or 9th grade and thinking they were so cool. Now not so much.

I have three eyeshadow singles from Hard Candy. The singles have really cute packaging, and when I'm through with the shadows I'm going to melt lip balm in the cases. I got them for $2 a piece at Marshalls, but they're not very pigmented.

I ran into the Hard Candy into Walmart. The line is really cute. Doesn't look anything like the old except for the nail polish. Doesn't looks so pre-teen. I'm going to try and take pics next time I'm in. They have baked blushes and eyeshadows that I really want to add to my collection.


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