Homemade Skincare Recipes and Masks

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For Wrinkles:

Use any stretch mark cream that contains shea butter.

For Dry Hair:

Moisturizing Cream for Body with Almonds Extract, if you put it in your hair it will make it smooth and shiny. Apply by putting a small amount in your hands and rub it in your hands then apply to hair, works wonders for dry damaged hair.

You can also apply a big amount to all of your hair and let it rest for an hour before having a shower.

Just wanted to add another endorsement for plain olive oil as a moisturizer. I started using it at night and my skin has never looked as smooth and glowy. Olive oil rubbed into my hands is good too, and then I put those little cloth gloves over my hands for the nighttime.

This recipe is good in removing the tan from the face due to prolonged exposure to sunlight.

What you need:

Egg white


Bowl Procedure:

In a large bowl mix together the egg white and the honey. Continue to stir until it becomes sticky and thick. Apply to the damaged face for 5 minutes. And wash face thoroughly with a mild facial soap. Sometimes it would be advisable to wash face with lukewarm water alone to avoid skin complications of sun-burned damaged skin.

Source: beautyden

This is good in maintening the radiance of healthy glowing skin.





Ground Almonds Procedure:

Get a piece of bowl to mix oats and honey together. Sprinkle more oats enough to thicken the texture of the honey. Add yogurt and ground almonds and continue to stir until creamy. Gently apply it to the face and wait for 5 minutes. Wash face with lukewarm water.

Source: beautyden

This is recipe will clean stubborn dirt from your face.


Cucumber Juice

Milk Procedure:

Extract juice from the cucumber by using a juicer. Get a small amount of juice and mix with milk enough to clean your face. Dub a little amount of the mix using a clean cotton balls and gently wipe your face. Then wash your face with lukewarm water.

Source: beautyden

This is recipe is good in removing excess oil in the face and to prevent the growth of pimples and acne.


1/3 cup cocoa

3 tsp of heavy cream

1/3 cup of ripe papaya

¼ cup honey

3 tsp of oatmeal powder Procedure:

Mix cocoa and heavy cream in a container. Add the ripe papaya and continue stirring with honey. Mix them thoroughly and add the oatmeal powder. Continue Stirring until it will turn into thick creamy paste. Apply on the face and wait for 10 minutes. Rinse face with lukewarm water. It is safe to do this everyday or use this alternately

Source: beautyden

Best for oily skin. Lemon used as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften the skin and egg whites will tighten it.




Egg whites Procedure:

Squeeze the grapes extract into a bowl. Slice the lemon and extract the juice in the same bowl. Add egg white and mix them well. Apply into the face and leave it for 20 minutes. Don’t be alarmed if you feel a little tingles in your skin, because of the egg whites. Rinse face with warm water.

Source: beautyden

That's a good recipe!!! But for me I don't really like making homemade products so I wanted to mention I got the Queen Helene Oats and Honey Face Scrub and I love it. My face glows afterwards and is completely smooth, plus it was really cheap. I highly suggest it.


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