How do you like eating pancakes? forums

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Mmm, I LOVE pancakes!! I love mine slathered with butter and maple syrup! I also love blueberry pancakes which I also slather with butter and syrup. Oh, yeah, and you gotta have some bacon on the side to have the perfect sweet, salty balance. *salivates*

I don't eat them often but when I do, smothered in syrup!

Chocolate chip pancakes are great too!

We have them with sugar and lemon, the kids like to spread nutella on them!

I'm not a big fan of pancakes. If I do eat them I like fresh blueberries in them with just butter. Yes, even though I'm Canadian, I don't like maple flavour :icon_razz Maybe I've just been on too many field trips to Sugarbushes.

butter and maple syrup!!!

i havent had pancakes in soooo long--my dad used to make them every saturday for me & my sister when we were little. aww happy memories :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I love the Aunt Jemima Strawberry Shortcake flavored Mini-pancakes (they're new), covered in butter. Yummy, yummy.

i rarely eat them, but i like it when i do.

i usually put maple syrup on them. im old fashioned that way.

I don't really like pancakes and I hate maple syrup ... my favorite way to eat them is with my mom's homemade applebutter! I also like some fruit-flavored syrups.

I love them with fresh strawberries sliced on top. Add a dab of butter and very little syrup. Yum....I'm hungry. :satisfied:

I love them stacked with maple syrup and ice cream. Or lemon and sugar or strawberries and cream or or or . I just love them!!!!



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