How long does it take you to put on your makeup? forums

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most of the time its less than 30 minutes...because I usually only have half an hour from the time I wake up til the time I have to leave to get to school on time.

If i have a party to go to, takes forever to straighten and style my hair and do my Mu (2 hours sometimes) Usually when i get up for work in the mornings , 10-15 minutes. For work in the afternoon, 30 -45 minutes (including hair)

For work i only take 10-15 mins, and most of that is applying foundation.

i usually do the rest when i get in as i prefer to have that extra half hour in bed :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Around 15 or 20 minutes - unless I'm in a hurry. I've done it in 8 mins, and am quite pround of myself when I'm done.

My bf and my friends moan at me that it takes me ages!

Actually my makeup takes me to do about 30 mins, depending on wheather Im going out somewhere special - I like to take my time,

Im forever getting moaned at! With comments like ''are you still doing that'' - ''thats enough!'' and it does get me down, I just dont like a little foundation, eyeliner, smudge of shadow so its not perfect, I like to make myself up like no one else, so everything is done perfecly, even tho some people say ''you cant tell the difference when you spend ages to when you do it quick'' But I know I can!

For everyday makeup, I spend about 15 minutes. And I get ready in a total of 30 minutes to 1 hour.

For special events...I spend about 45 minutes to 1 hour on makeup and about 2 hours for everything total.

most the time i hurry, cuz of my kids.. so its more like 30 minutes.. but on days when DADDY is home, i have noticed i spend like 2 hours int he bathroom! LMAO

Hi it normal takes me around 20-30 minutes doing my makeup and i only do eye makeup lol it sometimes can be more if i am doing something special for a night out , hope this helps

Nessy xx

Weekdays/workdays - 10 minutes

Going out (informal) - 20 minutes

Going out (formal) - 30 minutes makeup and 30 minutes on hair

Maybe 10 minutes at the most for school. But an hour or 2 for special events. It really depends also how much time I have available. If I see I have 2 hours before having to leave to school, I will definitly take advantage. But I usually have like 15min :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Wow you guys must look amazing! My total time from wake up to out the door is 45-50 min depending on how many times I hit snooze. Actual makeup is 10-15 minutes tops

for the day it takes 15-20 minutes for going out at night(club) me and my girl friend will have a lil pre party in the bathroom while we are getting ready that could take 2 hours by the time we come out we got our makeup and buzz on..

Oh I am pokey. If it's just getting ready for class/regular day .. about an hour/hour and a half, going out is prolly 3 hours.


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