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thank you all, for your tips and everything.

I got accutane today, were waiting for them to call and say its in.

but im pretty thrilled.

that's an awesome improvement in few short months!

good luck with Accutane hon, I read how it works wonders for people!

your skin has improved alot jess and i hope the new stuff works for you.. either way your still pretty.

Wow, your skin has improved nicely, I'm happy for you! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

A friend of mine had really bad acne when we were about 14 or 15 and the doctor prescribed one of the kinds of birthcontrol pills and it really helped her a lot and stopped the irritations etc.

Good luck for when you see your derm. again! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


Oh dear Jesskaa, I know what you're going through although it didn't hit me until my early 20s (I'm 32 now). Like you most recently I was on Duac and Retin-A, and when my derm first saw me she prescribed those plus a sulfur face wash (Complexion is the brand name, but I got the generic) and an oral antibiotic twice a day for months. (I'm already on BC hormones via Nuvaring.) After three months there was significant improvement and now after a year I'm only on the sulfur face wash and Retin-A. Over the years I've tried all sorts, Differin, Tazorac, topical antibiotics (blech), but never Accutane. (The treatment can be harsh, right now a friend of mine is suffering extremely dry skin along with peeling and cracking. Ouch! Thankfully I haven't had to use it, but I would if I had to.) Retin-A will always be part of my regimen cause acne seems to come back whenever I stop using it.

I use generic/pharmacy brand of Cetaphil face wash and find that it's just as good as the regular Cetaphil. (And it does not clog pores.) It's not strong enough to remove makeup so I use it for washing my face in the morning. (Mixed with a little baking soda it makes the best exfoliant, I've experimented with tons of them but I've been loyal to this for over a decade now.) Purpose by Johnson & Johnson is the best and gentlest makeup remover to use at night. The combo of all the treatments you are using can make your skin sensitive so I'd recommend avoiding harsher cleansers (e.g., glycolic acid, etc.) unless approved by your dermatologist.

Best wishes for a lifetime of clear skin!

BTW, now that I'm in my 30s my doctor has to call the insurance co to get them to pay for my Retin-A since they want to make sure it is being used for acne and not wrinkles. I hope I have to use it forever cause it's probaby the reason why I still look like I'm in my early 20s!

i had acne probs too and my dr gave me some cream and pills one is contraception pills and the other one is a kinda acne pills for curing pimples. they work pretty well.

Your skin has had a HUGE improvement that is so great :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> GOod luck with the accutane although from looking in your last pic doesnt look like you need it all that bad, but it is alotbetter to take one pill rather then all this creme for your face and it will stay gon e more then likely. Remember you might get an inital breakout so dont freak out haha I had it a bit to it sucks but well worth it.

I am soo happy that you are onto a system that is working so well for you!

I have been fully prepared for those side affects, lol. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Thanks, I know Retina-A is a very good cream for people in my strong opinion.

thank you for all your tips and advice, i love to hear it!

thanks, i know.. i hate how my face is more then likely going to BIZZARE for awhile, but in the end it has to worth it.

thank you all for your good comments :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Just wanted to tell yoy that you're a beautiful young woman from the first to the last picture. How exciting for you that the treatment is working. I can see a great difference. And just think, it's only been a few short months. Imagine in another couple months, it'll just keep getting better I'm sure. Best wishes, Hon. Grab the world by the tail!!

I too use the generic version of Cetaphil with great results. I bought mine at Walgreens for $5.99 / 16 oz. On top of that, it was a two for one, so I actaully got 32 oz. for the same price. And, I too often use baking soda as an exfoliant. Very mild and soothing with great results. Plus the price is right as well.

wow you are a beautiful girl already and your skin has improved a great deal! Congrats!

I only suffered from mild acne in my teens and got on a high hormone dose type of birth control that´s designed for young women with acne and my skin cleared up a lot. Then I got off it after 2 years fearing the hormones might be a bit too strong even though my gynaecologist said I don´t have to worry about that...sometime after that I started getting cystic pimples which I have never had before.

So now I´m back on the old birthcontrol pill, also taking an oral antibiotic and applying topical antibiotic cream. My acne is not bad and it´s only on my cheeks and I know it´s mostly stress-related, but at 22 I am sick of pimples that leave red marks for months!

Good luck with Accune, keep us posted about the side effects if you experience any.

Your skin has got loads better already. Hope the accutane gives you the results you want

Hey Jess...thanks for posting! You're a brave girl! Your skin is definitely improving and with the accutane I'm sure it will even more so. My cousin had severe acne when we were in our twenties and she did a round of accutane and it did cause some redness and heavy duty drying of her skin, but her acne cleared up and never came back. Update this thread as you go through your treatment so we can follow your progress! :thumbsup2:

wow jessaka! your skin is coming along very well! i can see some major improvement! keep us posted on your progress! i so agree with kaville! it's totally awesome that you have the courage to post! you don't know how many people you may be helping! very cool!


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