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thanks you guys!

lol! i only toke that photo to share an update so, i wasent really even thinking. hahaa.

I would suggest you just go to derm and give them another go.

but see if you can try to find a good reccomendation by somebody.

I will definitely give it another go, I'm going to try to contact my old derm i mean he put me and sooooooooooo many things i don't want to be put on the same crap that never worked. As for recommendations, I don't know anyone with acne besides myself, lol thats so great! Keep us posted on your wonderful progress! :hugss:

thanks everybody.

Did you ever try Retin-A cream. I think that works nicely. I cant tell by your photos but, your acne doesnt seem too terribly bad.

Yes retin -a was the first topical they prescribed to me. It was ok, but because there were not enough results, I was switched to something else. I can cover my face pretty well with make up, and my acne has lessened substantially, but there isn't a time where i don't have at least 8 pimples on my face(and I'm not talking little bumps, I get big hard red bumps , I get them all over my cheeks, chin, forehead, upper lip, and sometimes on my nose). Plus, I have massive scarring from previous acne, so I NEVER go without make up. I have been on the quest for clear skin for 6yrs, 2 of which I was going to a derm constantly before I was given something that I had a severe allergic reaction to, so I just stopped going. I have found a few tings here and there that help alot, but with time they all stop working.

Congrats! Your skin looks so pretty! I had a cousin who got cystic acne back in the 80s.There wasnt much anyoone could do for her and I felt horrible for her all the time.She has horrible scarring now.She is in her 40's...we both are.Her skin was so beautiful,and then suddenly it went really bad.At least now there is so much more help for this problem. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Its improving!

My sis needs that - she has more severe acne than what I did at her age (7th grader) but she doesn't understand that all that isn't good on her face and she doesnt take care of it. Pfft - kids.

I started getting more adult acne - but it's cleared up now. Just dealing with scars. Clearasil helped MAJORLY.

I'd say you go back it give it another [meaning go to the derm] Maybe now things have changed a tad with you & something will work. I have scars very bad scars, but i can tell you honestly from your photos you cover it VERY VERY well with makeup.

Thanks. ah, thats awful! i've always had just bad skin ever since i can remember & i do not want it leading up into my adult years.

I'm very glad for new help.

So, shes probably only a year younger than me? hmmm, best bet is she'll start to care soon enough. I used to have phases were i pretened not to care but then it go really bad and just controled how i felt constantly.

Ive clearasil works very well. Im glad you found something good for you.

thanks jess ill give it another go around soon.....keep us updated im sooo glad your getting the results you want...U R A DOLL!!!!

I'll keep you all updated dont worry. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> i enjoy it!

No problem, I hope you find something to work wonders for ya.

Okay to give a little up date [mindy reminded me of this thread]

i think i had my month wrong on my last up date.. I should be on my 3rd month now, and I'm not because something went wrong with my blood work and blah. But i just got re-done and i should be getting back on accutane around the 20th. But still, my face is pretty amazing.

And im grateful i made this thread to look at all those pictures and the one of me in green [the very first post] man, what a shock.

here some recent photos.

this is just powder foundation on.

no makeup.. =[

wow jess u look great...and my derm put me on accutane....i start on the 25 of this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so

oh wow! what a big improvement! i always heard of ppl taking these things but never seen it in action step by step! awesome!

wow that's great! They say that the sun might help the acne go away abit that might be why u haven't got that much in the summer..but who knows ;P
