I got called a whore today

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Feb 18, 2007
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I was at a book store with Phil, and I walked by this couple, or ill assume they were one. A guy and a girl, mature too..not young..atleast 30. I didn't hear it, but I guess after I walked by them to return a book on the shelf, they took a look at my oufit and the guy told the girl "whore!" and they both started laughing together. I don't know why, (guys can be so stupid sometimes) but Phil (my boyfriend) cought up with me and told me everything that happened. He had been behind me the whole time so he heard them. Why he had to tell me, I dont know, but I wish he hadnt. I got upset and wanted to cry...im not anything close to a whore, and my oufit wasnt even bad. I then got upset that Phil didn't do anything about it but walk away and come over and tell me almost like it was funny.

The whole situation ruined my day, between the hurtful couple and Phil telling me about it, and doing nothing about it. I got to thinking how much words can hurt people. I am always quick to judge too, but I have never really been insulted like that, or atleast not that I know of..and I never want to know again. It really hurts. They didn't even know me. I am now wondering how many comments have been said about my clothing like that, that I havent heard. Too many probably. It upsets me how uptight people can be when it comes to fashion. If they see something out of the ordinary rather than their boring ass jeans and t-shirts, they get all judgemental and call the person a whore.

This is what I was wearing... (The same top, only paired with a black highwaisted pencil skirt)


It isnt even slutty. Yeah, it has a sexy silhoutte..but I think it looks classy at the same time..not whore at all

I will think twice before making a petty comment like that on a stranger again. If they hear me I could ruin their whole day like these people did mine.

Aww I'm sorry that that happened! I don't think your outfit is slutty or whore-ish at all. It sounds like those people were jealous or just hateful, who knows why they'd make a comment like that. I would be upset too. Sometimes guys don't think....maybe your boyfriend thought it was funny because it was so obviously not true, but apparently wasn't thinking that it would hurt your feelings. I remember in high school, there were people that would call me a whore because I wore really thick black eyeliner, and that hurt. It sucks to be insulted even if you know it's not true. People can be so mean. Just take comfort in the fact that you can wear cute clothes, and ignore the retards that obviously don't know a thing about fashion.

Thanks.. I guess but the way he told me was jerkish. Blah. He was all like "You got owned" (He is a video game nerd)

I just want to forget the whole thing but it's burned in my brain.

Minders....I started think my name was Whore after being called that so many times. I used to be like you and cry about it. Now I laugh! People are nervous, jealous and afraid of what they don't understand. We all know you are far from a whore! You should feel sorry for that couple bonding over calling you a whore...they have no lives. They should be worried about themselves and their lack of fsshion sense.

As for Phil, maybe he has never had an encounter like that. And even so, he seems very reserved. You can't expect him to beat up the World because they call you a name or make you sad. I had an EX BF who would confront everyone who made comments....needless to say he was fighting people everywhere and it was embarrassing!!

You are beautiful Minders and I can't imagine you ever being capable of looking like a whore.

PS...Phil got owned by that Dude who called his Girlfriend a Whore...

Thanks manders

I know deep down I didn't expect him to yell at them or anything, but the way he came running over to me and told me about it almost like he thought it was funny, made me upset. He shouldnt have told me at all, I wouldnt have known if it wasnt for him! If I had heard them myself I probably would have said something, I wanted so bad to go back and say something, just so I could have peace of mind..but I knew I would look stupid going back like 5 minutes after it happened.

(lol at the ps)

Ugh, Phil's a nerd for that and those two creatures are bigger granola eating geeks for saying that.

Don't let that comment get to you tho because you know you're not one.

I've been called so many things but I learned to adapt to them and like Manders say, laugh about it. Yeah it hurts for a quick minute but then you gotta remember you'll never see them again. And you probably won't remember this incident in a few days down.

I mean, old grown folks calling someone younger then them a whore is funny?

Pfft. What wack ass humor they got... they prolly go into a giggle fest at the random mentioning of "fart".

As for Phil. He can make love to his hand for a few days. Then you can say, "Pwned? LOL"

Mindy, you have a face of an angel and you are absolutely gorgeous!!! In addition to that, you have a style--something that those people probably don`t have. I think they were probably envying you, that`s all
Just don`t take their stupid comments close to the heart and it will return to them in some other way!

As for your bs`s reaction--well, our close people not always behave or say as we would want them to. My husband, for instance, pretty often makes some stupid jokes or comments about my appearence, my age etc... Yet, he loves me a lot, always supports me when I really need it and that`s what keeps it going. I quess, what I`m saying is , there are things that you can forgive and things that you cannot, and its important to make a difference between these two...

Celly Cell wrote: [i mean, old grown folks calling someone younger then them a whore is funny?

KH, kh.... pls, don`t be so tough on "old grown folks" in their 30s

Mindy,I think your outfit is beautiful,not even close to whorish. It sounds to me like he was jealous of what he didnt have.
It's great that you have decided not to do the same to others,I know I have before,but never again.

Your outfit is awesome. Don't let what other people say and think affect the way you dress. If they can't accept something that isn't a T-shirt and jeans, then too bad, they're missing out.

Guys can be *******s.. (HELLO!) but that outfit definitely does NOT make you look like a whore at all. Your boyfriend didn't have to physically do anything but he could've told him where to put it..

I'm sorry though!. Just ignore those kind of people. They're not worth your time.

Mindy...dont worry about that
. It is what i like to call a combination of hatred, jealousy, ignorance, stupidity, and the general human being all wrapped up into one. I am sorry that you had to hear that, but as time goes on, you will hear worse about yourself, and you have to become thick skinned to it. Eventually, it will ll be a joke. I have been called every name under the sun, and i don't care, but I will do the same in return and make it worse, lol. (wink wink).

As far as Phil goes, I personally would not blame him for not defending your honor on that, people are stoopid these days and if you need him to protect you, it needs to be something a little harder than being called a whore. So let him save his energy and safety for something worth it. Cause name-calling happens, and it will get harder; which means you have to get stronger

you wouldn't look like a whore in that outfit at all! I think men that are uncomfortable around gorgeous women make stupid comments like that as a way to a. make it appear they don't find you attractive and b. cover the fact that they're uncomfortable.

I would also have felt hurt, so I know this is a stupid thing to say but I wouldn't take it personally. Someone who would say something like that about you obviously has no idea what they're talking about

First of all you are beautiful and that outfit is smoking hot! AND I am 36 does that mean I am ancient? LMAO!!!! Keep your head up!=)

A little OT, but here´s something to think about. I have dressed very sexy on numerous occasions, and I´ve also done some things in public that conservative people might call "slutty", but not once in my life has somebody called me those names to my face, nor have I heard about someone using these words for me. I guess in the US I would have heard the word slut thrown at me about a million times already.

I guess in my country we just don´t use these words that often. I know I never do because it´s degrading to WOMEN. Are there terms like that for a man? No.

That being said, you know you don´t look slutty at all. So does Phil, and so does the couple that said it. I don´t blame Phil for not doing anything about it, cause it´s just too damn ridiculous of the couple to say that anyway. But I guess he didnt´know that you´d be hurt by that comment, because guys are not judged the same way girls can be judged sometimes.

My fiancé is the opposite actually. He always says if he hears someone calling me a whore he´d wanna beat that person up. I always told him he´d get in trouble with ME for doing this, because it´s just not worth it, and it makes people seem very stupid for calling people they don´t even know names.

Those names are not an insult for me, they would be something I make fun of. Kinda like "poor you, you must have no life to call me a whore. So yeah to you I might be a whore, but I freakin love it"

People can be so rude, your outfit is far from being whorish. I just cannot understand why people say some things like that out of the blue, you are so right and words are very powerful and people do judge on appearences.

From a male perspective Phil probably did not want to make a scene to cause any embarrasment, also he also probably didnt think it would affect you, men are slow to pick up on these things. I think you should let him know how you felt about the situation so he can act approperatly for you should something like this ever happens again.

I hope you can forget about it and better days are comming up.

Oh man. You don't look like a whore at all! You look gorgeous, and I'm sure that top looked awesome with the skirt! Maybe the guy was just jealous that you looked hotter than his girlfriend. Words hurt a lot, but try to forget about 'em. If you think you look classy and beautiful then that's all that matters!

Mindy, I'm so sorry that happened! You're soo not a whore! Those people are dumb. And your bf totally should have said something to them since he heard it!

that doesnt look slutty at all. It hurts getting called a whore (I have been called one a couple of times just because of my outfit) so something i retaliate and others I just brush it off.

I know it's easier said than done but you just have to ignore people like that. She was probably a dog and was jealous that you looked way hotter than she did!!


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