I hate....

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I hate it when a customer comes in and says "Do whatever I don't care what it is" and then complains about the makeup she gets. ARG!

I hate co-workers who act childish, petty, backstabbing and gossipy. (do your job and shut up already).

I hate waking up 30 to 60 minutes before my alarm goes off and then falling back asleep and waking up with a jolt when my alarm goes off.

I hate sitting on the train and the person next to me falls asleep and is leaning on me.

I hate sitting on the train next to someone who's sitting with their legs wide open like they're on their couch.

I hate it when it rains every single flippin day in August and now it's September and what happened to summer????

I hate it when you go in a shop and the SAs are talking and they act like you don't exist.

I hate it when Americans complain about the price of gas/petrol cos you would pass out from shock if you had to fill up your car in the UK! In fact, I hate it when Americans complain about the price of anything cos everything costs twice as much over here. (Sorry, mini rant)

I hate when i put flip-flops, go out, thinking it's not going to rain, since it's friggn hot, and then it rains like "Saint Peter is going to give the biggest party on the skies and he put all the angels to clean his ballrooms in 1 hour" (this is a story people tell to the kids to tell them why it's raining - St. Peter is cleaning his ballrooms). I had to pass through water, and my legs got very very wet

I hate....

being cold/being hot

hot/humid weather

how some people think that just because a person has made a choice to ride a motorcycle they will end up being an organ doner

thats all I can think of now.

i hate haters i hate jealousey and negetive people i really hate being stuck in traffic and road ragers

I hate:


hair that isn't attached to someone's head - even my own

people that lie


long lines anywhere

waiting for anything

being alone

winter (the cold, the ice, the snow, driving in the ice and snow)

not having anything to wear

people that are late for anything

buying something I don't like and then having to return it

and number one people who abuse animals

I hate:

Sub-freezing temperatures

facial blemishes

most American news outlets

that we don't use metric over here

SUVs aka "gas guzzlers"

Hmmm... Let me just list the few things I hate the most:

Prejudicism, racism, ignorance, stupid people, bad drivers, people who smack their food, liars, cheaters, meanies... This could be a LONG list! LOL! I'll stop now... I know there's a few more things I hate though LMAO!

I hate:

Cleaning the cat box

Idiot drivers



Daytime television

Folding clothes and putting them away

Scary people loitering in front of stores I need to get into


Insurance Companies


Most Politicians


Jerks and Jackasses

Swarthy men

Car-salesmen (most)




Pushy and nosy people

STUPID people

I hate

Arrogant people

Waking up early


Hateful people

Pushy salespeople


nosy people

people who say stupid things just to hear their own voice

open cabinet doors

zits..... especially the one on my cheek right now that is so large I have named it Ed


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