January 1 2015, 100 Day No Buy Challenge

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I need to buy K-cups actually I'm down to my last 2 coffee ones.  I did get a pack of cocoa ones but it's not what I want in the morning.

I am joining in! Still working on my list of rules for myself, and because I do review things for my blog I probably have more exceptions than others do. I just decided to do this today, but I haven't bought anything yet, so I'm good so far.

Oh, my other 'rule' is that I'm allowed to place one order for jars :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I have samples that desperately need to be 'de-baggied.' 

OK, I think I've finally come up with my rules, exceptions, and goals:


  • Limited colors of the month from indie brands, namely GDE and Shiro.
  • Limited edition products or collections. Like @ said, if they will be gone before April 10th, I can get them, within reason. If they will still be available by April 11th, they can wait.
  • Big sales from a few brands I have been meaning to buy from for review. I know of one coming up in a few days, so that is allowed.
  • Subscriptions. I can add any new indie ones that pop up, but nothing else. I have 5 indie subs and my Fortune Cookie Soap box, all allowed.
  • No more than 3 video games, which includes cheap Steam sale games. I already have one I will be getting today, so only 2 more allowed after that.
  • A thank you gift for my Secret Santa, as well as any birthday gifts that fall within the 100 days.
  • I might need shampoo and conditioner. I have to check my stash, but I think I am low on my samples I had. I shouldn't need anything else "essential" like this, as I have a crazy stash.
  • Organization. I've been putting this off because I keep telling myself I have plans to move soon eventually, so I didn't see the point in buying big furniture that I would need to move. But inexpensive plastic bins or trays or something that doesn't need to be assembled is allowed.
Not Allowed

  • Soap, whipped soap, cream soap. No soap of any kind! I have enough to last the year for sure.
  • Lip balm, the only exception being ones from Haus of Gloi that I review.
  • No more skincare! I have a ton, I am done buying Memeboxes, and I have enough to last me at least 3 years. I've already gone through full sizes of a few products with my new skincare routine.
  • "Refills", it's a lie, I actually have refills of everything I could possibly need. I thought about allowing myself foundation if I ran out, but I realized I have 3-4 brand new BB creams to use up. And I have enough mascara to last me a while too.

  • Put away $1/day for my birthday splurge which is right after this is over.
  • Get organized! Trash stuff I don't want, and make more space as everything is already taking up more room than I would like.
  • Try at least 2 new things every time I do my makeup. It can be one eyeshadow and one lip product, or 2 eyeshadows, or a blush and a mascara, etc. I don't do my makeup everyday, but when I do, 2 new products! I have a ton of stuff I haven't even used yet.
  • Read a book a month. I used to read all the time, sometimes more than 50 books a year. I slacked off when I got into makeup, and I could be using that time I would normally shop to instead read a book. I have plenty in my Kindle I haven't opened, so I don't even need to spend any money on this.
  • No more than 3 video games, which includes cheap Steam sale games. I already have one I will be getting today, so only 2 more allowed after that.

  • Read a book a month. I used to read all the time, sometimes more than 50 books a year. I slacked off when I got into makeup, and I could be using that time I would normally shop to instead read a book. I have plenty in my Kindle I haven't opened, so I don't even need to spend any money on this.
Omg, this! I went from reading over 100 books a year (thank you Goodreads for keeping up with that for me!) to reading barely 20 this year! I've been spending my time on makeup and skincare related things, and I really want to get back to my reading self. Although... I also blame it on my goal of getting up to date on the Game of Thrones books. Those things are so dense and heavy.

And since you reminded me I'll add another rule of no Steam purchases. I always spend way to much during their sale and sure enough, I did it again this year.

I placed the rest in spoiler tags to avoid enabling.

Now, one of my rules was being able to get a single one-off box (like a single Memebox or something). Well, I ordered the one I wanted today: the beauteque Milk bag for Januaray! Full spoilers were posted on the thread and I just had to have it since 80% of the bag was items I've had on wishlists for quite a while. This means I have an entire month in which to stay strong! Not going to be easy!

Also, I intentionally left out clothing because my non-work wardrobe is just sad. I never shop so unless I get items as gifts or from Golden Tote, I just get casual clothes. So due to that, I had decided to allow myself two of the Golden Tote mystery bags, one in XS and one in S to minimize dupes. I'll be able to keep what I want, and their items are generally really easy to trade as well.
I'd like to share what has helped me with respect to buying books -- using my library card and Overdrive.  I can check out books and send them to my phone's/ipad's kindle app.  Because it's a library, at times you do have to wait to check out books, but you can go on a waitlist and they email when it's your turn.  This has saved me LOTS of $$ and NO extra clutter.

OK, I think I've finally come up with my rules, exceptions, and goals:


  • Big sales from a few brands I have been meaning to buy from for review. I know of one coming up in a few days, so that is allowed.
Thank you for not being specific. I saw that an immediately started racking my brain for what it could possibly be, and then was able to tell myself, "DOESN'T MATTER. I'm not buying anything til April anyway."

Hi everyone! Happy 1st of the new year! Yay 2015! Yay 100-day no-buy!

So, today I didn't buy a single thing! I made a list of 100 products I want to use up during this 100 day period, and that really helped!

:drive:   Let's do this!!!!!

:hugs3: :sunshine: :mussical: :w00t:

I love that so many people are joining in! Definitely more than I expected, and many people I didn't expect. This is gonna be great!
Same here! It's so exciting seeing everyone coming here and posting their rules for themselves! This is like a party! I love it so much!

Omg, this! I went from reading over 100 books a year (thank you Goodreads for keeping up with that for me!) to reading barely 20 this year! I've been spending my time on makeup and skincare related things, and I really want to get back to my reading self. Although... I also blame it on my goal of getting up to date on the Game of Thrones books. Those things are so dense and heavy.
I'm so sad!!! This same thing happened to me! I usually read anywhere from 30-55 books a year, but this past year I hardly read- hardly kept track, and think I only finished less than 10. Sad, sad. It's because I usually read in bed at night, but now I have my laptop and just browse. Luckily I am on a Nancy Drew kick and those are super easy to read quickly. Maybe it'll help me jump-start my reading this year! And that may also help me from late-night browsing online!

I'd like to share what has helped me with respect to buying books -- using my library card and Overdrive.  I can check out books and send them to my phone's/ipad's kindle app.  Because it's a library, at times you do have to wait to check out books, but you can go on a waitlist and they email when it's your turn.  This has saved me LOTS of $$ and NO extra clutter.
I LOVE the library! Free movies, free magazines, free books, etc! It's like a wonderland of learning. It's my favorite way to read, because I don't ever have to spend a penny!

@eastofthesun. I feel. Thanks to my all or nothing problem, I constantly want things to be just right so that everything will be okay from that point forward. But life doesn't work like that, and I need to remember that. I do love the idea of a fresh start, and I always anxiously await the new year because it's as good of a fresh start as I can get.
I totally relate. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I hope we can remember this from now on!


 You're a very strong woman for posting this. We're all here to support you... what you said about thinking of life as a work in progress, instead of just getting ready then living, that hit home for me... I'm one of those who stalls by making myself feel "productive" through planning for things, versus actually doing them. I need to work on that this year.... just going for things instead of getting ready to...then never doing them. 
Thanks, Jaylilee! I am the same way. I'm hoping that knowing this will help me break out of this.... we'll see! I want my life NOW!

@@eastofthesun I've also come to realize that I throw myself into shopping to deal with other areas of my life I'm trying to avoid thinking about. I could get into it, but the point is that shopping is the symptom of a larger problem that I need to fix and I'm hoping this no-buy helps me fill my time more wisely. In addition to the no-buy list of rules, I've also got a few projects I've wanted to finish for a long time that I'm going to get started on again. Really looking forward to all of it, I just hope I can keep up with it and not get bogged down like I usually do :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Happy New Year everyone!! Looking forward to completing this challenge with all of you!
Hopefully you won't get bogged down. Sometimes I do that too- I have spurts of energy and positive thinking, and then sometimes it just becomes all too much. I want to maintain that positivity and that hope and see this through! I feel like if I can be successful at this no-buy, then it will really help me keep on being happy with my life.


i normally just lurk and don't post much (and it's nothing personal, everyone on this site is great!) but this post hit me hard.

i just turned 30 and am living with my parents and siblings. i've been in the mind set that once i find a real job and move back out on my own then my life can start. but you are right. life is a work in progress. thank you so much for saying that. i've spent most of my life waiting for the next thing to happen, and in the process, i feel like i've missed out on so much. you said it in a way that i can't and now i need to post i where i can see it every day!
Thanks so much for sharing. Maybe I should write it down and put it on my bathroom mirror! Hehe. I need to try to remember it too.

@@eastofthesun I definitely self-medicate through shopping and subs. I think getting mail makes me feel loved, like a care package from someone? Then I start feeling a little hollow when it sinks in how much stuff it ends up being because I don't like feeling like there's all that waste going on. 

Wanting to have your life figured out before you're 30 really resonates with me. I was there. I can't speak for everyone because we're all going to have ups and downs in life, but my 30's (so far - I'm halfway through) have been more amazing but much different than my 20's. I've taken a lot more risks (and been rewarded), I've learned a lot more about myself, I feel more confident, and I've done a lot more than I ever expected. I'm still a work in progress! Sometimes I take some steps back before I take any forward. I think it's only when you give up that you'll stop changing. I want to be a work in progress even when I'm in my 80's!

Also I'm with you on makeup application; I just learned how to blend my eyeshadow a month ago. It's so silly but before I was a single-shade woman because blending seemed far too complicated. 
You make some really good points and make me excited to be in my 30s! I feel like I've learned a whole lot about myself in my 20s. In reality, though I feel a bit sad turning 30 as I'm not where I wanted to be, I'm glad to be getting out of my 20s. I hope I never stop changing too! Thanks!

I hear you. For me...while I have a great husband, great cats...I work at a very lonely job. In the past, I was obsessed with shoes, and became part of a shoe community on fb. Now...it's makeup. It's tough to connect with people, as we are in our 30s with no kids...where most of our friends have kids and only hang out with people that have kids.

I made my last purchase today. I can feel myself already get twitchy. But i need to do this...need to also stay off Facebook!
Yeah, same here. Most of my friends have a husband and at least one baby. It's hard to get together with them, much less figure out what to do/talk about when I don't have a husband or a baby.

@@eastofthesun Thanks for your brilliant post. We are all works in progress, struggling towards that "someday" while today fades from grasp.

  It is almost a form of group therapy, finding why the spending on makeup snowballs. Seeing if it is just makeup, or spending in general. Have there been other obsessive tendencies in other categories?

  What are we trying to fix inside with objects? What are we trying to avoid? Can we learn to trust enough to share our inner demons with each other and thereby heal ourselves and each other?

  Everyone needs a place they can be 100% truthful, with no fear of judgement or criticism. I hope this challenge will become the safe zone for everyone involved. Be kind and gentle with yourselves and others. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I am so glad you came up with this challenge, Kristine! I feel like I can be 100% truthful with you all! I hope we are all very gentle with ourselves and that we can just make ourselves proud!

Regarding the other obsessive tendencies... heck yes! I'm such a collector. First, it was rocks and minerals or stamps, and I went through other phases, but only when I got my job and started making my own money did the hobbies turn into something more dangerous. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I started collecting vintage My Little Ponies, and they got to be pretty expensive. Then I got interested in pencils, coins, vintage pyrex, stationery, other cutesy toys, Radiohead, and now makeup. Hahah, I am worried that I'll just keep doing this my entire life. But the worst that could come out of that is I'd be an expert in lots of areas, hahaha. Areas that don't help me at all in life, but you know...

I can still join today, right?  I promise I didn't buy anything yet this year  :lol:

My Rules (so far, anyway):

1) No buying makeup of any kind!  I. HAVE. ENOUGH.  Too much, really.

2) I can keep my one current sub (Notoriously Morbid's Vanishing Cabinet) and add the Glamour Doll Eyes' Of The Month, as I've been planning on that one for awhile.  This will still let me add new things to my collection, while supporting small businesses (and the lovely women who own them).  So any time I get a craving for new pretties, I can reassure myself that I already have some coming!  I just have to wait a few weeks!

3) I can buy ONE month of Birchbox IF I can find a 100-point code.  With reviews I'd have 400 points, and then I can do one final splurge purchase as a "goodbye" to BB.  It has been an amazing sub for two years, but I've moved on to indie makeup/bath/skincare and I have a huge stash of samples to work through.

4) I need to get organized in other aspects of my life as well.  I may be starting too many projects at once, but I have plans for getting my house clean/organized, my closet cleaned/organized, my makeup organized, cooking/eating in a cleaner and healthier way, and starting a job hunt.  However, with my ADD, it actually helps me to have several projects.  If I get bored doing one thing, I can move on to another and still feel like I'm getting things accomplished.  I'm going to set smaller goals for myself over each of the 10-day periods, and will post those in the accompanying thread!

I do have a lovely group of ladies that I chat with regularly who will be my accountability group! And I'll be happy to hold anyone accountable who needs it!  Just PM me and I'll reply as soon as I can! 

Oh! And my reward for following all my major rules is a NICE, well-fitting swimsuit for the summer.  I'll be trying swimsuits on every 10 days as a mini-reward for accomplishing minor goals, so by the time April 10th rolls around, I'll know what looks good on me, and I'll have the extra $ in my bank account for a splurge like this!  I love going swimming, and it'll make me so much happier having a swimsuit that makes me feel good about how I look!

Best of luck (and willpower!) to all of us!
I love your idea for your 10-day reward! Trying on swimsuits to find the perfect one is a fabulous idea!!!! Good luck!

I'm not sure what my 100-day reward will be yet, but I'm thinking it'll probably be frozen yogurt. But maybe something else.... like, maybe I can get a fancy coffee or tea from Starbucks! Hahah I don't know yet!

Adding in my love for reading and the library!! I met my Goodreads goal in 2013 but was probably 25 books short in 2014! I was so disappointed haha. I need to spend more time reading and less time obsessing about shopping this year.. clearly! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Looking forward to making my goal in 2015.

I know I am a day late to officially start this, but I've hemmed and hawed over whether I really wanted to try. It seemed really overwhelming at first (especially for a person whose first instinct when told not to do something is to try and do it lol). I think for me I will try not necessarily a no-buy no-buy, but rather a more conscious approach to spending. I am really, really bad about buying stuff because it is on sale or clearance just because it is cheap and not because I need it. I think my approach for this next three months will be

  • Make a list of items (clothing, makeup, accessories) I want for the spring months and only buy the items on the list. I've done this before and it has worked out well. For example, last summer I wanted a pair of brown strappy sandals, a long maxi dress, and a pair of aviator sunglasses. I set the list up with a rough price range in mind and went to searching. Having that list and trying to find the perfect items in those categories for me kept me from buying other stuff I don't need. It also made me think about what I really wanted in those items, so I ended up buying pieces that I haven't lost interest in (since I didn't impulse buy them). 
  • If I want to buy some new makeup item, I can't buy it the day I find it. I will look through my stash and see if I have anything comparable. Then I'll find reviews for it to see if the product is worth it. If I still want it after that time, I can get it. 
  • No buying of shampoo, conditioner, or body wash until the current stock is used up. I'm ok with just saying not to buy stuff in these categories since I know I like what I already have and I just need to use it up. 
  • Actually use the skin care sample that I have up, then restock with the full sized items that I like. I am still in the process of finding the right skin care items for me, so it doesn't make sense for me to buy new full sized items that I don't know will work for me when I can try the sample sized items I have and maybe find a winner there. 
  • For clothing, I think I am going to try the hanger thing (hang all the clothes in your closet backwards and then see if you worn them at the end of the year). I used to work in retail, so I had amassed so. many. cheap. clothes that of course didnt really fit or last very long. I've flushed a lot of that stuff out, but it is still not great. I have realized that I would much rather have my closet full of clothes that I can immediately pull out and put on without having to think about whether it fits/is stained/is appropriate for my age/is my style. 
Hopefully I will be good!  :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Edit: I am also cancelling my Birchbox subscription. Way too many samples to use up plus some customer service issues I've had with them means it is time for a break!

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Omg, this! I went from reading over 100 books a year (thank you Goodreads for keeping up with that for me!) to reading barely 20 this year!
I'm actually in the reverse situation -- I barely did any reading in 2013.  Then I discovered I can use the Kindle app on my work computer and I read dozens and dozens of books during downtime at work in 2014.

I watch out for Kindle Daily deals in my preferred genre and I do several rewards programs (one from Bing rewards, one from my health insurance company, and one from my credit card company) to get Amazon gift cards.  So I'm spending money, but it's not a ton.  Also I get a lot of free books from publishers (though those are paper and have to be read at home).

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Ooh I like this. I guess I will start today rather than yesterday. I'm making a few edits to this, as I always get a set amount of cash out at the beginning of the month, and I feel less anxious setting a shorter goal.

My rules will be:

1. No beauty/makeup/clothing purchases for myself for 30 days on my credit card, commencing on Jan 2, 2015. 

2. Cash is acceptable but nothing over $10.

3. Current subscriptions can be kept, but no new subs can be added.

4. Can participate in Swaps or Secret Exchanges

5. Can only purchase basic hygiene items when they run out.

6. Can only purchase Birchbox items with points.

7. Can use gift cards but cannot go over limit.

Oh and here is what I will do to support that--

1. Unsub to all my sale emails

2. Take my cc out of my wallet and put it up.

3. Block my favorite shopping sites.

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I did not unsubscribe from Ulta e-mails.  I got one today, for a (good) GWP with $50 purchase.  And then I really looked at the picture of the items you get.  Of the 6 items, I already have samples of 5 of them.  (Two of the items, I have at least 2 samples of!)

Sorting my stash was such a good idea.  Because now I know what I have.

I did NOT cave in.  I don't need any of it!

ok rules for 100 day no buy --

beauty related: 

1. i can decide between birchbox for that month OR $10 on indies but not both

2. if i can get a spot on the GDE OTM that is allowed but no other subs

3. birchbox points are fair game, must evaluate after 100 days if it is worth keeping or if i'm really just after the points 

4. replacements are OK but backups are not

weight loss related

5. no buy on clothes until i hit my weight mini-goal

6. new nikes are allowed but only if under $50 (helloooo challenge #1: walk into nordstrom rack and avoid the beauty section!)

7. cannot shop the VS sale! be strong, girl!

8. work out during lunch hour!

life related

9. only allowed to eat out 1x / week if we choose to have a date night

10. no lunches out unless on company business 

that should be it!!! good luck everyone!


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